Ilha de Boipeba Island – You Have To Know



Ilha de Boipeba Island


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Ilha de Boipeba Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the eastern region of Brazil. It is approximately 163 km2 in size, and has an approximate coastline of 12 km. Ilha de Boipeba is notable for its geomorphology, which includes the world’s longest ridgeline – the Serra da Boipeba – and the world’s second-longest beach – the Praia da Vitória. The island is also known for its endemic bird species , which include the red-faced spoonbill and the white-fronted parrot.

Ilha de Boipeba Island


Ilha de Boipeba is a small island located in the eastern region of Brazil. It was first discovered by Europeans in 1511, and since then it has remained uninhabited. The island was most likely named after Boipeba, an African woman who fought against Portuguese conquistadors during the 16th century.



Ilha de Boipeba is a small, sparsely populated island located in the eastern region of Brazil. Its total land area is approximately 163 km2, and its coastline measures 12 km. Ilha de Boipeba’s primary relief consists of a height advantage over land, which is ideal for the growth of tropical vegetation. Aside from this, its topography also includes hills and valleys consisting primarily of secondary relief. To the east, Ilha de Boipeba forms part its larger island state – Serra da Capivara e Macuco (Macucos Mountain Range).

In addition to these geological features there are many man-made objects present on this island as well; including fortresses dating back to colonial times, windmills that may be used in exploration or repairs during periods without access to port cities such as Olinda, for example, and wells. Amongst others, these include the following buildings:

Ilha de Boipeba is also notable as an island that contains several endemic bird species; including two of Brazil’s most endangered birds – the red-faced spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja) and white-fronted parrot (Pionites leucogaster); thus elevating Ilha de Boipeba to a type locality.



The island has a tropical climate, with a mean annual temperature of 26°C and an average monthly temperature range of 18°C to 30°C. The island experiences two distinct seasons – the wet season, which lasts from October to March, and the dry season, which lasts from April to September. The island is also subject to hurricanes that can cause significant damage.


Ecology and conservation

Ilha de Boipeba possesses many endemic plant species (30) as well as 142 bird species that are not found anywhere else in Brazil. These include red-faced spoonbill (Ajaia a jaja), white-fronted parrot (Pionites leucogaster) and the lizard Boipeba pygmy owl.

The island’s flora has a variety of vegetation zones, which range from coastal communities with tropical rainfall, to dry shrubland in the island’s centre and north.

An example of these communities are Cape and Fungus forest ecoregions; where there is dense rainforest seen below sea level on dune beaches between Ilha de los Bueyes/Sierra do Leste eire as well as near Paruaqueira River ecoregion e.

The island consists of two ecoregions – the mid- to high altitude, cool and wet serras do Boipeba ecoregion in the central area of Ilha de Boipeba’s interior and Serra da Sadaia/Serra dos Tumucumaque mountains at its eastern end; as well as a tropical lowland forest, which is restricted on mountaintops near Fungus Forest Natural Heritage Site.



Ilha de Boipeba is home to the Bororo people, a small indigenous group that practices slash and burn agriculture, hunting and gathering. There are also a few eucalyptus tree plantations on the island. The island’s culture is largely unrecorded; however, it is thought to be similar to that of other neighboring islands such as Arraial d’Ajuda or Santa Catarina Island in terms of traditional religious ceremonies and mythology.



Ilha de Boipeba falls within the jurisdiction of the municipality of Tabira, which is in the state of Santa Catarina. The island is uninhabited and does not have any political organization of its own; instead, the people who live on other coastlines participate in an informal association consisting of some 30 settlements.

There are no laws that govern Ilha de Boipeba per se: legislation relevant to Costa do estuarion local state government falls under states such as Florianópolis or Porto Alegre (state capitals), and all issues concerning land ownership, public order e citizenship apply under regional law with the Bi-National Chamber of Integration.

Government services

Government services

There is no formal government presence on Ilha de Boipeba, with the exception of a small number of Brazil Defence Force personnel stationed on Fungus Forest as part of a joint program between the military and Universidade Federal do Santa Catarina. The local health post provides basic healthcare services to islanders, though outside clinics are generally required for serious cases.

The island’s residents rely largely on subsistence agriculture, fishing e hunting for their food needs; however some families also engage in informal commerce by selling crafts or producing fruit e vegetables to sale locally or abroad.



Ilha de Boipeba is currently not a popular tourist destination, with relatively few visitors arriving each year. This may be due to the island’s remote location and lack of infrastructure (including no hotels or other formal tourist establishments), as well as its limited appeal compared to more heavily visited islands in the region.

However, there are plans to develop tourism on Ilha de Boipeba in order to capitalise on its natural environment e cultural heritage; this could involve the establishment of recreational facilities such as camping e hiking trails, or simple guest houses that offer basic accommodation amenities.


Ilha de Boipeba Island is the largest of the three islands in the Baia das Virgens Archipelago in Brazil. The island has an area of 6,890 km² and a population of over 13,000. The island is administratively divided into two municipalities, Ilha Grande and Ilha de Boipeba, both of which are part of the district of Marajó. The island is known for its white sand beaches and clear waters.


 What Is The Economy Of Ilha De Boipeba Island?

The island’s economy is based on tourism, agriculture, and fishing.

What Are The Main Religions Practised On Ilha De Boipeba Island?

There are no religious denominations predominately practiced on the island, but there are a number of religious sites located throughout its landscape. These include churches and shrines dedicated to saints and gods from various faiths, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Budhism, syncretism with animist beliefs., African traditional religion and Judaism.

How Many Indigenous Languages Are Spoken On Ilha De Boipeba Island? What Percentage Of Islanders Speak Each Language?

There is no independent community that speaks an indigenous people’s language, but there are a number of communities who practice Judaism and Islam. The island maintains these two religions, as well as syncretism with African traditional beliefs and monotheistic Christianity.

What Are The Main Foods Found On Ilha De Boipeba Island?

Fishing, agriculture and coconuts are the island’s primary food sources. Coconuts are a major export commodity. Some of the more famous dishes that originate from the island include cachorro-quente (spicy crispy dog), feijoada (a dish made with beans, manioc flour, beef or pork, salt, pepper and tomato sauce), canja-de-café (coffee cake) and pirarucu e arroz dos ventres (pir arucus and rice). A popular local song says “cheira Paraio, e toca tudo que eu quiser: café, canja de coco, pepino e peixe” (It smells of Perico island. And I like everything that exists on the island: coffee drinking with coconut milk or mango vinegar sauce / piraruzukuu arroz dos ventres – Piraras fish and cassava root stew).

How Many People Live On Ilha De Boipeba Island?

There are 1,180 inhabitants on the island, of which 89.5 percent identify as Brazilian citizens and 10.5 percent as foreigners (mostly British or American).

Ilha de Boipeba has a significant French cultural presence given that it was a penal colony from 1775 to 1835 by order of Napoleon Bonaparte.

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