Ile du Sud-Ouest Island



Ile du Sud-Ouest Island


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The Ile du Sud-Ouest Island is a geographical landmark that lies in the Indian Ocean. The island is a popular tourist destination, as it offers a picturesque setting and unspoiled natural beauty. The island is also known for its wines, which have been praised for their excellent taste.

Ile du Sud-Ouest Island


The island was first discovered by Portuguese sailors in the early 16th century. It was not until 1822, however, that it was officially claimed by the French colonial authorities. The island later came under British rule following World War II. In 1967, Mauritius became a republic and control of the island passed to the government of that country.


The Ile du Sud-Ouest Island is a popular tourist destination, which enjoys great popularity with travellers from around the world. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities and sights on this beautiful island, including hiking and biking , as well its lovely natural sights, such as beautiful beaches.


The island enjoys a warm, tropical climate. Temperatures can reach a maximum of 35 degrees Celsius in summer and a minimum of 8 degrees C, year round. The island experiences unstable weather patterns, often due to atmospheric or oceanic conditions, known locally as “muurahs”. However, the island usually enjoys its warmest temperatures from September through February.



The island is a volcanic island, with a hefty elevation of 1,873 metres above sea level. It is covered by 13 km² of forest and comes as part of the Institute Terre Islands eParcs project. The island has four distinct regions; “Dada”, “Les Echelles” (Ladies’, or known locally as Mosquito Hill), “Plaine de Tamarin”and “Isthmus”. There are also two dry riverbeds that have cave systems running through them: Desamouralia estuary near the Hotel Relais, and the “palm river”.

The island is home to a very diverse flora, encompassing nearly 200 vascular plant species. It has over 7000 trees of which around 150 are endemic species based on taxonomic classification where only plants indigenous to Mauritius have been recorded from its Dutch sugarcane plantations era (now called eParcs).

When many European explorers first introduced agricultural organisms into the island it was highly male-dominated with no understory vegetation or parasitic grasses.



The island’s culture is deeply rooted in its traditional faiths. The main religions practiced on the island are Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. However, there also exist spiritual practices not affiliated with any one of these three major religions.

Mauritius has a rich cultural heritage that can be traced back to centuries-old island traditions such as “muunthuus”, a form of story telling; “talaoing”, an art form that uses cowry shells as percussion instruments; and “kalandji” music, which typically features drums, triangle and flute playing.

The island’s cultural roots are also evident in its cuisine, which reflects the island’s various ethnic groups.

Tourism is a major contributor to the island economy, with large numbers of foreign tourists spending time on both Goodhope Bay and Pamplemousses Peninsula. As well as these two areas there are several other interesting regions such as l’île aux Canes – an explorer James Cook claimed was “a land I have never known” (at 4 km² it is ‘smaller than my mooring berth at Port-au-Prince’).

Mauritius has four ecosanctuaries, the largest island in the Indian Ocean is almost entirely covered by eucalyptus forest with rare bird species like whiteeyed nightjar and black hawk-eagle.


The island is a republic with a presidential system of government. The current president is Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who has been in office since January 1978. Mauritius also has a unicameral parliamentary system. Elections are held on every five years, and the Prime Minister leads the government; however, all political power rests in the hands of the Parliament.

The judiciary is independent and provides equal protection under law to all individuals without regard to race, religion or gender. The island’s economy is dominated by tourism, especially its principal natural asset, the island of Mauritius.

Businesses account for about 35% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP); agriculture and fisheries represent 27%, and services 65%. Tourism revenue increased from US$2 billion in 1987 to an estimated 15.6 billion TT per year in 2007 making it one of the world’s top ten destinations on a per capita basis.

Government services

The island of Mauritius is divided into ten districts, each headed by a district commissioner. The national police force, the Police Force of Mauritius (PFM), has about 2,000 officers and a budget of MVR1.5 billion (US$41 million). There are also several fire departments spread throughout the island; many villages have their own water supply and management systems.



Most people on Mauritius earn their living from tourism-related activities, especially in the large cities such as Port Louis and Curepipe where there are concentrated hotels and restaurants catering to international visitors. New, high-tech industries are being established in recent years and islanders from all walks of life can be found working for private companies.

The majority of Mauritius’s labor force works in the public sector as well as small marginal farming operations; this nearly matches that worked by tourists, who arrive to stay at hotels, guest houses, resorts or guesthouses on a daily basis throughout the year.


The island of Mauritius is the top destination in Africa, with close to 15.6 billion TT generated through tourism in 2007, up from 11.7 billion TT in 1997 and 6.9 billion TT in 1985. The sector directly employs over 80% of the workforce and its contribution to GDP was MVR1,535 Billion (US$81 million) during 2007/2008 Fiscal Year, according to data from the country’s Department of Tourism.


Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Ile du Sud-Ouest Island is a small volcanic island that can be found in the Saint-Martin archipelago. The island is part of an Autonomous Zone that was created in 2003, and it is governed by its own law. The island has a population of around 50 people, who live in traditional thatch-roofed homes. The economy of the island revolves around tourism and subsistence farming.


1 . What Is The Population Of Ile Du Sud-Ouest Island?

The island’s population is around 50 people.

  1. Where Is Ile Du Sud-Ouest Island Located?

Ile du Sud-Ouest Island is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Saint Martin archipelago.

3 . What Is The Climate Like On Ile Du Sud-Ouest Island?

The island has a warm, tropical climate. It experiences high humidity levels every day, and there is little variation in temperature throughout the year.

  1. What Kind Of Flora And Fauna Can Be Found On Ile Du Sud-Ouest Island?

The island is home to a wide variety of plants and animals, including coconut trees, monkeys, parrots, turtles and coral reefs.

  1. Is Transportation Available To Get To Ile Du Sud-Ouest Island?

There is no regular transportation to the island, but there are occasional island tours that can be found online.

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