Gabo Island



Gabo Island


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Gabo Island is a secluded and largely uninhabited island in the Solomon Islands. It is a declared Ramsar site, and is home to a great variety of birdlife. The island also has several ancient villages, and is rich in cultural heritage. It is also a popular diving spot, with clear water and dive sites suitable for all levels of divers.

Gabo Island



Gabo Island was first discovered by the Europeans in the early nineteenth century. It remained largely uninhabited until the mid-twentieth century, when a number of villages were established on it by members of the Solomon Islands National Congress (SINC). The SINC was a short-lived political movement that aimed to achieve independence for the Solomon Islands from British rule. Gabo Island became an important centre for their activities, and many of its residents take their allegiance to the SINC very seriously.


Gabo Island has a tropical climate, with temperatures averaging around 25 degrees Celsius all year round. The island experiences two rainy seasons, which usually last from June to November and from December to May. The island records thunderstorms and tornadoes, which are most prevalent during the first half of the dry season. The rainy seasons can still be very humid though : rain above 65 degrees Celsius is not uncommon.



Gabo Island is a largely traditional society. This means that the island’s residents are strongly attached to their customs and traditions, which play an important role in their lives. Many of the elders on Gabo Island are deeply knowledgeable about Solomon Islands history and culture, and are very proud of what their island has achieved. They also pride themselves on their own crafts and traditions.

The residents of Gabo Island are known for particularly being hospitable, and often open up their homes to tourists, offering tours around the island or simply just a meal as welcome to strangers staying in the village during a visit. They take great care of people they consider leaders (the communities elders), who will probably treat you very well if introduced correctly by locals or visitors at the hotel where you are staying.


The Solomon Islands is a member of the United Nations and has been an independent country since 1978. The SINC is the main political party in Solomon Islands, and they are currently in power. The economy is heavily based on agriculture, logging and aid from the Australian government. The villagers are also known for their natural wood craftsmanship, preserving traditional artifacts such as carvings & bowls with black nail polish to protect it from the rain.

Government services

The government services on Gabo Island are limited, and the villagers rely mainly on aid from the Australian government and donations from tourists. There is no electricity or running water on the island, so visitors are required to bring their own supplies with them when travelling to stay in village homes. There is a small airport, with flights provided by Air Solomon Islands. There are also regular ferries from Gizo town to the Wharf area of Gabo Island. There is no public transport on Gabo island but there are lots of scooters for hire everywhere in Honiara BNI (Figure 2), which can get you anywhere quickly if necessary as it does not have any traffic lights or areas blocked off like the bigger cities in the Solomon Islands.



The Solomon Islands is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming for the beautiful beaches and warm weather. The main attractions on Gabo Island are the rainforest, coral reefs and white-sand beaches (Figure 3). It is possible to visit other islands in the Solomons, but there are not as many tourism options available. Rainforest

The rainforests of Gabo are made up of two main types: low-lying interior forests and central mountain forest. The Kastom people who live on the island often graze their livestock in these forests, living off what they grow which is mostly taro. Many villages tend to do a lot less farming now than in the past as many men have left for other places with work opportunities.



There is only limited transport available on the island, with most people using scooters or bicycles to get around. The roads are in a very poor state and can be quite dangerous during rain or high wind conditions. There is a fairly new lodge which provides bussing service to and from the Wharf area of Gabo into Honiara BNI, however this only operates once per day.

There is no public transport by road or air between different islands in the Solomon Islands. The most popular way for tourism purposes used to be ferry services but these have stopped offering this service.



The wildlife of Gabo includes elephants, lemurs, monkeys and snakes. It is possible to see these animals in the forest if you are lucky enough to be there at the right time. The coral reefs in the waters of Gabo are known for their marine life. Visitors to these islands can see octopus, flounder and eel-like fish near the shore before diving or snorkeling at a nearby reef area.

Surfing enthusiasts heading to Gabo should be aware that there is not much swell hitting it meaning waves have often been described as flat calm water surfing. Bring your own boards/surf gear as there are no rental shops on the island.

Personal safety and health

There have been a few cases of contracting Malaria from Gabo, however it is not common due to the insecticide netting used by the locals in their huts. The tourist industry is quite prolific meaning you should take steps such as talking with other tourists before going out alone or at night to warn others if they may need medical attention fast when you return back home.


Gabo Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Guinea, off the eastern coast of Ghana. The island is notable for its unique ecosystem, which includes a large population of elephants and other large mammals. The island was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 for its “cultural and natural values”.


What Currency Is Used In Gabo?

There is no official currency on Gabo, but the local Solomon Islands dollar is generally accepted.

What Are The Seasons Like In Gabo?

The climate is tropical, with average daily temperatures around 25°C. The best time to visit is between December and May, though you’ll find pleasant weather throughout the year as long as ocean water temperatures remain warm enough for divers.angua delta .com

Is It Possible To Dive From Gabo?

Yes, you can dive from Gabo in a variety of water temperatures. The best time to visit is between December and May; ocean water at these times will be warm enough for most divers.

What Do People Eat On Gabo Island?

The traditional diet reflects the marine environment featured by the island: fish, mollusks, mussels and crabs are all sources of protein for coastal dwellers – typically eaten with coconut or mango fruit and rice. To visitors there’s nothing better than the local reef fish, but vegetarians can also find plenty of choice in the village markets and cafes.

Where To Stay On Gabo?

Gabo has a collection of distinctive resorts scattered along its east coast, some rustic cottages framed with coconut fronds tucked behind palm trees or in lush forest-lined river valleys; others are large colonial style buildings with air conditioning and swimming pools.

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