Ile aux Chauve-Souris



Ile aux Chauve-Souris


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Known for its vast and varied landscape, Quebec also has many natural wonders that visitors can enjoy. One such place is Ile aux Chauve-Souris, which is known for its population of white-tailed deer. Travelers who visit Ile aux Chauve-Souris can enjoy watching the deer from a distance or, if they are feeling more adventurous, can try to get closer to the animals by walking through the tall grass.

Ile aux Chauve-Souris


Ile aux Chauve-Souris first came to attention in the 16th century when its island was visited by Jacques Cartier and mapmakers from France. At the time, it was known as Île du Grand Champlain, but it wasn’t until the late 18th century that its current name of Ile aux Chauve-Souris began to be used.

Today, Ile aux Chauve-Souris is a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy its natural wonders without having to worry about crowds. Thanks largely to its tranquil environment, visitors can easily enjoy a day at the island without feeling rushed. In addition to being a popular spot for islanders, Ile aux Chauve-Souris is also a tourist attraction because of its unique landscape. Located in the Saint Lawrence River, visitors can walk on top of the island and get an amazing view across New York City’s skyline. Those who go exploring on foot can find a large section that boasts lush vegetation—though extra caution should be taken when walking through this area as it isn’t always monitored by local authorities.



Ile aux Chauve-Souris has a warm, humid climate that is characteristic of the island. Weather conditions can vary a lot from day to day, so it’s always important to check the forecast before planning a trip. In general, summers are hot and humid while winters are cold but not too harsh. During the summer, high temperatures can reach up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit; during winter, days are usually above freezing. Wildlife

The island is a wildlife haven, with interesting flora and fauna to feature in any photograph. The island has its own reptile population with over 130 species of freshwater turtles making this their home as well as more than 70 species of snakes including the infamous Black Racer, which can reach up to 3 feet in length (and 40lbs). Many types of birds make they’re homes here too including shore birds such as sandpipers and gulls. Waterfowl are also common at Ile aux Chauve-Souris meaning it’s easy for birdwatchers looking for a good local spot to watch the wildlife. In addition, there is a diverse mammalian population making this island one of Canada’s most popular nature destinations for animal lovers as well.


Culture and Religion

The island has a population of roughly 1,000 people and is predominantly francophone. It’s one of the most remote communities in Quebec, with only two roads connecting it to the rest of Canada. The islanders are fiercely independent, self-sufficient and traditionally oriented towards subsistence fishing and hunting rather than tourism. They keep mainly to themselves but can be friendly enough when you get to know them. Visitors should be prepared for very little English spoken on Ile aux Chauve-Souris so it would be best to have some basic French language skills before arriving if you don’t want your trip to be a total bust!



The island is a part of the Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, which was created on January 1, 1981. The municipality has a population of just over 2,000 people and covers an area of 443 km². The seat of government for the RCM is located in Gros Morne National Park on nearby Mount Misery. The islanders run their own island affairs and are not part of provincial politics, however the federal government does have direct jurisdiction over it under normal circumstances in regards to forestry and land management.

Government services

Government services

There is no official airport on Ile aux Chauve-Souris, however there are several private airstrips located on the island. Visitors can access services such as health care, education and police protection by boat or plane.

Economic factors

Economic factors

Ile aux Chauve-Souris is mainly an island of fishermen, farmers and hunters. Very little industry exists on the island, mostly in Gros Morne National Park where park employees can access food stores at Sulivan’s Cove. Forestry and recreation are also important industries as this island has a lot more forested area than other islands that make up Les Îles de la Madeleine (as well as 98% of all private land on mainland Quebec). Tourism tends to play a relatively small role but there is some contact between Ile aux Chauve- Souris, mainland Quebec and New England states on a local level which brings people to the island.



The island receives a fair amount of tourist traffic, predominantly from cruise ships that visit Gros Morne National Park. Visitors can also find other activities such as hiking, biking and deep-sea fishing on the island. The island is relatively remote and so there are no marked trails leading to the summit on Mount Misery, but several hiking routes that follow breathtaking landscapes exist. The islanders do run a public bus service during summer months which brings visitors from areas such as Fortune Channel, Mt Moranchery, and Grand Pre (as well as some other smaller villages).


If you love nature, if you appreciate its beauty, if you take pride in your surroundings, then Ile aux Chauve-Souris is a must-see destination. A small island located in the Saint Lawrence River at the mouth of the Saint-Maurice River in Quebec, ile aux Chauve-Souris is a mecca for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. With its diverse habitats including swamps, forests, and marshes, ile aux Chauve-Souris is home to more than 250 bird species. Some of the most interesting species to spot on ile aux Chauve-Souris include the American bittern, the northern harrier, and the brown pelican.


1 . What Activities Can I Do On Ile Aux Chauve-Souris?

There are a variety of activities that visitors can enjoy while in ile aux Chauve-Souris, including birdwatching, hiking, and canoeing. If you’re looking to get up close and personal with the deer, be careful not to disturb them – just walk through the tall grass!

2 . Is Ile Aux Chauve-Souris A Remote Location?

Ile aux Chauve-Souris is relatively close to major cities, so it’s not too far out of the way if you need to get somewhere. However, due to its nature as an island, ile aux Chauve-Souris can be difficult to reach by car if you’re not familiar with the area. If public transportation isn’t an option for you, consider renting a bike or taking a bus trip.

3. What Are The Temperatures Like On Ile Aux Chauve-Souris?

Due to its location in the Saint Lawrence River, ile aux Chauve-Souris experiences a range of temperatures throughout the year. In summer, temperatures can reach up to 35°C, while in winter they can drop below 0°C.

4 . What Is The Currency Used On Ile Aux Chauve-Souris?

The official currency on ile aux Chauve-Souris is Canadian dollars. However, some business establishments may also accept US dollars or Euros.

5 . What Are The Visa Requirements For Ile Aux Chauve-Souris?

There are no specific visa requirements for ile aux Chauve-Souris, but all visitors must have a valid passport.

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