Astola Island




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Astola Island is a newly-launched luxury resort that offers breathtakingly beautiful views of the Andaman Sea. The resort is located on Astola Island and has a total of 72 rooms, each with its own unique features and amenities. The resort also features a number of restaurants, bars, and lounges that serve a variety of cuisines.

Astola Island is a luxurious resort that offers breathtaking views of the Andaman Sea. It has a total of 72 rooms and is located on Astola Island.

Astola Island


Astola Island is a small, uninhabited island in the Bali Strait, about halfway between Bali and Lombok. It is claimed by both Indonesia and the Republic of the Philippines. Located in the Celebes Sea, Astola Island is one of the Pulu islands, a group of islands that includes Pantar and Seram. The name Astola is derived from an Old Javanese word meaning “westernmost” or “last”. The island was first recorded in a Chinese document of the 7th century AD. It has been occupied sporadically by various Indonesian kingdoms and by the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). In 1906, it was claimed by Spain as part of the Spanish East Indies. In 1941 it was captured by Japan during World War II and became part of the Japanese-controlled South Celebes Provinces. The Philippines established sovereignty over Astola in 1976 after winning a protracted dispute with Indonesia over its territorial waters.


Astola Island is about 10 km long and 5 km wide, with a total land area of about 100 hectares. It has two small sandy bays on its northeast coast that provide good anchorage conditions. The island’s terrain consists of steep slopes rising to a central peak at 1,025 meters above sea level. There are several streams and waterfalls on the island that provide hydration for wildlife in the dry season.


The vegetation on Astola Island includes rainforest, mixed dipterocarp forest, and a few scattered coconut palms. There are also many fruit trees including durian, rambutan, and mangosteen. Wildlife includes deer, monkeys, gibbons, porcupinefish species such as salmon (or sea bream), and snakes.


The population of Astola Island is unknown, but it is likely to be sparse because of the island’s rugged terrain and its remote location. The only known residents are a few workers from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency who live on the northeastern coast.


Astola Island is a beautiful, welcoming place with a rich history. It has a thriving economy based on the tourism industry, which is growing rapidly thanks to its many attractions and unique amenities. The island has many beautiful beaches, lush forests, and plenty of activities to keep visitors entertained. There are also a number of businesses that offer services related to the tourism industry, such as restaurants, tour companies, and accommodation facilities. Overall, Astola Island is a very prosperous place with a thriving economy that is poised for continued growth.


Astola Island has a tropical climate. The average temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius all year round. The coolest month is February with an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, and the warmest month is August with an average temperature of 28 degrees Celsius.

Culture And Religion

There is no information available about the culture or religion of Astola Island.


The official language of Astola Island is Malay. However, English also serves as a common second language.


Astola Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Bermuda Triangle. It has a population of zero and offers no real amenities, save for a few rustic outbuildings. Some believe that the island is home to a secret government installation, while others believe that it’s simply a place where the wealthy can take refuge from the law.


Astola Island is a completely self-governing jurisdiction with its own government, legislature, and judiciary. It has no relations whatsoever with any other country. There is no information available about the political situation on Astola Island.

Government Services

There are no government services available on Astola Island.


Astola Island is a popular tourist destination because of its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. There are a number of businesses that offer tours and accommodation facilities, which make it easy for visitors to enjoy their stay on the island. Overall, Astola Island has been successful in cultivating a thriving tourism industry.


Astola Attractions

Astola Island is a beautiful place with a lot to offer tourists. Some of its attractions include the pristine and colorful coral reefs, the variety of dive sites, the clear and warm waters, and the abundant wildlife. The island also has some amazing hikes that will take you to some of the most picturesque landscapes on Maui.


Astola Activities

There are a number of activities that visitors can enjoy on Astola Island. Some of these include snorkeling, diving, hiking, biking, and kayaking.


There is no regular transport available on Astola Island. Visitors must either charter a boat or take a taxi to get around the island.


Astola Island is known for its delicious cuisine. Here are a few of the local delicacies that you are sure to enjoy:

  1. Baklava – Baklava is a pastry made of layers of phyllo dough, nuts, and honey. It is often served as part of a dessert or as part of a breakfast pastry.
  2. Kefir – Kefir is a drink made from milk and kefir culture, which gives it a sour and slightly sweet taste. It is often drunk as an appetizer or as part of breakfast cereal.
  3. Phyllo dough – Phyllo dough is a type of pastry dough made from flour, water, and salt that is usually filled with fruit or cream and then baked. It can be served both fresh and frozen and is often used in desserts such as baklava, pastries, strudels, and turnovers.


Astola Island is a beautiful place to visit and its thriving tourism industry has made it one of the most popular tourist destinations on Maui. Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities such as snorkeling, diving, hiking, biking, and kayaking. The delicious local cuisine is sure to satisfy any appetite.


What Are Some Of The Best Things To Do On Astola Island?

Some of the best things to do on Astola Island include snorkeling, diving, hiking, biking, and kayaking.

Can I Rent A Bike Or Kayak?

Yes, you can rent bikes and kayaks from various retailers on Astola Island.

What Is The Best Time To Visit Astola Island?

The best time to visit Astola Island is during the spring and summer months when the weather is warm and sunny.

Do I Need A Passport To Visit Astola Island?

No, you don’t need a passport to visit Astola Island.

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