Flaherty Island-Everything you have to know



Flaherty Island


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Flaherty Island is a secluded and idyllic place, located in the heart of Muscat. It is a paradise for nature lovers and birdwatchers, as it is home to an abundance of rare and endangered species. The Island also has an interesting history, which includes being the site of an archaeological excavation that uncovered evidence of the ancient city of Dilmun. Today, Flaherty Island is a popular tourist destination, with visitors drawn to its natural beauty and historical significance. Here’s a guide to help you get the most out of your visit

Flaherty Island


Flaherty Island is the site of an archaeological excavation that uncovered evidence of the ancient city of Dilmun. This discovery has led to Flaherty Island being celebrated as one of the most important archaeological sites in Oman.

The island was first discovered by Scottish explorer, James Flaherty, in 1849. He named it after his shipmate and friend, Captain Charles Edmund Flaherty. The island was later acquired by Muscat Municipality in 1984, and since then has become a popular tourist destination.

Nature lovers will be drawn to the beautiful landscape that can be found on the Island. The area surrounding Flaherty is rife with interesting vegetation and wildlife, including Krakatau palm trees, flamingos, crabs, lobsters, and small monkeys. In addition to this natural beauty, there are also a number of caves in which rock paintings can be found dating back over 2 thousand years ago.

Environmentalists will enjoy being on an island so close to Muscat Bay. Tourists who venture out onto the island will have commanding views across the bay as well as wonderful places for strolling around such as Birdwatchers Walkway and the Malay Tea Houses. The island also has a unique hillside amphitheater with views down to Dibba al-Fujairah.



The climate on Flaherty Island is tropical, with temperatures ranging from 24-30 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The Island is also particularly prone to heavy downpours in the summer. Flights are available to the island from Muscat, Dibba al-Fujairah and Ras Ibri through National Air too. Local tour operators also offer day trips to the Island for an additional fee . Peak Season (March – August) is hot weather.

October – April can be a little cool but mostly dry; expect heat waves in summer: more frequent occurrences than around most of Sus, where sea breezes temper temperatures on land by cooling ocean waters before they reach shore. Evening humidity at night makes it feel hotter In winter months very few tourists visit this island as its too far north for most to make the chance cost of travel. Summer (April – December) is cooler, clearer days and lower humidity year round.


Flaherty Island is home to a number of cultural attractions. The most well-known is the Malay Tea Houses, which was built in 1884 and overlooks Muscat Bay. There are also several smaller cave paintings that can be found on the island dating back 2000 years.

The culture of Flaherty Island reflects its natural surroundings with many fishermen and farmers living there. Many families still reside on the island and have preserved their traditional lifestyles while adapting to modern times.

Local artisans produce handicrafts such as woven baskets, jewelry, pottery and woodcarving from local materials like ebony and coconut. Many tourists ask to purchase handmade jewelry, with proceeds going towards the maintenance of ball fields for families that want to keep their traditions alive as originally intended.

Fishing continues to play an important part in the life of Flaherty Islanders from crab fishing on average 40 tons annually through sardine farming exclusively done by women whose livelihoods take them back and forth across oceans daily depending on where prices are at one end or other. Fishermen also make extensive use of the numerous lines that snake along Muscat Bay made up mostly by crustaceans, mollusks including mus sels, lobsters and conch.

There is an array of restaurants in the area catering for both local residents interests and tourists alike with normally set opening hours from 9:00am to 5:30pm . Seafood dishes are commonly at this time along with a variety including chicken stir fry, curries fishheads kelleks eel noodles or kiklaisn opu – mussel pancakes.



Flaherty Island is a part of the United States Virgin Islands and has no representation in either house of Congress. The Governor of the USVI is appointed by the President, with confirmation from the US Senate. Executive authority rests with various departments and agencies within the government. There are several small villages on Flaherty including Government Hill Village (home to local government offices), Holmes Bay Village (a center for tourism), Cat Island Village, Beef Island village (producer of beef cattle), and Pigeon Point.

There are two primary schools one grade 6-12 which teaches American/Western curriculum as well as one grade 1 through 5 which teaches functional English to its villagers. Secondary school students can continue their studies up to a Higher School Certificate or serve in the military at some point depending on where they wish to go from there.

Government services

Government services

The following are the main government services offered by Flaherty Island:

Public Health Department- This department is responsible for administering health care to all residents of Flaherty Island. The public health nurse will be able to give you information on how to receive services from this department and what the process is like. In addition, they can also provide a list of doctors and other medical professionals who work in this department.

Education- This department has several sub-departments that deal with education ranging from kindergarten through college-level classes. You can find a list of teachers and other employees working in this department on their website or by contacting them directly at (305) 672-9229.

Clerk of Courts- This office handles all civil court cases, including small claims and landlord/tenant disputes as well as family law matters such as divorce, child custody, adoption, and domestic violence cases. They have an online form that you can fill out if you need assistance with these types of issues.


Flaherty Island Tourism

The tourism industry is slowly developing on Flaherty Island. There are several Kerry Blue Terriers that you can visit, as well as Pigeon Pointe which has a lighthouse, beach and kayak rental facilities. A charter boat can take you and 4 others to Pigeon Point for a day of snorkeling.


There is limited transport options on Flaherty Island. The only way to get around the island is by walking or biking. There are no cars on the island, so you will have to rely on public transportation to get from one location to another.

The closest airport that offers flights into and out of Miami is the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport which is approximately 50 miles away from Flaherty Island.


Flaherty Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the eastern Caribbean Sea. It is a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling because of its crystal-clear waters, coral reefs, and abundance of marine life. The island was also the location of a United States military installation, called Fort Dix, which was shut down in 1994. The island is now administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAIT) as a tourist attraction.


1. How Can I Get to Flaherty Island?

The only way to get around the island is by walking or biking. There are no cars on the island, so you will have to rely on public transportation to get from one location to another. The closest airport that offers flights into and out of Miami is the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport which is approximately 50 miles away from Flaherty Island.

2. What is the Climate Like on Flaherty Island?

The climate on Flaherty Island is warm and humid all year round. There are no seasons because there is no daylight during winter.

3. What Are the Richmond County’s Main Attractions?

The main attraction on Flaherty island is its crystal-clear waters, coral reefs, and abundance of marine life. Another popular activity on the island is scuba diving and snorkeling because of its located in close proximity to some of the best dive sites in the Caribbean Sea, including Pigeon Pointe which has a coral formation known as the Cathedral, and Pigeon Hole which is a sunken wreck of an early man-made warship.

4. What Should I Pack for Flaherty Island?

The island has warm water year-round so you can wear swimsuits in any season. There are no shops on the island to buy anything but basic items such as food from nearby supermarkets or grocery stores that also sell life vests if you plan on having scuba diving lessons with your family or friends during your vacation at Flaherty Island.. Sanitation facilities The same applies for what to bring: packing for a self-catering vacation at Flaherty Island is pretty much the same: what you bring depends on how long you’re staying. Having your own souvenir purchases from your time spent in Florida could be a nice addition to remind yourself and others of when visiting this nature lover’s haven.

5. Will I Need Any Special Insurance or Anything Like That?

No, visitors do not require insurance or another type of permits for their stay(s) in Floridiana as it would be medically inadvisable due to its natural state.

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