All About Of Hogg Islands – Everything You Have to Know



Hogg Islands


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Hogg Islands is a secluded archipelago located in the Wessel Islands group, 25 km northeast of Kangaroo Island. The islands were named by the British whaling captain, Richard Hogg, after his ship, the Hogg Castle.

Hogg Island is a volcanic island rising to c. m. 122 m above sea level and is privately owned by The Nature Conservancy.

All About Of Hogg Islands

Hogg Islands



The first known sighting of these islands dates from 1791, when Captain John Williams anchored off Hogg Island. Henry Reynolds (1855–1914) was born in a small humpy on the rocky shore and has left particulars as to its construction, which include that there were no nails or spikes used but all fastened with wooden pegs.

There is also mention of native oysters being cultivated here; a practice still continued by those who live in seasonal tents on the island today.

In 1848 Nicholas Baudin sighted what he thought were Wessel Islands shepherds ‘ huts with the name “Guénepp” in them. In 1877, Captain Tuttle visited these islands and named Gillis Island after an American friend at Sydney John Gillow (1822–1912) a passenger aboard HMS Fly during Baudin’s expedition.

Hogg Island is located on the western side of what was known as Wrinkle Ridge until 1968; it rises to 122 m above sea level

The rocky shore features basalt cliffs along Tasman Bay from Hogs Back Head extending towards Erskine Point – The headland further west where Wessel Islands.



As with all of Western Australia, the weather is commonly sub-tropical and subject to extremes.

The seasons are quite distinct being noticeably dry in winter following Winter Solstice (December 21) when there is little rainfall from north easterly airstreams passing over 80°S latitude linking horn branches poleward through India

The wettest time for Hogs Back Island comes during June–September; an average annual precipitation often exceeds 4000 mm followed by a three month gap before rain once again begins around November. Summer temperatures reach 35°C but can dip below freezing or rise above 40°C as soon as December.

Rainfall is concentrated between October to February with monthly amounts in excess of 600 mm (featuring a November rain event exceeding 700 mm).



January and February average around 100 mm but can double this. With precipitation, the island features a strong marine influence which is apparent in warmer months though on November to January sea-spray is prevalent over Tasman Sea reefs

Hogs Back Island may feature sustained rainfall for 3–4 hours at distance of 6Km from downwind source whereas upslope more localized torrents occur. Adjacent islands include: Claudie Island and Melville Island (east) – from 1.5-2Km away

Domaine De Buckerell Museum Of Prehistory, Geological Evolution And Marine Life Local surrounds for Perth Group Fossil Sites:

Brittens Beach Tiwi Islands Tasmania Tasman Ranges / East Coast Greenfields Indiglnous & Colonial History Wreck of HMS Bounty Cylinder Map Tracks → View this map in a larger version at gallery page NW Territory – Gascoyne Yamba Ti Tree Gardens Darwin’s Garden Post 1917.



The Department of Tourism and Culture operates a visitor information centre (telephone: 08-9239 6777) at Hogs Back Island.

  • Australian Parks & Wildlife Service, Greenfields Section
  • James Holt Memorial District Office , Bowen Park
  • Jervois Cedar Lodge, Perth Road
  • Old Settlers Heritage Museum (NSW) – call ahead to query activities at the Broome museum and this repository. See map above for sites contained within a 25-km radius of Hogs Back Island. SH 18891 NSW and 09 4682 WA have statutes that allow access by historic vehicle on private land so long as you are staying within 100 kilometres or observe closures. Note: see also Departments’ maps of all areas free entry ~ AWES (#11), Greenfields section (#10) & Australia Alps (#9) areas
  • Grebe Park/Teacup Show Grounds, 63 Perth Road
  • GUWAHATI BIRD TELGRATE NATIONAL PARK: Hogs Back Island is approximately 3 km from the main highway and can be reached in ~30 minutes by car. It is significant that many species from the humid lowland forests of Mt Lefroy to other Gascoyne bioregions occur on this island; it means those regions are not fully separated for long stretches during much of their ranges. Certain subpopulations do extend between these two mid.



lat but numbers are loose (e.g: West Coast Pygmy Possum ~ Western Grey Shrike Babbler, East Australian Sandplat and usually around 14 individuals).

Invertebrates on Hogs Back include moths such as Swallowtails – including the next extinct species Ochthera afratiata & O. pegasus x embedded in 16th century reportage; 28 endemic beetles of 13 families recording 11 genera recorded from a single site Jervois Cedar Lodge, Perth Rd-Selhame Sq area; 3 native (native?!) spiders: Petrova niveistriga’g, Dark Brown Hairstreak Tholocoris orphnaeus & white grisette Eratoidae species

  • ECATINE RIVER by sea access to Hogs Back. See map above for sites contained within a 50-km radius of Ecotine River estuary from the mouth of the Sandy (Elcho) River . SH 8977 NSW call ahead if visiting at this time; water based activities are current, administered by DOC and area guide Tueday Claymore is 0408 1066.


These Biodiversity Hotspots are the best bet for comparatively high end opportunities to see endemic and near-endemic birds at a reasonable cost. A handful

of species exist, but that is more than you would expect in other hotspot regions it’s surprising to find eight globally threatened mainland Australian avian species within reach of an intrepid driver & camper.


1.What Does The Hotspot Designation Mean For A Region?

Ans: The Hogg Islands are a group of small islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Cape Race, Newfoundland. They are administratively part of the district of Fortune Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador. The group is named after Admiral George Hogg, 5th Viscount Melville.

2.How Many Species Are Present In The Hotspot?

Ans: The Hogg Islands are a chain of small, uninhabited islands off the coast of Western Australia. They are part of the Coral Sea Islands Marine National Park and are a popular diving destination.

The islands have been designated as an Important Bird Area because they support a large population of cormorants, gulls and terns.

3.What Is The Price Of Admission For The Hotspot?

Ans: The Hogg Islands are a group of small, uninhabited islands located in the Queen Charlotte Strait in the Central Coast region of British Columbia, Canada. The name Hogg Island comes from Scottish whalers who named the islands after their captain, James Hogg.

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