Ile aux Rats Island -All details



Ile aux Rats Island


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If you’re looking for an idyllic getaway, Ile aux Rats Island is a perfect spot for you. With its crystal-clear waters and lush greenery, this tiny island off the coast of Quebec is a haven for nature lovers. But it’s not just the scenery that’s appealing; Ile aux Rats Island also has a fascinating history. Once home to smugglers and pirates, the island has since become a popular tourist destination thanks to its relaxing atmosphere and unspoiled natural beauty. If you’re interested in learning more about this charming island, be sure to check out this blog post!

Ile aux Rats Island


Ile aux Rats Island first garnered attention as a smuggling and pirate haven in the 16th century. During this time, it was frequented by seafarers looking to evade taxes and customs officials. In addition, the island was home to a small community of smugglers and pirates who made it their base of operations.

Today, Ile aux Rats Island still retains much of its pirate-y charm. For example, visitors can find souvenir shops that sell fake illegal weapons (a reference to the island’s past), as well as graffiti proclaiming allegiance to various pirate gangs. However, despite its pirate-y past, visitors will also find a few hidden treasures tucked away on Ile aux Rats Island as well. To learn more about this island and its interesting history, be sure to check out the blog post below!

Let’s Book It

Have you ever been interested in learning more about this tiny island served by nearby Grande-Table harbor? If so, then it’s time that you booked a ticket aboard one of our ships. Whether your tastes are contemporary or historical, Boutique Savor can accommodate all types of passports relative to your personal schedule and budget preferences. Click here to see our most affordable island-hopping itineraries!



Ile aux Rats Island experiences a mild Mediterranean climate, with average temperatures ranging from 55 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to 77 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer.


Ile aux Rats Island Activities

If you’re looking for something to do while you’re on island, be sure to consider visiting some of its notable attractions. For example, visitors can explore Grande-Table harbor and enjoy stunning views of the island’s natural beauty. Additionally, Boutique Savor offers numerous cultural activities such as wine tastings and hikes that give you a chance to learn more about this charming island’s unique history and culture! In addition, enjoy a photo-tour of our vessel before and after disembarking.



With a rich and storied history, Ile aux Rats Island is known for its pirates, treasure hunters and island folklore. For instance, the island is said to be home to a notorious gang of pirates known as les rats (or “rats”). As for attractions that you’ll find on the island itself, there are several natural wonders such as crystal-clear waterfalls and lush green forests. Be sure to explore these treasures while you’re onboard one of our vessels!



Ile aux Rats is a self-governing island in the French Republic, and as such, it maintains its own currency, statutes and government. As a result of this autonomy, the island has been able to maintain much of its cultural heritage while still adapting to modern times. Drought-Free Climate

Due to a dedicated, rigorous and attentive cultivation of their island crops that is designed to adapt to changes in the island’s weather patterns, Ile aux Rats can boast some of the very best fruit and vegetable sources. Plus with its abundance of sunlight averaging 16 hours per day, this tropical island boasts one of nature’s most ideal growing conditions!

Government services

Government services

On Ile aux Rats, there is no running water or electricity municipalities. All government services are provided by the island’s self-governing authority, which provides police, firefighting and ambulance services. The island is “off limits” to outsiders, though all Ile aux Rats residents are required to pay a tax of 5-10% (depending on the number of persons living in your home).

The remuneration paid to government workers can be used only for island specific needs. The services they provide include affordable telephone calls, postal service and prepaid cash cards sold at supermarkets.


Ile aux Rats Island Tourism

The island’s tourism infrastructure is based on the premise that visitors come to enjoy the natural wonders, culture and friendly people. So, while there are a few resort properties located on Ile aux Rats, most of the island’s attractions are accessible without staying in a hotel or Hostel.

Some popular local attractions include:

The waterfall at La Plage Ronde; The Convent of Pitty; L’Anneau du Roi (a coral reef monument); Le Fort Royal (former military post turned museum with exhibits about Rat Island history). To the north, there is also another night beach on a small island called “Île d’Houphouët-Boigny”.

There are free motorcycle rides offered in September every year. You can find out more about these from one of the locals.


Ile aux Rats Island Transport

The island has a population of just over 1000 people, so transport is generally not a problem.

There are only two roads on the island: one links the town to its airport, and the other leads to various beaches. There is also a small boat that visitors can take out towards La Plage Ronde waterfall for swimming or picnicking – this costs 5 CFA (around USD0.10).

If you need to rent a car, there are several agencies located in town where you can find vehicles at affordable rates.


Ah, Ile aux Rats Island! A place of magic and mystery, it’s no wonder so many people love exploring it. This diminutive yet stunning island hides a wealth of history and natural beauty. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in Quebec, Ile aux Rats is definitely worth a visit. Here, we provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your trip. From where to stay to what to see and do, we have you covered! So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head to this picture-perfect island!


 Where Is Ile Aux Rats Located?

Ile aux Rats Island is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off the coast of Quebec, Canada.

What Are The Main Attractions On Ile Aux Rats?

Some of the most popular attractions on Ile aux Rats include its crystal-clear waters, lush greenery, and intriguing history.

How Can I Get To Ile Aux Rats?

The island can be reached via ferry from mainland Quebec or by air from Montreal or Toronto (Canada).

What Are The Island’s Weather Conditions Like?

While Ile aux Rats can be enjoyed throughout the year, July and August are typically the hottest months. The island also experiences occasional rain and fog.

 Is There A Recommended Tourist Route On Ile Aux Rats?

There is no strict tourist route on Ile aux Rats, but it’s generally advised to visit the island in a clockwise direction, starting from the north.

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