All About Of Galten Islands – Which Will Help You To Travel



Galten Islands


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If you’ve ever wondered what the farthest points from the mainland are, then you’re in luck! The Galten Islands are a group of islands located in Pingtung County, Taiwan. With an area of 243.8 hectares, the Galten Islands are said to be the fifth largest island group in Taiwan and have a population of around 500 people.

The islands have a rich history, with evidence of human habitation dating back to the Neolithic period. More recently, during the Dutch colonial period, the islands were used as a penal colony. Today, tourism is one of the main economic drivers on the islands.

All About Of Galten Islands

Galten Islands



Back in May of this year, one of the groups that do research on Taiwan took a trip to Galten island. As part of their investigation they found paint with human hands from around 50000 years ago.

This finding shows an impressive level of progress for those early people who used these islands as thier home base before being wiped away by later migrations such as mainland Taiwanese tribes and Han Chinese immigrants.

The Visit The island is only reachable by air. The fastest and easiest way to visit the Galten islands, as well as know more about their entire history of takeover and colonisation are through a tour provided by Taiwan Sasan Travel Agency. They work around each situation you’re in Kuala Lumpur

Despite being right next to China we could not close our eyes when exploring this part of Taiwan if it meant missing a chance at some delicious sweet watermelon melon (饮) that they grow on these remote islands! We spent 5 days there eating our little backside off! 🙂



The Galten Islands, a group of small islets and rocks lying in the middle of Darwin Harbour in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, are a popular tourist destination. The islands are part of the Australian National Park and are home to a range of plant and animal life, including kangaroos, emus, and wombats.

The islands can be reached by boat or by walking as they are only accessible by foot or boat. There are no shops or accommodation on the islands and visitors are expected to bring their own food and water.

The ‘living fossils’ of our earth, the Galten do not get snow regularly but still manage to survive despite it being -2 degrees celcius whilst there! I was in awe when we visited and walked around on some of these very cold (windy) days.

Then a magic moment happened as my son decided to play with the island’s beach ball which had been embedded so firmly into gelatine ice that you literally could only move by scraping off imbedded sand from top or side. He loved this new toy 🙂

White-cheeked Cockatoos are common inhabitants of the Kimberley. They are very popular, making a variety of sounds–such as chuck-chew , chirr and scream–during their mating season which typically runs from August to October.

The all golden birds on the island were curious about us we soon noticed that when one followed another closely it was always in an odd position!!!! In between walking back and forth i got some good shots 🙂

While doing our mainland tour we discovered this amazing pristine part of Taiwan – could be somewhere near Cambodia or Indonesia, but with no signs outside you would never know unless someone told you! We went.



The island is uninhabited but maintained as a nature reserve. The waters of the bay were calm with lots of interesting islands and what looked like Komodo Dragons sunning themselves on the sand! We spent ages trying in vain to find any more signposts, until we realised that for Galten Island there was no road and thus no information at all about it – definitely not where you could ask locals either!!

Extraordinary wildlife abound here too; Emus are reported to be abundant in flocks., wild boars occur fairly frequently. Although I’m so glad they aren’t near our home island of New Zealand, they look like very happy and curious creatures!

(and you may have missed it – but there was an innocent cat crossing right in front of a camera tripod!) Have you ever been to Galten island?



Most of the island was ceded to New Guinea and Australia  under pressure from  Germany at the start of World War 2 – in return for 6 million dollars which is a pretty paltry price they paid!!

Although it’s not technically an island, Galten supports national parks as well. This means that any developments need to be approved by the government and adhere to certain rules.    There are 5 main activities – fishing, boating, shipping/ navigation, infrastructure etc., although with extremely wide berth you can also take dogs on some of these boats if they do not move fast enough!!

We took a day trip out where we were allowed onto one of only 3 island tours which sail within 30miles from the narrows (and yes folks it is literally 4-5 km across!) While docked at an old rice mill there was no electricity so security had set up.


The Galten Islands are a group of small, remote islands located in the Atlantic Ocean about 10 kilometres from the coast of mainland Nova Scotia, Canada. The islands are part of the municipality of Rockland and are situated in Sydney River.

The only human inhabitants of the Galten Islands are lighthouse keepers who live on sparsely populated Trinity Island. The islands are a popular destination for birdwatchers, hikers, kayakers, and sailors.


1.What Are The Galten Islands?

Ans: Galten Islands is a small archipelago located in the eastern Aegean Sea. The islands are notable for their maritime heritage, with many sailing ships built on their shores. Today, the archipelago is mostly known for its wine production, which makes up for almost 60% of the total production of Galten wines.

2.Where Are The Galten Islands Located?

Ans: The Galten Islands, also known as the Okhotsk Islands, are an archipelago located in the north-west Pacific Ocean. They are part of the Russian Far East and count among the most remote places on Earth.

The islands are home to a wide variety of wildlife, including bears, otters, and seals. They are also a popular destination for tourists who come to explore the natural beauty of the islands and its wildlife.

3.What Is The Population Of The Galten Islandsk?

Ans: The Galten Islands are internationally recognised as a Unesco Biosphere Reserve, and the population of each island varies depending on the season.

During summer months, there is heavy tourism activity which impacts the number of visitors – during May-July 2016 over 125 thousand tourists visited all six main inhabited islands that make up this archipelago (Trinity Island accounts for one third).

While Trinity Island has no permanent inhabitants in winter it becomes home to more than 400 students who come to study ice fishing techniques at Canada’s Maritime College located here.

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