Ile Michel Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Ile Michel Island


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Ile Michel Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, west of Québec City. It has a surface area of just over 1 km² and a total land area of just over 2.5 km².

The island is named after Michel Ile (1797-1871), the first Bishop of Québec, who was also responsible for founding Laval University. The bishop is buried on the island in a crypt that still exists today.

The island is accessible by boat only and is used for research and conservation purposes by the Université Laval and the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications.

All About Of Ile Michel Island

Ile Michel Island


The history and culture of the Prince of Wales Island

Ile Michel island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, approximately 85 km northeast of Quebec City, and 10 km off the northeast shore of Quebec’s Îles-de-la-Madeleine.

The first documented sighting of Ile Michel was by Samuel de Champlain in 1603. He called it Isle aux Chiens (Island of the Dogs), because of the numerous wolves that he observed there. The island was eventually renamed Ile Michel after Michel-Antoine-Laurent Le Ray de Chaumont, Marquis de Vaucluse, a French general who served in North America during the French and Indian War.

Ile Michel served as a naval base during World War II and was also used as a training ground for Canadian Forces personnel preparing for Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy in 1944. The base was decommissioned in November 1945 and returned to civilian use in 1947. Today, it is a popular tourist destination with a small permanent population.


Etoile Island geography

Ile Michel is about 1 km² in size and has a surface area of just over 2.5 km². The island is almost entirely covered by forest, with just a small amount of open land around the coastline.

The closest major islands are Îles-de-la-Madeleine to the northeast and Sainte Anne de Beaupré Island to the southeast.



Ile Michel Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, approximately halfway between Quebec City and Gaspé. The island has been designated a National Wildlife Area and is home to a rich bird and plant ecosystem.

The island’s vegetation is dominated by Maritime Pine, an evergreen tree that grows to heights of over 50 feet. Other common trees include White Birch, Black Walnut, American Beech, and Sugar Maple. Together, these trees form an important part of the island’s ecosystem.

Many animals call Ile Michel Island home, including harlequin ducks, common loons, snowy owls, red-throated loons, golden eagles, black bears, white-tailed deer, beaver, and waterfowl such as mallards and Canada geese. The island’s rich bird population is also notable – including black-capped chickadees, ruby-crowned kinglets, American goldfinches, brown thrashers, Cooper’s hawk, and white-tailed deer mice.



Ile Michel has a population of around 100 people. The majority of the island’s residents are occasional visitors who enjoy its natural environment and wildlife.



Ile Michel’s economy is largely based on tourism. Visitors can enjoy hiking and biking trails, as well as viewing the island’s unique wildlife and flora.



Ile Michel experiences a mild climate year-round, with moderate temperatures throughout the year and little variation in temperature. The average annual precipitation is approximately 560 mm, which falls mainly as rain during the summer months.

Culture And Religion

Culture and Religion

Ile Michel is home to a small number of permanent residents, as well as a limited number of commercial businesses. The predominant religion on the island is Christianity.



The primary language spoken on Ile Michel is French.



There is no formal school on Ile Michel, but residents are able to access educational resources from the mainland.



Ile Michel is part of the French National Territory of Wallis and Futuna. As such, it is part of the French government. The island’s residents are able to vote in national elections and have representation in both the French parliament and local councils.

Government Services

Government services

There is no government service on Ile Michel. Residents are able to access medical care and other basic services from the mainland.


Dundas Island Tourism

Ile Michel is home to a number of tourist attractions, including hiking and biking trails, natural viewing spots, and a small commercial district. Visitors can also enjoy fishing opportunities in the surrounding waters.

Hotels And Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Ile Michel is home to a number of small, private hotels and resorts. Some popular options include the Ile de la Peyrouse Resort and Spa, La Vallée du Lolo Resort and Spa, and Les Terrasses de Saint-Michel Lodge.



Ile Michel is home to a number of attractions, including a large natural viewing spot known as le Rocher du Diable, hiking and biking trails, and a small commercial district. Some popular options include the Ile de la Peyrouse Resort and Spa, La Vallée du Lolo Resort and Spa, Les Terrasses de Saint-Michel Lodge, and the La Plage de L’Ile Resort.



Residents are able to enjoy a number of activities, including fishing opportunities in the surrounding waters, hiking and biking trails, and a small commercial district. Some popular options include Les Terrasses de Saint-Michel Lodge, La Vallée du Lolo Resort and Spa, Ile de la Peyrouse Resort and Spa , and the La Plage de L’Ile Resort.


Dundas Island Transport

Residents are able to access transportation from the mainland. Some popular options include buses and ferries.



Ile Michel is home to a variety of restaurants, including local seafood dishes, Vietnamese and French favorites, and international cuisine.


The Ile Michel National Wildlife Area is a popular tourist destination for nature lovers, and its rich bird and plant ecosystem makes it a perfect place to get lost in the woods. The island’s population of around 100 people ranges from occasional visitors to full-time residents, with a largely tourism-based economy based on hiking and biking trails, viewing wildlife at close range, and tasting local cuisine.

While the island experiences mild weather year-round, there are variations in temperature throughout the year due to seasonal changes.


1.What Are The Most Popular Activities On Ile Michel?

Ans: The main attractions on Ile Michel include hiking and biking trails, wildlife viewing opportunities, and a small commercial district.

2.Do I Need A Visa To Visit Ile Michel?

Ans: No, you do not require a visa for visits to the Ile Michel National Wildlife Area.

3.What Currency Is Used On Ile Michel?

Ans: The currency used on the island is Canadian dollars.

4.What Is The Climate Like On Ile Michel?

Ans: The climate on Ile Michel is mild year-round.

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