Frazier Islands [Every Thing You Have To Know]



Frazier Islands


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The Frazier Islands are a group of uninhabited islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, lying in Frobisher Bay about midway between the mainland and the island of Devon Island.

The islands are named after Rear-Admiral Richard Henry Royce, an American naval officer who explored the area in 1881.

Frazier Islands


The islands are made up of three islets surrounding an open bay. There is an Inuit village on the south coast of Weimar Island which was memorialized by naming a nearby cape or promontory for Captains Kurt and Arlt (both died in World War I).

During the mid-1800s various sled trips carried tourists to this site. The island had been abandoned at least since 1884 but its archaeological evidence dated to as early as 1700.

In early 1927, Alfred and Charlotte Fleurant were hired to map the area north of Weimar Island as part of an effort by Canadian Arctic Expedition (CANEX) officials in Ottawa to delineate potential port sites for a Canada-Soviet trade route across North America’s vast northern waters.

On their way provisioning Weimar Inlet Harbour with seal meat, water and fuel for launch navigation they discovered some human bones on Ridley Island.



Frobshere Bay is a water-filled, glacial cirque resulting from the retreat of Harrison Glacier. The glaciers terminus at this point ends in Weimar instead as an outflow into Frobisher Bay following slight rebound deposits and flow direction of easy configuration onshore facies.

Frobshere Bay has a vertical relief of between above sea level and is bounded on the east by Weimar Island, the south by Hinderson Island (formed as a glacial cirque), its west coast bordered by Melville Cove.

In addition to previously explored archaeological evidence from 1700s until near abandonment in 1927 or later it also experienced some vandalism suggesting that Frobisher-Fleurant were not alone during their expedition.



Previous excavation details offer minimal chronologic density (with one example) beyond the 1700s, and most of that was on a small scale from west-central to southern area of the island.

It does not thus suggest any patterns are present in population or habitation numbers for Weimar Island’s prehistory, documented by human remains; furthermore no surface structures were found nor artifacts dating back earlier than 1700.

With only two known 20th century items as proof of presence in the area none are of high note and may be deemed routine items from other times.

In 2001 Canada became a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity which recognized it, among others, as having outstanding biological diversity on both land and in offshore waters; thus protecting significant vertebrate populations (e.g., caribou) for study purposes despite management practices that preclude access to some of these areas without explicit authorizations for.



It is managed by the Canadian Wildlife Service under authority of Environment Canada; thus any activities on or near Weimar Island in Frobisher Bay pose a direct threat to this same biological diversity.

For example, development (noise mitigation) and human presence are recognized as having caused significant decline in caribou populations along with various other mammal species within their annual migration patterns of movement over geological timescales.

Such calls for action from both conservationists and the large mining industry regularly appear in media; both groups urge conservationists to attract attention from governments on behalf of Weimar Island’s ecosystem and resource value.

Although land title is officially held by the Government of Nunavut for governmental purposes only, it also constitutes a private domain which responds directly to who holds interest therein (i.e., individual possessors). The most prominent current owner was Ronald Mtlilsho Ndlovu who.

Government services

Government services

apparently unaware of such interests, constructed a ramshackle wooden building in the middle of one designated walking route.

The area received similar notice from officials and by June 2001, after multiple requests for refunds towards services rendered (gasoline which he used while attending to his personal needs) and a lack thereof; the Government ordered its removal at public expense when construction permanently damaged Arctic Flora & Vegetation on two areas requiring restoration work thereby jeopardizing government funded scientific research.

At present, no one owns the land east of the dike; though a number of private undertaking businesses have enjoyed operating with approval from officials on Weimar’s mainland (e.g., Nunavut Power & Utilities Co, Eagle River Air Services Ltd).

In this formalized lease arrangement for exploration energy generation in 2007 three mining companies initially drilled test holes into ground which was subsequently declared an archeological site by Environment Canada and Heritage Canada deem.



At present, there is no public overnight accommodation available on Weimar Island; though the abandoned buildings make excellent private dwelling sites. Private shore access may be authorised in today’s events of “adventure tourism” (e.g., film crews and European eco-tourists).

Canada obtained agreements with Nunavutfilm Communications Inc to produce feature length documentaries on the island which have fuelled media attention about why Inuit generally refer to it as Nanas.


Located on the eastern end of Sri Lanka, the Frazier Islands are a group of two small islands north of Trincomalee. The islands are named after American Captain Samuel Augustus Foster Frazer who explored them in 1873. The islands were declared a national park in 1984.

The park is home to a variety of endemic and endangered flora and fauna as well as being a popular tourist location.


What is the Main Focus of This Article?

If there’s one place you should add to your bucket list, it’s the Frazier Islands! Not only are they beautiful, but they’re also perfect for exploring and enjoying nature.

With so much to offer, we’ve put together some of the best tips on things to do in the islands so that you can make the most of your visit. From adventure activities to hiking trails, we’ve got you covered!

How Did North Island Become a National Park?

The Frazier Islands are a chain of about 36 coral atolls located in the Central Pacific Ocean, about 1,500 kilometres south of Hawaii.

The atolls are a part of the Kingdom of Tonga, and together make up the Tongan National Trust. The islands were named after American naval historian Alfred Thayer Mahan.

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