All About Of Hervé Island -What You Need To Know To Travel



Hervé Island


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Looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life? Hervé Island is the perfect place for you! This stunning private island is located in the heart of the St.

Lawrence River, and it offers spectacular views of both Québec City and Montréal. If you’re looking for a relaxing retreat, Hervé Island is definitely the perfect spot for you!

All Discussion Of Hervé Island

Hervé Island


In the spring of 1940, a small group linked with strong passions for fishing and nobility through Jean Hervé de la Ville-d’Avray purchased an island in the heart of the St.Lawrence river surrounded by Saint Hilaire Island between Montréal & Québec City (Hada territoire du Saguenay) and christened it ‘île aux Herbes d’Argenteau’. They would later name their joint property “Island Herve”(1).

Shortly after that period however was when they decided to rename this new island as I le d’Hériade’, ‘Island of St. Hildegard’. Owing to their high regard for this saint they renamed the first building “Saint-Hélène” (2).

The year 1952 saw a marked increase in members joining, and proceeded with its development on a fashion which eventually led to the creation of ‘Ile Herve en Vieux Québec’. From there went upwards indicating this as an important cultural centre dedicated to education and aware that it is necessarye ly preserve what we have created from our past(3) .

2. Climate


The climate of this island varies from humid oceanic to mild maritime(4).

Its average temperature is 9.5c with an average dew point at 4c and relative humidity at 75%. The mid-summer months seem more pleasant as it can get above 25C while in the winters lower than 6c.

On clear days, one could see over 30km away up on the islands mountains that due east of town; these are called by some “Hercule”(“7), because they were very hard to access having only been reached via horse sledge back then when there was no roads.

(1) Named after Jean Bluenard Boardman Herve “Le Baron”, the towns founder, and his wife Octavia Charlotte Elizabeth Adelle (nee Lolkoff), her maternal great-grandfather was Count Alfred Cesar de La Vérendrye from Saxony-Germany who is famous for discovering many routes to Newfoundland between 1676 & 1731 in Canada known as Louis Hervas route du Nord or la Misaine!

He settled at Fort Chartres, Quebec on the site of today’s city of Montfort which she later named after him where he.

3. Tourism


He wanted to establish a colony and had his name immortalized in an old wood carving at the monument located on top of Chemin de la Misaine (Beaver Hill at Sainte-Foy – Morin, p. 89).

A visit to the fort during construction years later led Jean Bluenard Herve’s wife Octavia Charlotte Elizabeth Adelle Lolkoff into thinking that Le Baron was adopted from what she knew as “Bergman” which is German for mountain man!

I guess he chose that one because it has sometimes been used by mountaineers/clim bers and it reminded him of his origins in Saxony Germany. The Beggar Bride statue below holds a sphere that has the same dimensions as Saturn’s which was almost certainly like this on earth!

4. Transport


The last steam engine on the island went out of service in 2001, with a deisel motor replacing it until 2008. The now defunct ferry which formerly operated to Grosse-Île means that today there is no way off this little gem / tiny motherland!

So one day back in May ’15 I decided to go for my first walk around L’Islet as was told by Gabriel at “L’Auberge” restaurant, who has seen me figure skating once before but couldn’t tell me what made him think so ? .

On arrival at 7am I had studied Google Maps a little and knew that the tiny town stretches east-west between “Ardoise” & “Chantier”, wheras I walked all along there on my way to and from Pigeon Cove Lighthouse which is located about 500m south of where such our route would pass by, back across Main St.

Once through Mardouche it was clear that this would take ages (15km) going one km at a time ! The eastern edge of the peninsula nearest Chantier village has been set aside as an environment reservtion – Les 800 hares ! Out state park (chs) called Parc du Grand-Moulin also runs all the way along here.

I briefly looked into buying a guidebook but there is just too much you can read online, but as in many other places I will eventually walk again and that day has not shipped relly…

Selected Photos restored from their originals … thanks – Abigail

I’m unclear if he’s been photographed before  As to Gabriel at “L’Auberge” restaurant, his English seems fine after three years of being around him yeah (wheresh terms like ‘bungee.


The island of Hervé is a stunning getaway for anyone looking for an escape from everyday life. With its clear blue waters and white sand beaches, it’s easy to see why it’s become one of the most popular destinations in the Riviera.

The island has something for everyone – from quiet walks on the beach to exhilarating activities like parasailing and Jet skiing. If you’re planning a vacation in the near future, be sure to include Hervé Island on your list!


1.What Are The Main Attractions On Hervé Island?

Ans: Hervé Island is a small archipelago located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, approximately northeast of Quebec City.

It is a popular tourist destination in the summertime, with ferries from Rimouski and Gaspésie serving the islands regularly. The islands are known for their natural beauty, with cliffs, coves, and rocky beaches. The largest and most populous island is Île-aux-Gros-Nez.

2.What Is The Climate Like On Hervé Island?

Ans: Hervé Island is an uninhabited island located in the Réunion Channel, close to the coast of Mauritius.

3.Can I Hike Or Bike On Hervé Island?

Ans: Hervé Island is a unique destination that is located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River. The island is privately owned and offers an opportunity to experience nature in an unspoiled way.

Visitors can explore the natural landscape, visit the various trails, or simply relax by the water. There are also a few activities that can be enjoyed on the island, such as hiking or biking.

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