Balaena Islands-Everything You Need To Know



Balaena Islands


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The Balaena Islands are a group of tropical islands located southeast of Brazil in the South Atlantic Ocean. The main island, Santa Maria, is the most populous and has a population of around 82,000 people. The other islands in the group include Ilha Seca, Ilha do Norte, Ilha do Sul, and Ilha Grande.

The environment on the islands is classified as humid subtropical, with a mean annual temperature of around 24°C and a mean monthly temperature of around 16°C. The Balaena Islands are a group of islands located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of West Africa. The largest island, Fernando Póo, is about 9.3 km long and 4.8 km wide.

The archipelago consists of eight islands and islets, with a total land area of about 710 km2. The islands were first discovered by Europeans in 1492 and were named after Portuguese explorer Fernão de Magalhães.

Balaena Islands

What Are The Balaena Islands?

What Are The Balaena Islands?

The Balaena (“swift-moving”) Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, about 320 km south of Western Sahara. There are no ports or harbors on these islands — however, access to and from one island is by helicopter along with privately owned boats taking people from island to island only during daylight hours.

Almost every inhabitant works for tourism as a means of surviving; there does not appear to be any unemployment among the islands’

Where are the Balaena Islands located?

Where are the Balaena Islands located?

The islands of the Balaena group are located in Santos Basin, southeast of Brazil.

Island location means Santa Maria to Fernandes Póo:

The islands sit within a series of archipelagos connected by underwater reefs with only limited land access from one island to another. The main island, Fernando de Noronha (the Portuguese name for Magalhães Island) is 18 km long and 3-4 miles wide , with a surface area of 70-80 km2 and a coastline of 650 kilometers.

The island is the most westerly point in Brazil, about 10° west longitude and 6° south latitude – less than 1 degree to either side!

What is the climate on the Balaena Islands?

What is the climate on the Balaena Islands?

The Balaena group islands are arid; favorable winds result in calm and steady sea conditions, with long periods of stagnation associated with passing anticyclones (as well as a monsoon season that is shorter than in other areas). No rainfall or permanent water bodies exist on the islands.

The temperatures range between 14-26°C.

In winter the islanders wash their clothes in seawater to keep them cool during daily par ades of the island community.

The islands have a hot and wet monsoon season in which July – December is the wettest month on average with an annual total rainfall that reaches 45 inches (3312mm). In contrast, spring-summer months May through October sees no daily rain at all; however it may be noted that seasonal gaps between rains do exist: winters are traditionally dry across much of Brazil’s archipelagos.

How many people live on the islands?

How many people live on the islands?

In the island of São Nicolau (mail)1,000.

Fernando de Noronha NS 163:

1400 people on average live in this island of approximately 5 kilometers long and 3-4 miles wide ; with a coastline at 650 km. The islands are surrounded by reefs – so only limited land access is possible from one island to another

Travel Costs 75 km $ 35 € 55 Länder am aranth

The islands had a stable population at around 1,000 people until hurricane-related deaths took a heavy toll of islanders in the mid-2016 . By February 2017 , only 640 remained. The archipelago’s autarquia was closed indefinitely to new arrivals and efforts were under way to restore basic services on surviving islands with planned demolitions of existing island structures galore. Children were being moved onto other islands while more inter

What Are Some of the Natural Resources Available on the Islands?

What Are Some of the Natural Resources Available on the Islands?

Marine fish, coral and shells, sea-urchins.

How are the islands colonized? All island claim like Man of War which had a thousand people (as it says in adriana) is incorrect because there was never more then 150 hundred thouand people here and i am not sure if they were all killed off so that could be why he said 1000 but only 140 or less will com back… At least this person was.


The Balaena Islands are a group of islands located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of West Africa. The largest island, Fernando Póo, is about 9.3 km long and 4.8 km wide. The archipelago consists of eight islands and islets, with a total land area of about 710 km2. The islands were first discovered by Europeans in 1492 and were named after Portuguese explorer Fernão de Magalhães.


1.What Are The Natural Resources Available On The Islands?

Ans: Balaena Islands is a group of uninhabited volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, lying about halfway between the coasts of South America and Africa.

Emerging from the deep ocean waters, these islands are one of the most remote areas on Earth and were unknown to humans until the early 18th century. Today, the Balaena Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are home to some of the world’s most endangered seabirds.

2.How Are The Islands Colonized?

Ans: Balaena Islands is a group of small, uninhabited islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean. They are part of the United States Virgin Islands archipelago and are located about 90 miles from St. Thomas, the largest and most populous island in the Virgin Islands.

The islands are home to a few species of seabirds, including the American flamingo and the Caribbean flamingo. The Balaena balaenae is the only extant species of true sea eagle in the world.

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