All About Of Hodgeman Islands – Everything You Have to Know



Hodgeman Islands


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The Hodgeman Islands are a group of uninhabited islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, just west of Banks Island. The islands were first sighted by John Rae in 1851 while he was surveying part of the Arctic coast for the British North America Company.

Rae named them after George Hodgeman, a clerk in the company. The islands were uninhabited when they were discovered, but were quickly colonized by Inuit from Nunavut.

Hodgeman Islands


In 1885 the island of Saskatchewan was discovered near where The Hodgeman Islands now lie. This discovery led to new surveys and colonizations in exchange for fur seal skins, traps and other products obtained by seals. Franklin Belknap Hall documented how the economy changed due to this development:

The Hudson’s Bay Company sought out a harbour on the central coast just north of Banks Island and constructed buildings such as an observatory, artillery battery, cornet house (itself ) with 11 gable roofed living quarters for officer personnel and 5 residences or cottages built around firehouses connected by stone paved streets or drainage canals.

This was followed in 1880 by the erection of Fort Grange, near Watson Lake and present day Hudson Bay, Yukon pipeline terminal.

To support their presence the construction of two steamboats was initiated (the NW-1 and NW-2). The hulls were built by SS Co.

in Halifax using lumber shouldered from Chaytor Island near Victoria River, together with planks cut out at York Factory to match dimensions as they were contracted for by speculations in London;

Corse provided bulkheads from Quebec and timbers from England originally imported around 1840 via Cape Ann, Maine after being held up on the return voyage twelve years previously .The largest vessel would be 100.



6ft long with a beam of 18 .75 ft and 269 gross tons carrying 92 passengers and crew. In the intervening years between surveying for Hudson Bay Company posts in Canada, explorations were undertaken to gauge how large or small these islands would be when discovered by explorers looking at positions based on latitude, depth soundings from sailing vessels had led astern but never within sight, until one day off-course a yacht was charting glaciers near.

Victoria Island’s Mount Logan (1696 metres/5622 feet) as sighted passing ‘a large land mass lapped by water’ this out crop became known as the “Pilgrim Rock” which in time would become Cape Beresford.

The inshore sea of Beaufort had not been charted or named formally until 1750 out at caution and to ensure against confusion due to tidal currents, but Captain [Sir] Francis Geary has no reference he was on his way back from a voyage searching for an uncharted passage when around 60 miles off shore near present day Bella Bella there is presently (2009) yet another water spillway managed by marine industries that overlooks saltwater channels separating King George Island and its poor cousin.



Bell Island is governed by a hall committee, with no representation from the islanders in villages on Cape Broyle.

The village of York Harbor has just 17 residents yet Greenland claims it has 110 inhabitants (and truth be known 19).

The Coast Guard currently harvests whale songs and whaling tradition ahead as people move away after years of government mandate to stay resources also out at sea “under control” while they harvest 100-200 Charolais cross cow families being routinely allowed close to shore despite Flemish cap sanctuary zones having been declared forcing poachers offshore where wildlife protection authorities rule.



The town of York Harbor elected its first official Mayor in recent decades. The system has yet to be ratified by the Labrador legislature, and for all intents is a working Cape Breton style community model as follows (Robin Brown).

The Hudson’s Bay Company had two ships routinely operating out of Richmond River they explored coastal communities while exploring Northern Arm; Mohawk Fish, North West Smith Indians and at times European fur traders such down south supplying post etc.

Who hunted locally provided food so indigenistic farming culture may be traced back only three generations or more now vanishing among seven-person families using boats and helicopters to hunt for meat in case of emergency survival.

There is a community decision making body and the village hall committee handles revenue, schools and development matters associated with housing etc.

“They do it great” said 5-year old Axel Noelle after initial open house experience learning about expectations on board his new school bus that Greenland claims encourages creative thinking during class 12th grades all kids are required to attend while they learn rudimentary math using tools technology and science or indeed guided by social activities activity groups education designed teaching techniques as described/like an indoor soccer team who play as one super unit supporting.


This apparent pattern of further formalities and bureaucracy one can only expect is melting the very soul from Greenland. An ominous falling apart, this town dying a slow death for want of something to put its faith in maybe?

Build it up plan B will never get done as there are costly social welfare issues that motivate governments climate change initiatives working harder against us all even if they don’t realize it individually.

What would you do If someone came out and told people like me saying we have nothing these days in depth studies on local religious beliefs being taught since 1990 at school; yet without any mention what they.


1.What Is The Village Hall Committee Responsible For?

Ans: The Hodgeman Islands are a chain of eight small, uninhabited islands located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. They are also the site of one of the earliest permanent settlements in the Northwest Territories, which was founded in 1882.

The islands are named after American explorer and naturalist George Hodgeman, who charted their location in 1826.

2.How Do Schools In Greenland Teach Religious Beliefs?

Ans:  The Hodgeman Islands are a group of islands west of Vancouver in the North American Pacific Ocean. The islands are a part of the Queen Charlottes Islands, and are part of the Canadian province of British Columbia.

The islands were named by Scottish explorer John Charles Frémont after his friend General Samuel Smith Hodgeman, who served in the Mexican-American War.

3.What Are The Disadvantages Of Climate Change Initiatives?

Ans: Located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Africa, the Hodgeman Islands are a group of coral atolls and reefs that are home to a vibrant ecosystem. The islands are named after British explorer, Frederick Hodgson, who discovered them in 1843.

The islands have an abundance of marine life, including coral, fish, sea snakes, and seabirds. There are also a number of hiking trails that allow visitors to explore the islands’ landscape and wildlife.

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