Ile du Nord-Ouest Island- Everything You Have to Know



Ile du Nord-Ouest Island


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Ile du Nord-Ouest Island is a small and uninhabited Canadian island located in the Gulf of St Lawrence, about halfway between Anticosti Island and the New Brunswick mainland. It is about 2.4 km long and 0.9 km wide, has a shoreline of about 1.7 km, and rises to a height of 134 m above sea level. The island was part of a large volcanic field that eroded away over time, leaving the island surrounded by water on three sides.

All About Of Ouest Island

Ile du Nord-Ouest Island


Ile du Nord-Ouest Island has been uninhabited since the late 19th century, when it was used as a hunting ground by members of the Gaspé clan of the Mi’kmaq people. The island is now protected under federal law as part of a heritage site known as Îles-de-la-Madeleine National Park. While the island is uninhabited, over 200 breeding pairs of sooty shearwaters breed at a site on the eastern shore in winter.

Breeding gulls include northern fulmar, common gull and black-headed gull as well as eiders, auks and sandpipers during spring migration periods. The island also supports an abundance of flowering plants including: arctic flax (“Linum boreale”), willow saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia), moss campion (Silene acaulis var calyonensis) pale ladies’ tresses (Hieracium minutulum) and lupines (Lupinus spp.). The island is a habitat for the nationally rare black spruce.



The island has a cold, temperate climate with long, cold winters and brief, warm summers. The average annual temperature is -2 degrees Celsius. The island experiences two main seasons: the northern winter (November to April) and the southern summer (May to October). Average annual snowfall is twenty-five centimetres but can exceed fifty centimetres in some winters, depending on rainfall.

The island consists of a central plateau surrounded by ravines and numerous small outcrops rising from the surrounding sea to 170 m (560 ft). To the north are lowland marshlands that extend into English Bay; beyond them there is an undeveloped rugged coastline with steep high bluffs. The eastern shore bordering English Harbour contains one of Canada’s largest colonies of land eiders (Uria aalge), as well as breeding populations of L’hermine , a bird historically associated with eider colonies.



The island has a small population who live mainly off tourism and subsistence farming. The island produces no crops, relying on hunting, fishing and the gathering of wild plants for sustenance.

The islanders are known for their traditional potlatch ceremonies in which they give lavish feasts to guests, often lasting several days. There are three clans or nekats, totems of the island:

The islanders also have a tradition that is formed by five principles. The first principle states “Tuqum” (a name which means “our house”, but it derives from an old English word which had several meanings, most common one was ‘for us to live’). It represents how do houses build in wood were used before Europeans built stone buildings. Among them eiders nests for eider ducks and seal skins instead of glass windows for clothing on beds etc.



The island is a self-governing entity under the jurisdiction of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly. It has a population of about 320 people, who live principally in Ganges, on an island measuring 10 km by 6 km (6 sq mi by 2 sq mi).

The only connection to mainland Canada is a airport runway that can handle small planes only, and no vehicular traffic crosses the Strait of Georgia between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia. There is a ferry service connecting Beechey Island to the island of Mayne, as well as another route that can also carry shipments between Skidegate on Haida Gwaii and Prince Rupert. Passenger-carrying ferries (the “West Coast Express” or Western Queen”) have been world wide known for their scenic beauty.

Government services

Government services

The island has a limited government, consisting of an elected mayor and eight councillors. The island has its own police force, fire department, and postal service. All other services are provided by the British Columbia Provincial government. Beechey Island Airport is located on the island, which provides small-aircraft flights to Vancouver, Skidegate and Prince Rupert.

In addition to the airport’s runway, one additional full length taxiway can be used for landing planes with a 30 ft (9 m) per 100 yds (91 m/km²) minimum requirement. The acceptable surface enviornment must have wind speeds of less than 12 knots using METAR or TAF reporting as required by Transport Canada in order for aircraft operations like these to be considered feasible at Beechey Island Airport.



The island is a popular tourist destination. The Beechey Island Airport provides flights to Vancouver, Skidegate, Prince Rupert and Victoria. Ferry services connect the island to Mayne Island and Sandspit on Haida Gwaii. Several companies offer water taxi transportation between the island, Vancouver and Skidegate.


Ile du Nord-Ouest Island is a French overseas department and region located in the Caribbean Sea. It covers an area of 2,486 square kilometres and has a population of around 265,000. The island is made up of two parts – Grande Ile (Great Island) to the north and Petit Ile (Little Island) to the south. Grande Ile is larger by area and has a population of around 138,000 people, while Petit Ile has a population of around 44,000 people.


1 . What Are The Island’s Official Names?

Ans: The island is officially known as Ile du Nord-Ouest Island, with Grande Ile being the larger of the two islands and Petit Ile being the smaller. However, it is more commonly referred to by its nickname, “Island aux choix” (Island of Choice), or simply “Ile du Nord-Ouest”.

2. When Was Ile Du Nord-Ouest Island First Settled?

Ans: The island was first settled in 1620 by a group of colonizers from France . However, the island was not permanently inhabited until 1755.

3. What Is The Population Of Ile Du Nord-Ouest Island?

Ans: The island’s official population as of 2011 is 265,000 people. However, according to unofficial estimates, the island’s true population may be closer to 320,000 people.

4 . What Languages Are Spoken On Ile Du Nord-Ouest Island?

Ans: The island has a dual language system in which both French and English are officially recognized languages. However, many residents also speak Haitian Creole (a Caribbean lingua franca) and various other indigenous languages.

5 . What Are The Main Sources Of Income On Ile Du Nord-Ouest Island?

Ans: The island’s main source of income is tourism, which accounts for around 55% of the island’s GDP . Other major sources of revenue include agriculture, fishing, and manufacturing.

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