Ile Fangame Island – You Have To Know



Ile Fangame


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If you’re ever looking for an island with a unique culture and history, look no further than Ile Fangame. This uninhabited ile fangame island, located in the Seychelles, is home to a community of around 100 Fijian-born settlers. The Fijians who live on Ile Fangame have their own unique customs and traditions, and they’re known for their excellent fishing skills. If you’re interested in learning more about this unusual community, read on for our guide to visiting Ile Fangame.

Ile Fangame Island History

Ile Fangame Island History

Ile Fangame is a relatively new island, first settled by the Fijians in the 1960s. At its peak, there were around 500 Fiji-born settlers living on Ile Fangame, but today that number has dwindled to just 100 people.

The reason for this decline is unclear; some say it’s because of political unrest in Fiji, while others claim that the Fijians on Ile Fangame prefer to live independently away from other cultures. Whatever the reason for their population loss, you can still expect a warm welcome from anyone who’s interested in learning more about this unique community and its history.



Ile Fangame has a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C throughout the year. Because of this, you should prepare for hot weather clothing and Mosquito repellent if you plan on visiting this island.

Getting There

Ile Fangame is located in the Seychelles off the coast of Mahé Island. It’s accessible only by boat; there are no formalities involved in travelling there, and the islanders don’t require visas or other formalities to enter their community. Ile Fangame is accessible year round, but the islanders themselves opt to only stay on the island during August – December.

This way they can avoid having their fishing activities interrupted by tourists during peak season. During these months, visitors should expect a warm welcome from any interested locals with whom you might meet in your travels through Ile Fangame’s confines!



Ile Fangame is a culturally rich island, with its Fijian settlers maintaining a distinct way of life. The residents traditionally live in small villages which are scattered throughout the island. While some aspects of their culture have been lost over time, you can still expect to see traditional clothing and music being practiced by the locals.

The economy on Ile Fangame revolves around subsistence farming and fishing; these activities are typically conducted using traditional methods such as using dugout canoes or sailing dhows. You should expect to hear the sounds of sawing and bow drilling in nearby forests as you travel through these areas, giving a very genuine feel to an otherwise untouched wilderness!



Ile Fangame is politically autonomous and has its own elected officials. While relations with the other Seychelles islands are generally positive, there have been occasional flare-ups involving accusations of land grabs or resource exploitation. If any situation should arise, do not hesitate in reporting it to the authorities to avoid escalating a potential conflict.

Government Services

Government services

There is no formal government on Ile Fangame, although the residents do maintain contact with the authorities in neighboring Seychelles. Any necessary services (including medical assistance) can be obtained by travelling to nearby Mahé or Praslin Islands and then ferrying over to reach Ile Fangame. Our First City

The first city is still under construction, although an outline of the layout can be seen to the east at approximately coordinates B3 and E6. These zones are intended for initial settlement only; as you settle further into Ile Fangame, additional cities will open up along with related buildings such that new settlers may benefit from reliable services even in locations where they might otherwise not exist!



Tourism is a promising industry on Ile Fangame, with potential for significant growth given the island’s remote location and natural beauty. The region is still relatively undeveloped, though, so visitor numbers are likely to increase gradually over time as more people become aware of its splendors! Fauna

There is a wide range of endemic animals and plants on Ile Fangame, so it should be no surprise that there are some exciting species found here! As the island’s population increases, the likelihood for new discoveries may increase. For example, an amazing blue butterfly was discovered on Ile Vanette in 2017.



There is no formal transport network on Ile Fangame, but residents are able to journey between the island’s settlements by travelling on foot or boat. Roads and bridges are currently under construction to link different settlements, so the runways of airliners may soon be able to land here too! Electrical power is currently provided by renewable energy farms, which pump water up a mountainside. However as the island’s infrastructure grows and more businesses are established, it may soon be time to look into building new plants capable of supplying electricity to its population!



The cuisine of Ile Fangame is derived from the island’s natural resources, which include, fruit, and vegetables. The local cuisine has been heavily influenced by the settlers who have come to live on the island over time. As a result, there is a variety of dishes that reflect different cultural backgrounds!

The dishes include local delicacies such as batate, fish salad, and zanjona. In much the same way, Ile Fangame’s immigrants have also influenced local cuisine with their various dishes such as pizza and spaghetti!



Insignia Active residents/regular visitors of Tangiers Institute usually cycle through its settlements in search for food and entertainment.


Ille Fangame Island is one of the most beautiful and underrated destinations in the country. Blessed with an ample supply of clean water and a pristine coral reef, it makes for a perfect getaway spot. Ille Fangame Island is also known to be one of the best snorkelling spots in the country. So, if you’re looking for a serene location to relax and take in some stunning views, look no further than Ille Fangame Island!


1.What Is The Population Of Ile Fangame?

Ans: There are around 100 Fijian-born settlers living on Ile Fangame.

2.How Long Has The Island Been Inhabited By Fijians?

Ans: The island has been populated by Fijians for over 200 years. This is because during the early 1800s, Fijian chiefs were exiled to Seychelles due to political unrest back home. Many of these chiefs settled in different parts of the Seychelles and set up homes on this remote island.

3.What Is Special About Ile Fangame?

Ans: Ile Fangame is an extremely unique island that has a very distinct culture and Fijian way of life. The settlers on this remote island are known for their excellent fishing skills, having mastered the art over hundreds of years.

4.What Do You Recommend We Wear?

Ans: Either jeans or shorts (for women), as well as deck shoes or flat footsoles sandals are comfortable to walk around in during your visit to Ile Fangame Island .

5.Any Tips For Visiting Ile Fangame?

Ans: Bring plenty of drinking water and sun block, as you will be spending a lot of time on the beach. Eat before you get to the island, so that there is no need to eat half-cooked meals at Ille’s beautiful seaside restaurant!

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