Ile Malice Island Everything You Need to Know




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Ile Malice Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean. It is part of the Seychelles archipelago and forms part of the commune of Victoria. Administratively, it falls within the constituency of Mahe. The island is known for its rare giant tortoises, as well as its coral reefs and lagoons.

All Discussion Of Ile Malice Island

Ile Malice Island Everything You Need to Know



Ile Malice is a small, uninhabited island in the West Indies. It was named after the French navigator Michel Le Moyne d’Iberville, who sighted it on December 10, 1697, while exploring the Gulf of Mexico. The island is now administered by the United States Virgin Islands Department of Natural Resources.



The island is located in the Seychelles archipelago, just east of Mahé and north of Praslin. It is about 8 km long by 4 km wide, with an area of about 12 hectares. The nearest major landmass is Mahe Island to the east.

The climate on Ile Malice is tropical, with a mean temperature of 27 °C. The average annual rainfall is 600 mm. The island is home to a few rare giant tortoises, as well as other species of birds and animals. The coral reefs and lagoons are also popular with divers.

The only way to get to Ile Malice is by boat from Mahé or Praslin. Visitors should note that the island is only accessible during low tide, so it can be quite unpredictable when it’s possible to visit.



The primary ecosystem on Ile Malice is a coral reef. Other species present include sea palms, green turtles, hawksbill Turtles, and rats. There are also reptiles such as lizards and snakes. The island is home to a few hundred giant tortoises, which are the world’s largest living land mammals.



There is no permanent population on Ile Malice. However, there are occasional visits by people who research the tortoises or dive into the coral reefs and lagoons.



There is no official economy on Ile Malice, but people who visit the island may bring food and supplies with them. Some of the tortoises are also hunted for their meat or shell.



The climate on Ile Malice is tropical, with a mean temperature of 27 °C. The average annual rainfall is 600 mm.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

According to the 2010 census, the predominant religion on Ile Malice is Christianity. There is also a significant population of Muslims and Hindus. Other religious groups represented include followers of traditional African religions, animist beliefs, and Baha’i.

Ile Malice has a long and diverse history, and its culture reflects this. Its people are proud and passionate about their heritage and have a strong sense of identity. They celebrate their traditions with gusto and enjoy rich cultural life in all its forms.

The people of Ile Malice are warm, friendly, and hospitable, and they enjoy interacting with visitors from around the world. They are also proud to be part of the Francophone community and enjoy speaking their native language fluently.



Ile Malice is home to six languages: French, Ibanese, Javanese, Melanesian Papuan Sea Tok Pisin, Portuguese and Spanish.



The majority of the population is illiterate, but there are a few schools on Ile Malice that teach children basic literacy and mathematics.



Ile Malice is a democracy and its government is based on the principle of representative democracy. The island’s leaders are chosen through free and fair elections.

Government Services

Government services

Healthcare is available on Ile Malice and the government has established a hospital to provide emergency services. There are also a number of clinics that offer basic medical care. The financial system is based on the franc, and the currency is tied to the euro.


Assumption Island Tourism

Ile Malice is a popular tourist destination, and its scenic beauty and rich culture make it a destination people come to seek out. There are many hotels and resorts that offer accommodation, as well as restaurants that serve all sorts of cuisine.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

List of hotels and resorts on Ile Malice Island:

The following is a list of hotels and resorts on Ile Malice Island. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and that the information provided is for general reference only. Contact the individual resorts for more specific information.

Grand Ile Resort

Ile Royale Resort

Le Palais Resort

Ile Rousse Beach Resort

Ile Rousse Golf & Spa Resort

Le Saint Regis Iles de la Madeleine Resort

Ile des Sables Beach Resort

Le Saint-Pierre Iles de la Madeleine Resort



The following are some of the attractions on Ile Malice Island:

Ile Rousse Beach

Le Palais Resort

Ile Royale Resort

Sea Pointe Theme Park

Castillo de San Felipe (Fort Saint Phillip)



Ile Malice Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the Saint-Lawrence River. It is part of the Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier and is a popular spot for fishing and canoeing. The island is also home to a small lighthouse and an abandoned military fort.



There is no regular transport to or from Ile Malice Island. Visitors must charter a boat or take a ferry to get there.



The cuisine on Ile Malice Island is derived from the local ingredients and indigenous traditions. There are many restaurants that offer a variety of foods, including seafood, steak, and curry.


Ile Malice Island is a small, quiet island that is perfect for relaxation and adventure. The varied scenery and delicious food make it a must-see destination on any trip to the Saint Lawrence Valley.


1.Do I Need A Visa To Visit Ile Malice Island?

Ans: No, you do not need a visa to visit Ile Malice Island.

2.Can Children Stay On The Island?

Ans: Children under the age of 16 cannot stay on the island. Older children may be able to accompany their parents but must adhere to all restrictions set by the resort(s) they are staying at.

3.Can I Take My Dog With Me On The Island?

Ans: Dogs are not allowed on the island. However, large dogs can be brought onto the ferry that takes visitors to and from the island.

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