Ile Sud-Est Island



Ile Sud-Est Island


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If you’re planning a trip to Mauritius and you’re looking for a place to relax and unwind, Ile Sud-Est is the perfect island for you. With its clear waters and white sand beaches, it’s easy to see why this island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the region. Even if you’re not planning on staying on the island, be sure to check out some of the otherworldly attractions that exist there, like the Flamingo Zoo or the Lighthouse.

Ile Sud-Est Island


Ile Sud-Est island was first discovered by the Dutch in 1638, and it was officially claimed by France in 1810. The island has a long history of being a popular tourist destination, and it’s no wonder why – its clear waters, white sand beaches, and legendary nightlife make it an unforgettable experience.


There are plenty of activities to enjoy on Ile Sud-Est island if you’re looking for something to do while you’re there. You can explore its lovely natural surroundings or take a trip down to the beach for some fun in the sun . Day or night, you can look for great restaurants to enjoy a nice meal and perhaps catch some DJs at sunset.


Being an island off the east coast of Mauritius, Ile Sud-Est is easy enough to get around from its main airport in Tamarinenkandia (TMN). If you want to stay on the island, there are plenty of resorts that have accommodations available with direct flights going straight into their terminals. Lifestyles While you may be familiar with island hopping, it’s no wonder Ile Sud-Est island is so popular. With its clean waters, white beaches, and unmatched nightlife, this paradise will leave you wanting more! Be sure to check out our full par of photography from when we went there for the first time some years back.


The island has a tropical climate, with the average temperature ranging from around 27 degrees Celsius in the daytime to 23 degrees at night. This means that you’ll find plenty of activities and places to enjoy year-round! About the island: while it may look dramatically different than a lot of other South Pacific islands, Ile Sud-Est is actually part of a volcanic mountain range. A whole line of them stretch right across Southern Indian Ocean, almost doubling its surface area.

The island was previously known as “Ile aux Cerfs” because there are so many wild goats on most beaches that locals would use stones to point out where they disappeared into – now renamed in honor by France’s Emperor Napoleon III! Within half an hour or less from Tamarinenkandia airport, you can arrive at one of several beaches on the island, all different and unique. Out to sea are a number of small islands loosely called “Iles Plateaux”.


Le Sud-Est island is a mix of French, Malagasy, Indian and Polynesian cultures. This unique melting pot has given rise to a number of interesting customs that are worth trying out if you visit the island.chief amongst these is the traditional music festival which takes place every August on the main island – in fact, it’s been called one of Africa’s top 10 festivals! Visitors can expect lively performances from local artists as well as international celebrities. Other popular activities include hiking and biking (both on land and around some really scenic beaches), horseback riding, swimming in crystal-clear water, snorkelling and scuba diving.

Eating & Drinking restaurants, bars and cafes – you’ll find a large number of traditional islanders offering up a delightful array of local cuisine from around the world such as Arby’s (burgers), called “Kabobo mais” by islanders. Other favourites include: Chez Gérard at Tamarinenkandia; Le Café de l’île in Ambohibao; Pizzeria Di Marea in Taminondrazaka, Fort-Dauphin; La Fortune des p êcheurs at Tamarinenkandia; Restaurant les Lignoles Le Tumas in Fort-Dauphin, etc.


The island is a parliamentary democracy and its government is based on the three principles of Sainte-Luce – Social, Cultural and Economic. The island has a population of around 50,000 people who are divided into 13 communes (arrondissements). With regard to international affairs, Le Sud-Est is a member state of la Francophonie.

Government services

There are a number of government services that can be accessed on the island, including: health care, education (from primary school to university), postal service and banking. Tourism trends, facts and figures


The island has a large number of French and international tourists, who come to the islands in the summer months.

It is mainly a winter destination but some residents travel here from France throughout the year as well. Total annual visitors are 1 million people with between 400,000 and 500,000 coming every August during its recently established festival, which attracts 50 thousand local visitors and 10 thousand foreign friends around this period alone; it also hosts about 2 million cruise guests per annum (and at least eleven cruises each week) who stay on average seven days – one spends approximately 200 Euros per day per person .


Ile Sud-Est Island is a small, uninhabited island located off the coast of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It was first discovered in 1638 by the Dutch East India Company and named Ile de France. In 1715, during the French Wars of Religion, Ile de France was captured by a French fleet sent by Louis XIV to quash an uprising against Catholicism on the island. For more than two centuries, the island was administered by the French Navy, serving as a storage and training base for naval vessels. In 1903, Ile Sud-Est was transferred to Mauritius’ governance and became part of a national park.


What Are The Unique Attractions Of Ile Sud-Est?

Ile Sud-Est island is known for its clear waters and white sand beaches, as well as its wildlife, which includes flamingos and sea turtles.

Is Ile Sud-Est Easy To Get To?

Yes, it’s located just off the coast of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

How Big Is Ile Sud-Este Island?

It’s about 12 km long by 5 km wide.

How Many People Live On Ile Sud-Este Island?

There are no permanent residents, but the island is popular with tourists.

What’s The Climate Like On Ile Sud-Est?

The weather conditions on the island vary depending on the season, but generally, it’s hot and humid throughout the year.

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