Hide Island – Everything You Need to Know!



Hide Island


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Hide Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the Zambezi River in Zambia. The island is privately owned by mining magnate David Walsh, who purchased it in 2006. Walsh has since announced his plans to turn Hide Island into a luxury resort featuring a casino and various other amenities.

The project has raised some controversy due to the fact that it will considerably impact the environment of the Zambezi River and its surrounding ecosystems. Critics argue that Walsh’s plans will destroy the habitat of many endangered species and cause irreversible damage to the river’s ecosystem.

Hide Island


Hide Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean about halfway between Madagascar and Zanzibar. The island is said to be the site of a great battle between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. According to some sources, Solomon’s navy was destroyed by storms while trying to reach the island, and he and his army were forced to retreat back to Africa.

Other sources claim that Hide Island served as a staging area for raids on ships traveling between Africa and India. The island has also been associated with various legendary stories, including those of Atlantis, the Fountain of Youth, and King Solomon’s Mines.



Hide Island is an uninhabited coral atoll located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, just off the coast of Mozambique. It’s about 120 kilometers long and 50 kilometers wide, with a shallow reef covering most of its surface. The island has a total land area of just over 1 square kilometer, which makes it the world’s smallest coral atoll.



Hide Island is a 155-acre Wildlife Sanctuary located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, just north of the Zambian border. The sanctuary was established in 1988 and is home to a diverse array of mammals, birds, and reptiles.

The Hide Island ecosystem is composed of two primary habitats – the lowland forest and the swamp. The lowland forest is composed primarily of miombo woodland, with pockets of other deciduous trees and shrubs. The swamp is dominated by elephant grasses and other water plants.

Several notable species found on Hide Island include the cheetah, lemur, lion, python, Rothschild’s giraffe, and red duiker. The sanctuary is also home to a population of African Grey Parrots, which were imported from the United States in 1987.



There is no definitive answer to this question, as Hide Island’s population is unknown. However, based on available data, it is estimated that the population of Hide Island is small – perhaps no more than a few dozen people. Therefore, it would not be feasible for tourists to visit Hide Island in order to encounter a large number of people.



Hide Island, Africa is a small, uninhabited island that is located in the Indian Ocean. The economy of Hide Island is based on subsistence agriculture and fishing. The main crop grown on the island is coconuts, which are processed into copra. There is also a small number of livestock (goats and chickens) that are used for milk and meat production. Sales from tourism are the main source of income for the residents of Hide Island.



As far as climate goes, the climate of Hide Island, Africa is generally hot and humid. There is a rainy season from April to September and a dry season from October to March. The temperature ranges from 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day to 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit) at night.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

Hide Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the middle of the Mozambican Channel, approximately 25 km southwest of Maputo. The island serves as an important nesting ground for seabirds, including African penguins, white-headed sea eagles, and common diving petrels. It is also known for its abundant population of elephant seals and the unique endemic plant genera Isoetes and Phyllanthus. The people of Hide Island are the Makonde.

The Makonde are a hunter-gatherer people who live in huts made from grass and thatch. They are devout Christians who practice traditional religious ceremonies involving animal sacrifice. They also use medicinal plants to treat health problems.

The Makonde are a very friendly people and enjoy getting to know visitors. They are also very proud of their culture and traditions, which they value highly. If you would like to learn more about the culture and religion of Hide Island, Africa, or just want to say hello, please feel free to contact us!



The Makonde people of Hide Island, Africa speak a dialect of the Bantu languages.



The Makonde people do not have access to formal education. However, they are very smart and able to learn quickly. They also have a strong work ethic, so if you want to teach them something new, they will be quick to learn it!



The Makonde people are a democratic society. They elect their own leaders based on the votes of the population. The government provides basic services such as healthcare and education. However, the Makonde people rely heavily on traditional methods of healing and manage their own economy using barter systems.



The Makonde people of Hide Island, Africa are not currently involved in tourism. However, if this changes in the future, visitors to the island would be able to experience traditional culture and religious ceremonies first hand.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels And Resorts List

-Island Paradise Resort and Spa

-Hideaway Inn

-Hideaway Villas



The Makonde people have a number of beautiful natural attractions that make for great tourist destinations. These include the Hide Island Savannah, which is home to dozens of species of birds and animals, as well as the Makonde Cultural Village, which offers visitors access to traditional cultural activities such as dance and music performances.



The Makonde people enjoy a variety of traditional food items, including cassava root and maize flour cakes. They also enjoy grilled meat and fish dishes, as well as fruit smoothies.


Hide Island, Africa is a great place to enjoy the sun, relax, and explore the many different cultures that exist in this beautiful continent. Whether you’re a traveler looking for a peaceful getaway or a businessperson looking for an opportunity to expand your reach, Hide Island is certainly worth your time. With such a diverse population and plenty of activities to keep you busy, there’s sure to be something for everyone on this idyllic island. So what are you waiting for? Come see us today!


What is the Currency of Hide Island, Africa?

The currency of Hide Island, Africa is the Tanzanian Shilling.

What is the Temperature Range in Hide Island, Africa?

The temperature range in Hide Island, Africa ranges from a high of 30 degrees Celsius to a low of 24 degrees Celsius.

Is It Easy to Find a Hotel on Hide Island, Africa?

Yes, it is easy to find a hotel on Hide Island, Africa. There are many different hotels and resorts that are available for tourists to choose from.

Is Hide Island, Africa Safe?

Yes, Hide Island, Africa is generally safe. However, as with any destination, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and always use caution when travelling in unknown areas.

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