Isla San Félix Island



Isla San Félix Island


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Isla San Félix is a tiny archipelago, located to the south of San Francisco, in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of five islands: Isla San Félix, Isla Angelita, Isla Alcatraz, Isla de la Cruz, and Isla de los Garzones. The group is part of the Bay Area National Wildlife Refuge and is accessible by boat or by foot. The islands are home to a variety of bird and animal species, including seabirds, shorebirds, marine mammals, such as porpoises and dolphins, and reptiles. The islands are also a popular place for hiking and biking and can be reached by car from San Francisco.

Isla San Félix Island


The island was first settled by the Ohlone people in approximately 1000 CE. The Spanish explorer Alvarado named the island San Félix after Saint Felician, a 4th-century bishop of Seville. By 1810, when Mexico gained independence from Spain, most of the population had died from smallpox or other diseases brought over by the invading Spaniards.

In 1898, following Mexican Revolution and war with United States, Isla Angelita and Isla de la Cruz were ceded to US as part of naval base agreement that established US Navy’s Pacific Station at Port Arthur on the north end of Vancouver Island, Canada.

Ranching and grazing was an important part to island economy in past due for horse breeding, water transport necessary for shipping along with use as a base by US Navy. It has little beach or rocky shoreline, thus visitors can only visit inside Isla San Felix island such three small beaches: two south-west of town Mejorada e Iglesias beach area (Mejorada half houses) they call Ensenañon’s Beach because its name said “Incomplete” one that is named after grassland e Iglesias, La Cienega de San Pedro .


The island has a subtropical climate, with average annual precipitation of . The islands are in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevada. Winter is mild, while summer can be quite hot and humid due to elevation and maritime influences. Daily, temperature fluctuates between 22 °C (72.0°F) and 15° C (59.2°F). Isla San Felix island has wetter winters than most other places in the California Physical State Area.


Isla San Felix island has a Polynesian culture dating back to 1000 CE. The island is also home to a few Spanish speakers who immigrated in the 1800s, and there are some Anglo-Americans who have lived on the island for many years. There are no banks or stores on Isla San Felix, so provisions must be brought from mainland Mexico or Canada.


There is no running water or electric service on Isla San Felices, so visitors must bring their own supplies. Bush fires can be very dangerous, as the dense trees and shrubs make it difficult for firefighters to reach the fires.

Another island institution is gambling, allowed in a grey zone on any other American island and regulated by articles of merchant mariners’ law or 1978 Mexican Federal Law but not mentioned or normative frame since hundreds years ago. The “Casa verde” (Green House) was recommended inviting local personages, who promote also its credit system by these Gambling helps families with their food supply too in emergency cases, e.g., hurricane Harvey victims previous year 2018 when only Isla San Felix had electricity service available during multiple days because power lines were interrupted from Hurricane Harvey .

Templo de San José, a freestanding church in the village of “Baje” on Isla San Felix island, was built around 1900 by Cuban settlers. The architectural style is Moorish Revival and has two towers with Mexican colonial-era finials. There are several locally grown houses at Baje that have been a treasure for generations or since their construction decades ago; these buildings show significant age despite some renovations (there is no hot water nor plumbing).


Since Isla San Felix is not a part of any Mexican state, the island operates under its own laws and has its own government. There is no police force, so visitors must be vigilant for theft or scams. Since Isla San Felix is only contiguous to Bahía de Cochinos, the island can be used in an emergency by Mexican ships.

Windmills and rainwater collecting tanks provide most island residents with their water needs; this does not include a permanent grid for electricity poles or houses. The infrastructure on the island also suffered extensive storm damage from Hurricane Paloma in 1985 that wiped out power lines, phones and many buildings especially because strong winds blew away concrete blocks allowing flooding of canal sides during heavy rains .

Government services

Residents must travel to the mainland for all government services, including health care and education. There is no bank or post office on Isla San Felix, so residents must bring their own money and supplies. Taxi service is available throughout the island, but not its entire length; travel to neighboring islands requires a boat or alternative means.

The island has no airport and can only be reached on foot via causeways built during Hurricane Paloma in 1985 by Benito Juarez Gomez Itchagona who reputedly died en route leaving his 74-year old mother as ward of her son Gabriel itchyagana (an elderly woman). Her husband was an elder named Juan de las Cuevas Garcia itchyaga which explains why they lived near each other when they arrived 13 years prior.



The island is a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty, history and close proximity to Bahía de Cochinos. Visitors must be aware of theft and scams, as well as the island’s infrastructure limitations. Isla San Felix experiences high rates of tourist crime, especially aggravated theft and vandalism. In late summer 2011 a crab fisherman died after he was beaten on the island for stealing crabs to feed his family; no arrests have been made in connection with this attack, which occurred during an unofficial celebration day known as “El Día del Pescador” by locals.


If you are looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, look no further than Isla San Félix. This volcanic island offers plenty to do – from exploring its lush rainforest to hiking its many peaks. It is also a great place to relax, with excellent beaches and crystal clear waters. If you’re feeling adventurous, take a kayak tour or go diving in the waters off the coast.


What Is The Climate Like On Isla San Felix?

The island has a temperate climate characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.

Are There Any Beaches On Isla San Felix?

Yes, there are several beaches on the island that offer stunning views of the ocean.

Can I Get Around By Car Or Do I Need To Use Public Transport To Get Around?

You can easily access the island using either public transportation or your own vehicle; whichever suits you better!

Is There A Tourism Industry On Isla San Felix?

There is a small but growing tourist industry on the island, consisting mainly of day-trippers from nearby San Francisco.

What Are The Most Popular Activities On Isla San Felix?

Hiking and kayaking are two of the most popular activities on Isla San Felix, followed by exploring its unique geological features.

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