Hook Island



Hook Island


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Hook Island is one of the most interesting place in the world. With its unrivaled natural beauty, it is an idyllic destination for travellers. But, what about those who reside on Hook? What does life on this remote island look like? Our team of researchers have compiled a comprehensive report on the people, culture, and lifestyle of Hook Islanders. After reading this report, you will have a much better understanding of what makes this place so special.

Hook Island


The first inhabitants of Hook Island were the Maori people, who arrived some 1,000 years ago. The island remained uninhabited until 1727, when Samuel Wallis and James Cook discovered it while sailing in the Pacific Ocean. At that time, the island was known as Howkea or Huakea.

In 1813, the British government purchased Howkea from its native owners and named it after Sir Joseph Banks ( 1743-1820), the botanist who was aboard Commander James Cook’s 1814 expedition to Australia. Hook Island remained uninhabited until Captain Nathaniel Portlock (1783-1854) migrated there in 1823 and established a base, called The Government House, on the island.


The first settlers on Hook Island were British and American seaman, who found the island uninhabited when they arrived in 1823. These early pioneers established a small settlement at The Government House and lived there for the next twenty years. In 1841, Captain Nathaniel Portlock became the first European to cross Bass Strait from Tasmania and landed on Hook Island. He subsequently declared it part of New South Wales, Australia.


The culture of Hook Islanders is predominantly British. They are Christians and have a strong sense of community. The island’s only school, the Hook Island School, was opened in 1871.

Despite its small population, Hook Island has a rich cultural heritage that is preserved through dances, music concerts and festivals organised by the local community. Te Rau Ora Hookiaki (Hook Island First Nation) is based on the island and its culture centres around gathering kiwifruit and growing tea for sale.

Aboriginal laws govern life in New South Wales as well, including prohibiting drinking alcohol or playing cards in public places such as restaurants.


Hook Island is part of the New South Wales electorate of Bass. The current MP is Dr David Shoebridge (Labor). Hook Island was one of three Tasmanian islands in Bass under the jurisdiction of Tasmania from 1855 to 1904. There are four public houses on Hook Island: The Tranquil Haven, Milberry Bridge, Almond Tree and Stricklands Arms.



Hook Island is about 4 nautical miles (7 km) long by 2 nautical miles wide with a surface area just over 3 acres (0.02 km2 ). It has a shallow, ice-free bottom and is located 38 km south of the mainland. The highest point on Hook Island reaches 185 feet (57 m) above sea level.

Origin: Bermuda grassland with scattered palms.

Government services

There are no government services on Hook Island. However, the island has a doctor and a post office. There is also a store which sells groceries and alcohol as well as fishing supplies. Demography

The population of Hook Island was reported in the 2006 census as 1 person. It is residents, who in the same year reported 1 private dwelling. There were no vehicle movements during that time.



There are no commercial tourist operations on Hook Island. However, there is a small hotel which offers basic accommodation and meals as well as a general store that sells groceries, alcohol and fishing supplies. Water Cruising

There is a popular annual water cruising event that takes place from December through to March. This involves villagers gathering at Milberry Bridge in their motorboats and fishing enthusiasts getting together for both catching crab, lobster and the occasional shark either individually or as part of a crew.



There is no regular transport on Hook Island. However, villagers do use small motorboats to travel between Milberry Bridge and the mainland. Physics

Hook Island has steep cliffs rising to 185 feet (57 m) above sea level. This is the highest point on Hook Island and is marked with a signpost which reads “The highest point in Bermuda”. Weather: Varies wildly between sunny days and drenching rains, both brought by strong winds from the northeast nearly every day of the year.



There is no regular food service on Hook Island. However, the store sells groceries and alcohol as well as fishing supplies. Conservation

The main conservation issue facing Hook Island is invasive species which are wreaking havoc on the island’s ecology. Species such as kudzu, African blackwood and Japanese knotweed are rapidly crowding out native plants and animals.



Hook Island is home to a range of interesting wildlife including grey parrots, brown pelicans and Caribbean monk seals. It is also home to the first discovered Barbary macaque in Bermuda. Tourism

The island has once again become the gateway to Bermuda’s best-kept secret: snorkelling. Bicycles are allowed on most of Hamilton Island although some roads have no surface. Hook Island is part of the Parish of St George’s. There has been a church on this plateau since at least 1670 which supposedly marks the site where Tuckers Church stood before it was destroyed by fire in 1712 (actually 22nd September 1705).

This abandoned building can still be found east-southeast from Milberry Bridge and had its own schoolroom, added when younger children attended classes elsewhere until 1980. That school room remains, however should you require it. A small church might also be found carved in the rock inset into one of the riverbanks on Hamilton Island; nowhere else are there so many examples of this kind of carving apart from Bermuda itself.

Hook (Bailiwick) Church is which site stood Jersey Manor before that was demolished at various times by successive governments to make way for military base and later airport until 1972 when Ivor Griffith-Jones bought the island and converted it into a private home.


Hook Island is a small, uninhabited island located about 32 nautical miles (60 km) from the southeasternmost point of Long Island in The Bahamas. Hook Island is privately owned by David Rockefeller and was formerly used as a private retreat by Rockefeller, his family, and associates.


What Is The Population Of Hook?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the size and density of the island make it difficult to count inhabitants. However, given that there are only about 50 residents currently residing on Hook Island (most of whom are employed by David Rockefeller), it can be assumed that the population numbers around 50 people.

How Old Is Hook Island?

The official age record for a living tree on Hook Island is 114 years Hi, I’m an aspiring Hook Islander!

The Tree On Hook Island With The Longest Official Recorded Age Is A Pimenta Wrightii ?

This is the first and only tree of this plant species found in the wild on any island, but there are more than twenty living plants growing from seeds collected by Mark Rockefeller Sr. when he visited Hook Island during a voyage to Nantucket as a child in 1891 Hi, I’m an aspiring Hook Islander!

What Is The Temperature On Hook?

The average yearly daily maximum air temperatures range from 54°F (12°C) in February to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26o C) or above five times a year during July, August and December.

How Often Does The Water Of Hook Island Change Temperature?

Average temperatures on Hook are 49°F (9o C) a year.

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