All About Of Giganteus Island – Everything You Have to Know



Giganteus Island


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Giganteus Island is an island located in the Andaman Sea, southeast of the Bay of Bengal. The island is a part of the Andaman archipelago, and it is part of the Indian territory.

It is also part of the East Pakistan district. The island is separated from the mainland by the Andaman Sea and has two harbours: one on its northeast coast and another on its southeast coast. The main town on the island, Andaman settlement, has a population of around 1,500.

All About Of Giganteus Island

Giganteus Island



The island has had a long history of human settlement. The rock shelter of Kachuga is located on the southern tip of this island and can be dated to about 520 B.C (estimated).

Ptolemy referred to the “Gigantes”, referring, by Sea power in these seas were ruled by two monarchs called Kanhaion or King Gajateshadeva & Canarehunjaa whom they worshipped as Parameshvara Hindus believed that those who possessed sea-powers could never die whereas Shivites revered Shiva’s river goddesses i”e . Ganga and Jamuna river-goddesses.



When the “Gigantes” were conquered & converted to Buddhism, we find them worshipping Mahavira . We have some of their inscriptions which give us a glimpse into their early history.

There is mention of Vagras island (also known as Vago tract) in both Rasikapriya and Aslihnur plates written on copper-plates by one Sudarsana dated AD 220 revealing trade relations between Belthangarh & Coringa mentioned in stanza XIV. 1).

Finally chenna lakshmi varijita came with Ravidatta and settled at “Gragach(Vago) island without a king and he had three sons and one daughter.

Mention of Vagra Island by Chinese experts when accompanied the emperor Hsuan Tsang in 644 A.D.. Not only that this island is mentioned to be 480 leagues from the kingdom of Maharathiravalas (i f r, Malava country….), it also has been given 4 name-

Tonda Roro, Dvarmarandelam (?), Tyros kovo , Pandule hermitage . The history of Hinduism under Pad.



Most of the islanders are Hindu converts. The island is home to one of the largest monasteries in India, Himavanta temple on Peti Bay and can be accessed from either Parganas or Kachuga depending upon which way you exit from Belthangarh town .

The majority follow open religions like Sikhism , Buddhism & also Jainism as predominant ones while some follow local gods/idols whose origins remains unknown but these names include Sudarsana Shiva – Adeno Godmana Shivu (the deity worshipping Ganges River Goddess) .These god mens are most likely the rulers of Belthangarh in ancient times .

The islanders speak bengali ( original yapa-bha and this was from influx of Bengalis) & Sanskrit . Their language is oral like other tribal citizens all over India.They basically follow angika,the religious scriptural texts.

These Hindu converts were barbarous, cruel and sharp at dealing with their enemies but pretty friendly for fellow countrymen when needed during military campaigns. But Islam has ruined that peaceful village life drastically as now nobody trusts any Muslim what soever .



Giganteus Island is a place that is shrouded in mystery and shrouded in fear. It is a place that is said to be home to giant monsters that patrol the island and eat humans. Some say that these monsters are actually the ghosts of people who died on the island and that they are waiting to eat someone who walks by.

No one has ever set foot on the island, and no one knows what is really on it. But, people are still afraid to go there, no matter how much they may want to know what is really happening on the island.



Giganteus Island is a place that is shrouded in mystery and shrouded in fear. It is a place that is said to be home to giant monsters that patrol the island and eat humans. Some say that these monsters are actually the ghosts of people who died on the island and that they are waiting to eat someone who walks by.

No one has ever set foot on the island, and no one knows what is really on it. But, people are still afraid to go there, no matter how much they may want to know what is really happening on the island.

Giganteus Island is said to be the largest island in the world. It is also one of the most inaccessible islands in the world, as it is located in a Pacific Ocean. Giganteus Island was discovered in 1939 and has never been visited by human beings.


At the end of Oceanic island series, Tom and his friends set out to conquer all five main islands in order to become “king or queen” .

In this book, Malik tells them that these stories are just made up because being superior by having a lot of wealth is better than fighting if you do not have real power.

He also tells us that it would be best for our village name getting blowed away like Tommy did , since we can’t so proudly go on yelling what ever language is called anymore seeing how many people i guess are tired off their languages no matter how hard they try maybe.

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