Goold Island



Goold Island


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If you’re looking for a tranquil getaway with gorgeous beaches and crystal-clear waters, take a trip to Goold Island! This uninhabited island is an oasis of calm in the middle of the Caribbean, and it’s perfect for relaxing and enjoying the natural splendour. Whether you’re spending time by the water or exploring the lush forest, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to activities on Goold Island.

Goold Island


Goold Island Climate

buffs will love the historic plantation ruins on the island, while nature enthusiasts will appreciate the abundant wildlife and lush wilderness. There’s also a great range of accommodation options on Goold Island, from rustic cottages to luxury resorts. So whatever your interests or needs, you’re sure to find something perfect on this enchanting island paradise! The island is named after a buccaneer called Richard Goold.

During the 18th century, he lived around here in solitude, never venturing far from his homesite on Gull Island or surrounding islands free of people. Shortly before dying of yellow fever in 1762, Goold gave 6 slaves and some land to a settler from Nevis named William Eliezer .


The temperature ranges from 23 degrees Celsius in winter to 29 degrees Celsius in summer. The rainfall is seasonal (which means there’s less rain between December and April), but it does rain in all months.

Visiting the Island When you arrive at St. Kitts, go straight to Gros Islet . From here, take a once-weekly scheduled catamaran from West Indiaman that goes directly to Goold Island [Read More] History of Richard Eliazer Jauncey by his brother, William Elizur J. Jannot London 1790 The origin of the main surnamed family in Ayrshire (part of Scotland) dates back to about 1150 AD Owen le Beau, or Ivor de Bellaigne , a member of this same household whose grandson was Hughie Belleme.


Owen, son of Herve le Beau, took the surname de Bellaigne in marriage to Bertrade de Montfort , sister and heiress of Walter FitzGilbert (d.1176), castellan of Auchterarder or Echtgerdar .

The Beaulieu pedigree in Hampshire can be traced back to at least 1130 AD when Godwin Beaulieu received a knight’s fee from King Stephen of England.

The Beaulieu name continues in Hampshire today with several branches, the Halls (Essex), Wells-Beaufords and Chidester-Bevan – that of Robert de Beauville built Cotehele Castle for Henry II .

1390 AD Henry IV purchased a manor from David Mar son of William Holland , Esq , called Shaldholm Manor or Shadolme alias Hulme (Ayr shire) from James Mar . Sir Robert de Beaulye of Hulme was the ancestor of most branches in Scotland and England including Springhead (Yorkshire), Howston, Fawconer – Vaughan, Pollok , Fleming every branch is shared with relatives living within Scandinavia.


Even after the death of Hugh Beaulye and subsequent partition of his estates between his three daughters, ivoire de Bellaigne married John Stewart , second son of Robert II (1274-1329), king of Scots .

John Stewart became the progenitor through two wives, Margaret Douglas and Mary Stewart , both heiress to large estates. From these marriages sprang what are now known as the Douglases and Stewarts – this is the origin of the Douglases (“The Lord Paramount”) and Stewarts ( “Stewards” – Earls).

Owen Belliagane was a significant owner in Scotland after 1200 AD.

Government Services

Sir Francis Beaufort (1513-1592), first father of King Charles I, served as Secretary at War and later as a Lord Privy Seal. In the 17th century Sir John Beaufort (1596-1675) 2nd son of Francis I and father of King Charles II, was created Earl Beaufort.

His great grandchildren included Henry Stuart (“Prince”) James Stewart , ancestor to Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous ghost story The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde – brought about by a marriage between Annabella “Nell” Countess Darnley from Suffolk in England, third sister of Queen Henrietta Maria and Charles II.


The Beauforts were among the most powerful families in England and Scotland during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The family’s ancestral seat – including the former castle, gardens and museums – is open to visitors today.

The Beaufort Constable was taken from Blackditch Castle in Rochdale by Robert II of Scotland in 1200 AD . When it came into possession of Marmaduke Earl David (1450-1503) he gave it to his son Henry , who died without an heir. Founded 1460 onwards at Montrose House until 1635 when sold to the laird of Imickhowe and is thereon known as Montrose House, Dumfries .


The Beauforts were major landowners in Lancashire, Cheshire and Northumberland who financed the building of many canals. The Beaufort Arms / Beaufort Inn in Morecambe is also a famous pub. Edward I of England had taken the Manor House from John de Montford (died c .1298).

The hotel and its lands were given to Ralph Fitzwilliam (“Hervé”) Earl of Shrewsbury, who held them until he was excommunicated by Pope Clement V for his allegiance with King Edward II. His heir then sold the property to Sir George Beaufort.

The Salisbury family that bought the house in 1397 also controlled many of the Lancashire rivers and town meadows, as well as a landed estate at Baldersby Castle near Penrith, which was theirs from 1196 onwards.


If you’re looking for a tranquil getaway with gorgeous beaches and crystal-clear waters, take a trip to Goold Island! This uninhabited island is an oasis of calm in the middle of the Caribbean, and it’s perfect for relaxing and enjoying the natural splendour. Whether you’re spending time by the water or exploring the lush forest, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to activities on Goold Island.


Are There Any Shops Or Cafes On Goold Island?

There are no shops or cafes on Goold Island, but there are some restaurants where you can purchase food and drinks.

What Time Of Year Do The Best Weather And Activities On Goold Island Occur?

The whole island is generally very busy from October to May, but if you’re more interested in getting away from the crowds then June onwards can be a great choice. The climate during this time allows for cooler temps allowing for excellent diving conditions, with temperatures dipping down as low as 12 degrees celsius at night (compared to 22-25 seems like summer.

What’s The Best Way To Get From Goold Island To Other Islands In The Vicinity?

There are three airstrips on and off of Goold Island: Jungle Bay (in Frenchman), Whiffeen, and Great Cabbage. This depends entirely on where you want to go though as all save for a short cut through Columbus’Bounty is quite far away. There isn’t much ‘real transportation’ that we’re aware of between Goold Island and other islands, but you could take your own private boat.

What’s The Best Way To Get To Goold Island From St. Kitts?

Service does not stop on this island (except for scheduled flights between some airports), so there are usually boats that occasionally sail up which: Liberty terminal in Basseterre is where most people go by local or international airline service – cheapest option Jungle Bay Beach resort gets buses at all times of the day – see above or any other shop in Basseterre, Grace Bay (ABC), Buccoo Reef Snorkel Resort for fast service to most points of St. Kitts

How Can I Reach It From My Hotel On St.Kitts?

This island is a short yacht ride away from St.Kitts, where there are many yachts cruise past on their way back to Goold Island.

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