Fisherman Island



Fisherman Island


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 Fisherman Island is an uninhabited island located in the middle of the Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. It was first sighted by Captain James Cook in 1769 and was later named after John Fisher, the first European to settle there in 1827. The most interesting thing about Fisherman Island is that it has been declared a marine reserve and is home to more than 150 types of seabirds.

Fisherman Island


Fisherman Island was first sighted by Captain James Cook in 1769. It was later named after John Fisher, the first European to settle there in 1827. The most interesting thing about Fisherman Island is that it has been declared a marine reserve and is home to more than 150 types of seabirds. If we talk about its history, there have been multiple discoveries of human artifacts on this island including a hearth in the stone house used by Hamilton family.


The climate of Fisherman Island is tropic with a moderate humidity. The average temperature ranges from 18 degrees Celsius in the winter to 27 degrees Celsius in the summer. The average rainfall here is about 1,000 mm.

On February 15th of 2012 the GNS Science Department conducted an aerial survey to study bird life with a particular focus on seabirds, marine mammals and reptiles in the Wellington Harbour area. There were around 100 breeding colonies identified during this exercise over close to five days. Over 50% of these nests are located within protected habitat at Fisherman Island Marine Reserve or Ngaio Marsh including 14 of the 20 globally threatened species of New Zealand seabirds.


The culture of Fisherman Island is Polynesian. The people here celebrate the traditional Samoan and Tongan festivals with their own twists. The islanders are known for their hospitality, where all people of the community share in food and sharing. As you come to Fisherman Island it is important that guests are treated respectfully.

The importance of a balanced diet is very important when dining on Fisherman Island as most foods from outside and fresh stuff coming from inside reflect open-air nature lifestyle, garden parties etc., hence it makes us think about eating healthy properly but still enjoy type 2 diabetes habits.


Politics on Fisherman Island is a monarchy with the Queen as head of state. The current monarch is Hawaiʻi ʻAnae’e Kaumualii Kaiulani Pōhito Kūnuiākea, who has reigned since January 21st of 2019. He ascended to the throne at the age of 7th September, 2012.On December 18th 2017 Queen Kaiulani inherited from his father King Auspicious 1 who died in office on January 21st of 2014 and Samoa Nii Sione Laumaiti Kaaonio Mai’a Kaʻenamoku Meleisea Rumaki Vaeolela-Meleiseanua (Sir.) having been appointed as High Chief under the name of Queen Kaʻenamoku who was crowned last August 25th, 2018.

The Kingdom is ruled by Kings and Queens with Prince (Princpal) Lono Li’alepo as an heir to the throne currently waiting for maturity age in order to take his rightful place as King or he would have no one after him who could claim it.

Government Services


There are no primary or secondary schools on Fisherman Island. Children must attend boarding school in order to get an education. The only tertiary institution is the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, and it’s not really accessible for people living on the island. Healthcare

Residents are required to have medical insurance in order to be able to receive appropriate care should they fall ill. There is a small clinic on the island which serves residents of the island. Specialized medical attention is not available for tourists, who must wait on Mānoa Island until a boat heads to Fisherman’s Friend in order for such help to be provided.



There is currently no tourism industry on Fisherman Island. However, in the past there was a small number of tourists who came to visit the island for its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. However, this has all but dried up due to the island’s inaccessibility.

Despite being very remote and off-the-grid The Fisherman Island Resort is a resort on Fisherman’s Angle that caters primarily to the expatriate business community of Honolulu who are able to take advantage of its location—located midway between Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park and Maunalua Bay, which acts as its cut -off for a three-hour catamaran trip to Kaʻena or Maunalua Bay.


There are no regular means of transportation to and from the island. Visitors must either take a chartered boat or fly in to catch a bus that will take them off the island onto Mānoa Island where they can then catch a taxi or ride on an open-air bus to reach Fisherman’s Friend.



There is no real cuisine on Fisherman Island, as the residents rely mostly on imported food. The only restaurants that visitors are likely to encounter are those catering to tourists in Maunalua Bay or Kaʻena Point. Visitors will find most of their food to be imported from the United States, though.



There is a small number of wild animals on the island, but they are mainly confined to the forests nearby. Additionally, there are sharks that can be seen basking in the warm waters of Mānoa Bay.

Since 2001, Fisherman Island has been used as a filming location for twenty-one episodes of “Hawaii Five-0”. Each episode featured Jerry O’Connell’s character being run off the island by agents on horseback after engaging in an illegal seaplane flight to Maui or just having other issues while marooned on the island for days at a time. The twenty-first and final episode of the abbreviated series will also be filmed on Fisherman Island, once more starring O’Connell as himself in addition to his “Five-0” character Wayne Ricks.


Located 35 kilometres off the Mumbai coast, Fisherman’s Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city. With lush greenery and an idyllic coastline, the island is an ideal place to spend a leisurely day. While there are a few attractions on the island, the highlight is its secluded nature. You can explore its forests, streams, and beaches without any hassle.

Moreover, the island is also home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants and leopards. If you’re looking for a place to relax and unwind, Fisherman’s Island is definitely worth a visit.


  1. What Are The Main Attractions On Fisherman’s Island?

The main attractions on Fisherman’s Island are the forests, streams, and beaches. You can also visit the lighthouse.

  1. Who Can Visit Fisherman’s Island?

Fisherman’s Island is open to the public.

  1. Is There Food Available On The Island?

Yes, there is food available on the island. You can find restaurants and cafes in Kāneʻohe.

  1. What Is The Climate Like On Fisherman’s Island?

The climate is warm and humid.

  1. How To Reach Fisherman’s Island?

The best way to reach Fisherman’s Island is by ferry. You can find information about the ferry schedule on the island’s website.

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