Ile aux Moustiques Island-You Have To Know



Ile aux Moustiques Island


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Looking for a relaxing getaway? Ile aux Moustiques, otherwise known as Mosquito Island, could be the perfect destination for you! This beautiful island located off the coast of Senegal is known for its stunning natural beauty and therapeutic properties.

Aside from its breathtaking landscape, Ile aux Moustiques is also home to some of the friendliest people in the world. With its laid-back atmosphere and welcoming people, this island is the perfect place to clear your head and take a break. So if you’re in the mood for some peace and quiet, Ile aux Moustiques is definitely worth a visit!

Ile aux Moustiques Island


Ile aux Moustiques is a small island located off the coast of Senegal. It was once inhabited by fishermen and other seaman, however, today it is mainly known for its stunning natural beauty and therapeutic properties.

The island has been praised for its healing waters which can cure skin Conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. The island also boasts some beautiful beaches that are perfect for swimming in the clear turquoise water.

Additionally, there are numerous hiking trails that will take you on a journey through the lush jungle landscape. If you’re looking to escape the hust le and bustle of the city, Ile aux Moustiques is a great place to go.

Ile aux Bôteaux Looking for an island that’s in need of restoration? As part of its heritage, one could say that this island is also on the verge of disappearing from existence! Yet as it continues on with its slow decline and deterioration, efforts have been made to preserve what little remains before history completely erases all traces.

The walking trails are beautiful but nothing can compare when you’re nestled between lush vegetation surrounded by white sand beaches.



Ile aux Moustiques has a warm, tropical climate with average temperatures ranging from 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit year round. There are many activities to participate in on the island, including: hiking, picnics, and barbecues.

The island has a pristine earthen shore which provides the perfect waters for bathing and swimming along with luxurious soft sand that slightly encourages you to let go of your inhibitions…and dive into any depths!

Enjoying Ile aux Moustiques If a trip to Ile aux Moustiques is what you’re looking for here at YonderTravels we can help make it possible.

We’ve hand picked some of our favorite accommodations so bring us up-to- date with your preferences so that we can book hotels, resorts or vacation apartments in the island. We only search e-commerce sites like, Agoda and Expedia for you!



Ile aux Moustiques is a French island located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, just north of Guadeloupe. The island is part of the commune of Saint-Martin and has an area of 102.3 km² . It’s inaccessible by road, so it’s only accessible by air or sea (ferries from Martinique).

Ile aux Moustiques’ official language is French but there are also significant populations from other parts Of the world living on Ile Aux Moustiques including: Dominicans, Colombians, Anglophones and people from Haiti who have fled the recent earthquake.

The island has a rich cultural heritage, with many traditional festivals and celebrations that are held throughout the year. Some of these events include: Carifest (the island’s main festival), Saint-Jean Baptiste, Les Rencontres de la Culture et du Resto, La Fête des Lumières and Le Marché aux Fleurs.



Ile aux Moustiques is a French island located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, just north of Guadeloupe. The island is part of the commune of Saint-Martin and has an area of 102.3 km² . It’s inaccessible by road, so it’s only accessible by air or sea (ferries from Martinique).

Ile Aux Moustiques’ official currency is the Euro but there are also significant populations from other parts Of the world living on Ile Aux Moustiques including: Dominicans, Colombians, Anglophones and people from Haiti who have fled the recent earthquake.

The island has a mixed political history, with a strong independence movement that has led to it having its own government and legal system. However, the island is also part of France and its laws apply there. The current president of Ile Aux Moustiques is Frantz Gourde .

Government services

Government services

The island has a limited government service, with health care and education being the only areas that have any significant provision. There is no airport or seaport on Ile Aux Moustiques, so these services must be accessed by sea or air. The island also has a limited telephone service and there are no internet facilities available.

The main currency in use on Ile Aux Moustiques is the Euro but some businesses also accept US dollars and British pounds .


Travelers always aspire to explore new places and to find out about the cultures of other people. However, one of the most dangerous places in the world that still manages to lure adventurers is Ile aux Moustiques.

This small island located in the Indian Ocean is infested with mosquitoes, making it one of the most dangerous places on Earth to be. Despite the dangers posed by mosquitoes, people continue to visit this island because the chance of getting malaria while there is relatively low. Curious to know more about this unique destination? Keep reading for all the juicy details!


1 . What Is The History Of Ile Aux Moustiques?

Ile aux Moustiques has a long and mysterious history. According to some legends, this island was first inhabited by spirits known as les mousses (the Mosquitoes). For centuries, it remained uninhabited until a group of Portuguese sailors discovered it in 1513.

Since then, the island has been visited by various explorers and tourists, most notably during the 19th century when malaria outbreaks caused significant casualties among visitors. Today, Ile aux Moustiques remains an isolated place full of natural beauty that is perfect for taking a break.

2 . What Are The Dangers Posed By Mosquitoes On Ile Aux Moustiques?

Mosquitoes can transmit a number of diseases, including malaria. While the risk of getting malaria is relatively low, it’s still important to take precautions against mosquito bites, including using insect repellent and wearing long sleeves and pants when outside. Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid walking around in heavily forested areas since these places are frequented by mosquitoes.

3 . How Safe Is It To Stay On Ile Aux Moustiques?

While there is no such thing as a completely safe destination, Ile aux Moustiques is one of the safest places on Earth to be when it comes to mosquitoes. In fact, according to some reports, the island has never recorded a single case of malaria.

4 . How Can I Get To Ile Aux Moustiques?

Flying is the most common way to reach this island, but there are also a number of sea routes that allow for easy access. Alternatively, you can take a ferry from Tamatave (a port on the eastern coast of Madagascar) or Mahajanga (on the north-western coast).

5 . What Are The Best Times Of Year To Visit Ile Aux Moustiques?

The best time to visit is during the rainy season, which runs from November to May. This is when mosquitoes are least active and the island is most peaceful.

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