All About of Ilot Dubois Islet – Which Will Help You To Travel



Ilot Dubois


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Dubois Island is a place that is often talked about, but seldom seen. Nestled in the heart of the Saint Lawrence River, it offers a unique and secluded setting for those who are looking for a quiet getaway. Ilot Dubois Island offers an escape from the rat race, with plenty of activities and attractions to keep you busy. If you’re looking for a relaxing holiday, Dubois Island is the perfect place to go.

All Discussion of Ilot Dubois Islet

Ilot Dubois



Dubois Island is one of the many uninhabited islands that dot the Saint Lawrence River. Originally part of a much larger island, its isolation and natural beauty led to its current status as a private retreat. You might wonder why this island is called Dubois Island when it was never officially named by its original inhabitant.

The name was initially given by one of the first to set foot on this island. This man, who called himself Dubois from France , had made a trade with some native Indians when he landed here in 1669 . He claimed the land as his own and named it after his friend!



Dubois Island enjoys a relatively temperate climate with temperatures that range from 16-24 degrees Celsius all year round. This means that you can enjoy the warm weather without having to pack a heavy coat or suffer through cold winters!

In fact, Dubois Island has the distinction of being one of Canada’s sunniest locations with an average annual amount of 268 sunny hours. Another unique feature of Ilot Dubois Island is that it features a warm lake on the south side. This provides abundant wildlife with plenty of space to swim – since many local colonies call this area home!



Dubois Island is home to a small community of about 20 people who live off the land and produce their own goods. The island has a strong agricultural background with livestock, crops, and fruit trees all playing an important role in the local economy. This way of life is slowly disappearing as younger generations choose to leave for more modern and urban options, but Dubois Island retains much of its traditional character.



Dubois Island is in fact part of the Canadian Federal Government, but it still enjoys a high degree of autonomy due to its isolated location. The community has its own government, judiciary system, and police force. The island also maintains close ties with the nearby mainland communities – often hosting joint events or sharing resources! Despite its remote location and self-government, in 2011 a new water/sewer system was built to connect the island directly with Fort McMurray to reduce on islands dependency on septic tanks.

Government services

Government Services

are available on the island, but it is important to note that electricity and phone service are not always reliable. Your best bet is to rely on generator-powered electricity or wait for the cable company truck. There are no banks on Dubois, so be sure to bring traveller’s cheques and have passports/IDs ready in order that you can get money from a bank once off of the island!



Dubois Island is slowly gaining in popularity as a vacation spot – especially with travellers looking for eco-friendly and isolated getaways. The island is relatively unknown, so it’s not crowded or commercialized like some other options. There are currently no organized tours available, but you can usually find people offering day trips or overnight stays on the island.



Dubois Island is accessible only by boat or plane. There is no road access, so visitors must either take a ferry from the mainland or fly in to Deer Lake Airport and then catch a boat ride to Dubois Island. The current ferry schedule is as follows: 1) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday boat leaves Deer Lake at 10am and arrives on the island just before 4pm. 2) Wednesday, Sunday & Monday boat leaves Deer Lake for Dover Bay around 9am (return departs noon). 3) Friday & Weekends – Anytime – Boat from any of the three locations above won’t leave until 12noon unless otherwise stated.



There is no grocery store on Dubois, but the island has a few convenience stores that sell some food and drinks. There is also a small gas station on the island that sells items like propane grills and gasoline.

When dining out, be aware that most places do not accept plastic or cash. You will need to bring credit cards or traveller’s cheques in order to pay your bill. You can use cash anywhere on the island, but it’s better to bring your own if you’re staying there for any length of time. Drinking water

If you plan on drinking the local streams and rivers, ensure that you’re up to date with your medications as some of them are extremely cool (temperatures range from 40 – 50 C). There is no safe way to boil or treat any water brought back from outside sources. The island does have a freshwater well but it’s questionable whether this is treated for consumption where all other potable supplies come through purifying systems.



While Dubois can be quite tame for a large island, there are still some animals that you’ll want to stay aware of. Rabbits and small mammals like chipmunks and squirrels can be considered pests in some cases, while larger predators such as wolves or bears might make an appearance if they feel threatened. Campers in the area can still protect themselves as best you are able.

Dubois Island is an unpopulated island that’s home to a small population of wild rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels and possibly larger predators such as wolves or bears. While it may be tame by mainland standards, there are still some dangers to beware of so be sure to research the area you’re visiting before travelling.


Ilot Dubois Island, located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River, is a destination that offers both nature and history. Once a Mohawk hunting ground, the island was purchased by the Sulpicians in 1679 and became their first Catholic mission.

The Sulpicians built a small chapel and a few homes on the island, which were used as summer residences by the priests. Ilot Dubois Island is now part of the Centre d’histoire religieuse du Québec, and it is open to visitors year-round.


1.What Are The Most Popular Activities On Ilot Dubois Island?

Ans: Given that Ilot Dubois Island is a small and secluded site, there are plenty of activities that visitors can enjoy. This includes hiking, kayaking, swimming, fishing, birdwatching and nature tours.

2.What Facilities Are Available On Ilot Dubois Island?

Ans: There are limited facilities available on the island – just a chapel and a handful of homes.

3.Is There Any Place To Stay When Visiting Ilot Dubois Island?

Ans: There are a number of hotels located on Prince Edward Island, though most visitors probably prefer basing themselves in nearby Saint Anne de Bellevue or Isle Verte.

4.Is Ilot Dubois Island Accessible By Road?

Ans: No, the island is only accessible by boat or helicopter.

5.Is There Any Public Transport To Ilot Dubois Island?

Ans: Yes, Route 389 will take you directly to the island setting in Saint Anne de Bellevue harbour.

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