Ile Ronde Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Ile Ronde Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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If you’re looking for an amazing getaway, Ile Ronde Island is definitely worth a visit! This beautiful island is located in the Saint Lawrence River and can be found just north of Montreal.

The island has plenty to offer visitors, including stunning scenery, delicious food, and friendly locals. Here’s everything you need to know about Ile Ronde Island before your trip!

Ile Ronde Island-Everything You Need to Know!


Ile Ronde Island is located off the coast of Quebec and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was first sighted by Jacques Cartier in 1535 and was named for the nearby Saint Ronde River. The island is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including deer, beavers, bears, wolves, and many other animals.



Ile Ronde Island measures just over 2 square kilometers and is made up of a number of small islands. The island has a mild climate, with average temperatures reaching around 18 degrees Celsius in the summer months and dropping to around -5 degrees Celsius in the winter.


The Ile Ronde Island is a small, uninhabited island that lies in the Saint Lawrence River near the town of Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. It is part of the Saint Lawrence Islands National Park. The island has a history dating back to the early 18th century when it served as a base of operations for French fur traders and missionaries.

After the establishment of British rule in North America, the island was used as a penal colony for French-speaking Canadians. Today, it is home to a small permanent population and several research stations operated by Parks Canada.


The population of Ile Ronde Island is small, numbering just under 50 people. The majority of the population lives on nearby Grande Ile Island which is part of the same National Park. There are a few tourist facilities available on the island, including a number of guesthouses and cabins.


The economy of Ile Ronde Island is largely dependent on tourism. There are a number of tourist facilities available on the island, including a number of guesthouses and cabins. The main sources of revenue are visitors who spend money in the local shops and restaurants.


The climate of Ile Ronde Island is tropical. The average temperature ranges from 26-32 degrees Celsius. The coolest month is January with an average temperature of 24 degrees Celsius, while the hottest month is July with an average temperature of 31 degrees Celsius. The island experiences a fair amount of rainfall, with an annual average of 1,912 millimeters.

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion of Ile Ronde Island are largely dependent on the surrounding communities. The majority of the population is Catholic, while there are a handful of Protestant churches present.


The official language of Ile Ronde Island is French. However, there are small numbers of English speakers present as well.


Ile Ronde is a beautiful island located in the Indian Ocean. The island has an interesting educational history, with several institutions of higher learning having been founded on the island. Some of the most notable educational institutions on Ile Ronde are the Université de La Réunion (UR), the Université de Saint-Denis (USD), and the Université Paul Sabatier (UPS).


Ile Ronde is a French overseas territory. As such, the island is subject to the laws and regulations of France. The government of Ile Ronde is led by a governor who is appointed by Paris.

Government Services

Since Ile Ronde is a French overseas territory, government services are available in French. However, as the island is also home to several English-speaking communities, certain government services are also available in English.



Ile Ronde is a popular tourist destination for its beautiful scenery and warm climate. The island has several accommodation options available, as well as plenty of attractions to explore.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Some of the best hotels and resorts on Ile Ronde are the La Réunion Palace, Le Saint-Pierre, L’île aux Gros Poissons Resort, Villa Petite France Resort and Spa, Amanjao Beachfront Bungalows and Lodge.


Ile Ronde Island is a beautiful destination located in the Saint Lawrence River near Quebec City. The island is composed of two parts – the North and the South. The North is made up of more cliffs and cliffs, while the South is much flatter.

There are also a few small coves and inlets that make for a scenic and picturesque environment. Aside from its natural beauty, Ile Ronde Island is also well known for its rich history. In 1663, Samuel de Champlain anchored his flagship at Ile Ronde after his famous expedition to find the way to the Pacific Ocean. Later on, during the French and Indian War, Ile Ronde served as a base of operations for General Montcalm’s troops.


Ile Ronde Island is located in the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada. It is a small island that is only accessible by boat. The island is home to many different animals, including deer, beavers, geese, and rabbits. The island also has a few lakes and ponds that are home to ducks and other waterfowl.


There are several transport options that are available to get to Ile Ronde. The quickest way is by boat, which can be arranged through a tour company or charter company. Alternatively, there is also the option of flying into Quebec City and taking the bus or ferry to the island.



The cuisine of Ile Ronde Island is a mix of both French and Polynesian influences. Some of the popular dishes include fresh seafood, chicken, and beef, as well as various Creole dishes. In addition to traditional cuisine, there are also a number of local specialties that include creamy pastries, fruit tartlets, and savory pies.


Thank you for reading! In conclusion, Ile Ronde Island is a beautiful and serene island off the coast of Quebec that is perfect for those who love nature and relaxation.

It is also a great place for those who are interested in learning about French culture and history. If you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Ile Ronde Island is definitely the place for you!


Is There A Cost For Getting To Ile Ronde?

There is no cost for getting to Ile Ronde, but availability can vary depending on the time of year. It is best to check with a tour company or charter company in advance if you are interested in visiting the island.

What Are Some Of The Attractions On Ile Ronde Island?

The main attraction on Ile Ronde Island is its natural beauty.

What Are Some Of The Local Specialties That You Should Try While On Ile Ronde Island?

Some of the local specialties that you can try while on Ile Ronde Island include creamy pastries, fruit tartlets, and savory pies.

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