Ile aux Cocos Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Ile aux Cocos Island


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Ile aux Cocos Island is an unincorporated territory of the United States in the Caribbean Sea. It consists of two small, coral atolls with a combined area of just over 1 square mile (2.6 km2). Administratively, it is part of the Commonwealth of Dominica. The atolls are uninhabited and serve as a marine reserve and breeding ground for seabirds.

Ile aux Cocos Island


The history of Ile aux Cocos Island can be traced back to around 1500 CE, when the first Europeans arrived. The island was named after the cocos palm, which was the main source of food and trade for the settlers. The island was also used as a penal colony, and it is from here that most of the European settlers who were involved in the slave trade originated. Ile aux Cocos Island remained a penal colony until 1835 when it was finally transferred to the French administration. In 1945, following World War II, it became a part of the newly formed French Polynesia.



Ile aux Cocos Island is made up of two small coral atolls, with a combined area of just over 1 square mile (2.6 km2). The atolls are located about 80 miles east of the island nation of Dominica. They form part of the Leeward Islands group, which also includes Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Lucia.


The ecosystem of Ile aux Cocos Island is composed of seabirds, marine mammals, invertebrates, and plants. The seabirds found on the island include boobies, frigatebirds, and terns. The marine mammals found on the island include dolphins, whales, and porpoises. The invertebrates found on the island include mollusks and crustaceans. The plants found on the island include palms and flowers.


There is no permanent population on Ile aux Cocos Island, which is made up of two small coral atolls that are uninhabited. The island serves as a marine reserve and breeding ground for seabirds.


The economy of Ile aux Cocos Island is based on the export of coconuts, which are the main agricultural product. Other crops include sugar cane, bananas, and cassava. Fishing and tourism also play a significant role in the economy. The main exports are copra, fish, and whale products. Services such as health care, education, banking, and insurance are also important. The island has a population of about 2,000 people.


The climate on Ile aux Cocos Island is warm and humid all year round. The average high temperature during the day is around 26 degrees Celsius, while the average low temperature at night is around 18 degrees Celsius. The island experiences heavy rains in the months of November to February, and the rest of the year sees less rain.

Culture And Religion

The culture of Ile aux Cocos Island is based on the traditional Polynesian way of life. The people are Catholic and speak French as their primary language. There is no permanent population on the island, which makes it a natural place for research into sustainable tourism practices.


The languages spoken on Ile aux Cocos Island include French, Tahitian, Marquesan, and Polynesian.


The only educational institution on the island is a primary school.


Ile aux Cocos Island is a French Polynesian atoll in the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is part of the Wallis and Futuna Islands Territory and administered as part of the commune of Papeete on the island of Tahiti. The island has a population of about 2,500 people and its main economic activity is tourism, with over 50 percent of visitors coming from overseas.

Government Services

The main government services provided on Ile aux Cocos Island are health care, education, banking, and insurance.



The main economic activity on Ile aux Cocos Island is tourism. Over 50 percent of visitors come from overseas, mainly from Australia, France, Japan, and the United States. The island has a population of about 2,500 people and its main attractions are the natural environment and the traditional Polynesian way of life.

Hotels And Resorts List

Hotels And Resorts List

Ile aux Cocos Island is an uninhabited island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about halfway between Hawaii and Australia. The island is a nature reserve managed by the French Polynesian government.

The island has no tourism infrastructure, no hotels or resorts. Its sole activity is research and conservation of endemic flora and fauna.



The attractions on Ile aux Cocos Island include the natural environment, traditional Polynesian way of life, and the research and conservation of endemic flora and fauna.



The main activities on Ile aux Cocos Island include hiking and biking, scuba diving, snorkeling, and fishing.



The transport of Ile aux Cocos Island is carried out by the Société des Îles Vierges, a state-owned company. The company has two cargo vessels – the “Ile aux Cocos” and the “Nouvelle-Guinée”. The “Ile aux Cocos” is 105 meters long while the “Nouvelle-Guinée” is 112 meters long. They have a total capacity of 2,000 tons.



The cuisine of Ile aux Cocos Island is a mixture of French, British, and Dutch influences. The cuisine is based around fresh seafood and fruit, with a few local dishes thrown in for good measure. Some of the most popular dishes on Ile aux Cocos Island include:

– Paella – A rice dish similar to Spanish paella, made with chicken, seafood, and vegetables.

– Crab Cakes – Crab Meat is mixed into a dough and then formed into cakes or balls before being deep-fried.

– Moules Frites – Mussels and french fries are the main ingredients in this dish.

– Churros – These sweet, fried doughnuts are popular on Ile aux Cocos Island, and are usually served with chocolate or ice cream.


Overall, Ile aux Cocos Island is a great place to visit if you’re looking for an idyllic escape from the bustle of city life. The island’s lush vegetation and crystal-clear waters are a blissful contrast to the bustling tourist attractions that can be found on other nearby islands. As one of the few islands in the area that is still largely untouched by tourism, Ile aux Cocos is a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature’s beauty undisturbed.


1. What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit Ile Aux Cocos Island?

The best time of year to visit Ile aux Cocos Island is during the dry season, which generally runs from November to April. This is when the island’s vegetation is at its most lush and there are fewer crowds of tourists wandering around. Alternatively, you can also visit during the wet season, which lasts from May to October. During this time, the island is flooded and the vegetation can be quite dense, making it difficult to see some of the more scenic areas.

2. What Are Some Of The Most Popular Activities On Ile Aux Cocos Island?

Some of the most popular activities on Ile aux Cocos Island include hiking, swimming, biking, snorkeling/scuba diving, and spending time visiting one of its many boutiques and restaurants.

3. Is Ile Aux Cocos Island Entirely Shapiro-Free?

Ile aux Cocos is not entirely Shapiro-free – there are a few small neighborhoods located on the island that are inhabited by members of the Shapiro community. However, these areas are relatively isolated and you will most likely not encounter any Shapiro residents while you’re exploring the rest of the island.

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