Grindal Island



Grindal Island


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Grindal Island is an archipelago in the Arabian Sea that consists of a group of coral islands. With an area of 5.5 km2, it is the second largest coral island in the world after La Reunion. The islands were named after the Indian administrative officer Lieutenant-Governor Sir Henry Grinlade who explored and charted them in 1883. The island was placed under British rule in 1892 and was known as Aden Protectorate from 1919 to 1937.

Grindal Island


Grindal Island is a part of the Makran region, which was first settled by human beings about 8,000 years ago. The Arabs and Persians also visited this area and even briefly occupied it in the 7th century AD. In 1883, Lieutenant-Governor Sir Henry Grinlade discovered these islands while he was employed as an administrator in Aden Protectorate. He named them after the Governor of Madras who had sponsored his expedition.


Grindal Island Climate

The climate on Grindal Island is tropical and humid. The average annual temperature is 26 degrees Celsius and the coolest month is January with an average temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. The hottest month is July with an average temperature of 31 degrees Celsius. The island experiences two monsoons, which are usually heavy rain seasons that last for about six months each year.


Since the islands have been under British rule, they have developed a distinctive culture. The people mainly speak Malayalam, which is the official language of Kerala state in India. There is also a significant population of Muslims who follow Islam. Some traditional beliefs remain embedded in their customs and traditions even though there has been some Christianisation over the years.


Grindal Island is a part of the Union Territory of Puducherry and its political status is similar to that of other union territories. The island has a unicameral legislature, which consists of an assemblyman from each constituency. The governor general acts as the chief executive officer. Grama panchayats exist on the smaller islands of Andrott and Kittaal.

Government Services

There are no government services available on Grindal Island. However, there is a small hospital that serves the local population. Medical care is not readily available outside of this facility and residents must travel to nearby ports for treatment. There are also no banks or other financial institutions on the island.

Grindal Island has no air ports. Even though there is a ferry service to the neighboring Andrott, people in need of medical care must travel far to reach the port and may not have access to doctors during their travels.


There is very little tourism available on Grindal Island. The main source of income for the local population is fishing. There are a few small resorts that offer tourists opportunities to kayak, scuba dive, and snorkel in nearby waters. Instruments of governance

Grindal Island is administered by the Union Territory Department of Puducherry. Grama panchayats exist on Kittaal, a small island near Grindal in Tamil Nadu state. Social and religious institutions also have authority over some aspects of local affairs.


There is no regular transport available on Grindal Island. Residents must either travel by ferry to Andrott or take a boat from nearby Tamil Nadu state. There are also a few dirt roads that connect the various settlements on the island. These roads are often impassable. Water supplies and sanitation

There is no known water supply or sanitation system on Grindal Island. Residents must travel to the neighboring island of Andrott for drinking water, food and other basic needs like bathing. There is also a small hospital that can treat local residents in need of medical attention but it will not be able to provide all services necessary when needed by those without access transportation.


Sami is the traditional cuisine served in the island’s two restaurants on Kittaal. The menus include local fish, pork and mutton dishes along with preparations prepared from coconut milk, spices and seasonal ingredients such as banana stalks (pambicham), fresh catch of tṛūkās/dactylopiroid sharks or tornados required for paniyora making during festive season are also featured on both menus.


Island life on Grindal is dominated by two large mammalian predators, the tiger and leopard. There are also a few small rodent species, such as the chinchilla, that live on the island. Birdlife includes Egrets, herons and pelicans. Fish abound in the waters and include both predators like sharks, birds of prey and as well local invertebrates such as jellyfish.


The first recorded discovery on Grindal was made by Richard Woodhouse in 1842 who found a handful of small stones carved with Hindu motifs from field work conducted under K. Aigner’s orders to identify possible crops along uncleared areas on the island .Subsequent excavations have revealed remains from the early centuries of our era. The largest known collection is found in a cave on Kittaal.


Grindal Island is a small piece of land in the Arabian Sea that has been attracting tourists from all over the world for the past few years. It’s no wonder why – what this island has to offer is simply mesmerising. The island is home to several white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush green vegetation. Not to mention, it’s also known for its natural rock formations, wild animals, and striking landscapes. If you’re looking for an unforgettable vacation spot, look no further than Grindal Island.


How Long Is The Flight From My Country To Grindal Island?

The average flight time from major cities around the world is about 2 hours. It can, however, vary depending on the route and conditions at that time. The flight from London to Aden, for instance, can as little as 5 minutes.

Is There A Visa For Grindal Island?

While the island is currently not part of any country’s territory meaning it has no visas required by travellers throughout 2017-2018 season – you must always check with your relevant consulate before planning a trip. Supposidly EU nationals do not require any kind of passport or other form of proof when arriving at the islands .

What Are The Prices To Grindal Island?

If you’re planning to book a flight, accommodation and activities through the official company websites then prices are about $70 for adult travellers. Single trip in group of less than 10 people can be as low as $55 per person – depending on the airline website.

On Average How Many Hours Does It Take For Flights To Grindal Island?

Flight time between London and Grindal varies from 4-6 hours . The airlines with direct links from UK are Emirates and Qatar Airways .

Is It Safe To Fly At Grindal Island?

While safety standards remain high, delayed flights do happen – especially when you’re travelling towards northern parts of the world. In such cases crews have time to refuel planes that are necessary before arriving in Aden (at regional airports which are closer), as well as extra travel time since you’re crossing long stretches of water.

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