Lagos Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Lagos Island


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Lagos Island is an eco-friendly and business-friendly destination located in the waters of Lagos State, Nigeria. The Island has been designed to provide a relaxed and hassle-free lifestyle for its residents and visitors. The Island offers an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to relocate, start a new business, or simply escape from the noise and chaos of city life.

The Island is made up of a cluster of nine islands comprising a total land area of 777 hectares. These islands are interconnected by bridges and have been designed to provide residents with easy access to all the amenities the island has to offer.

Lagos Island



The history of Lagos Island can be traced back to the 16th century when the Portuguese began to explore the Atlantic Ocean. In 1518, a Portuguese explorer named Bartolomeu Dias sailed past the island and named it Ilha de Lagos, or “Island of Lagos.” The first recorded European settlement on Lagos Island occurred in 1585 when a small group of Portuguese traders established a trading post on the island.

In 1607, the Dutch explorer Witte de With visited Lagos Island and named it New Holland, after his home country. After trading with the Portuguese and Dutch for several years, the English explorer Henry Hudson sailed past Lagos Island in 1609 and renamed it Nova Zembla, or “New Zealand.” The English continued to be interested in Lagos Island, and in 1664 they established a permanent settlement on the island.

Over the next several decades, the English gradually took control of all of Lagos Island and converted it into a sugar plantation. By 1750, all of Lagos Island had been seized by the English and became part of their West Indies colony. The British government eventually decided to auction off all of its possessions in 1783, including Lagos Island.

The auction was won by an American named James Brown who renamed it Brown’s Town after himself. Brown’s Town remained an English settlement until 1871 when it was evacuated during a slave rebellion. Today, most of the original structures from Brown’s Town have been destroyed by Hurricane Georges in 1998.



Lagos Island is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean about halfway between Trinidad and Brazil. The island is about 30 miles long and 10 miles wide, with an average elevation of only 50 feet above sea level. Lagos Island has a relatively dry climate, with an annual rainfall of only 20 inches.

There are no significant rivers or lakes on Lagos Island, but there are several small estuaries along its coast. The main population centers on the island are the small town of Brown’s Town, which is located on the northwest coast of the island, and the port city of Warri, which is located on the southeast coast.

The only other significant population center on Lagos Island is Kano Point, which is located along its northern coast.


Lagos Island is a bustling metropolis located in Lagos State, Nigeria. The city has its own ecosystem, with a diverse range of flora and fauna. Some of the most notable animals in the ecosystem include lions, buffaloes, elephants, and hippos. There are also a number of rare and endangered species that can be found on the island, such as the okapis. The ecosystem is also home to a large number of bird species, such as the paradise flycatcher and African pygmy parrot.


There are a total of about 1.5 million people living on Lagos Island. The majority of the population is made up of Nigerians, followed by foreigners and expatriates. There is also a small number of native Belizean and Jamaican residents on the island.


The economy of Lagos Island is diversified and comprises a number of sectors including agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, services, and tourism. Agriculture is the largest sector of the economy, contributing 36.5 percent to GDP in 2017. Other major contributors to the economy include fishing (13.1 percent), manufacturing (10.2 percent), services (46.4 percent), and tourism (6.4 percent).

The manufacturing sector is characterized by the production of textiles, clothing, food processing, and other durable goods. Services account for a majority of GDP due to the high level of trade activity and the presence of several multinational companies on the island. The agricultural sector has seen a decline in productivity in recent years due to poor rains; this has led to a shift towards other sectors such as fishing and manufacturing.

In 2016, the total value of exports amounted to N114 billion, making Lagos Island one of the most successful African economies in terms of trade performance. The island also benefits from its proximity to several key markets including Europe and North America.


The climate of Lagos Island ranges from tropical to subtropical depending on the latitude. The island experiences a rainy season that lasts from May to October, followed by a dry season that lasts from November to April. The temperature during the wet and dry seasons is generally warm but can vary depending on the month.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture of Lagos Island is characterized by its diversity. The population is composed of people from various regions and ethnicities, which has resulted in the development of a rich cultural heritage. Religious practices vary depending on the community, but there are several religious festivals that are popular among residents. Islam is the predominant religion on the island, followed by Christianity and indigenous beliefs.


The official language of Lagos Island is English, but there are also several indigenous languages spoken by the population. These include Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, and Fulani.


Lagos Island is a large island in Lagos State, Nigeria. It is the largest of the Lagos Islands, at an estimated area of 368 km², and lies just north of mainland Lagos. The island has a predominantly Muslim population and its economy is largely based on agriculture and fishing. The island has a population of over 350,000 people.


Lagos Island is politically divided into three towns: Iganmu, Agbor, and Isheri. The island has one parliamentary constituency, represented by a member of the National Assembly.

The history of Lagos Island begins with the first human settlements on its shores dating back to at least 3000 BC. Over time, the island grew in size and became an important port city as it served as a gateway to trade between Africa and Asia. In 15 29, the Portuguese explorer Duarte Barbosa anchored in Lagos Island and described it as a “Gardens of the World”, owing to its numerous palm and fruit trees.

The British took control of Lagos Island during the 19th century, and it became an important naval base during both World War I and II. After independence in 1960, Lagos Island was divided into three municipalities: Isheri (representing Agbor), Igan mu (representing Isheri), and Agbor (representing Lagos Island itself). In 2007, the municipalities were merged into a single district with its own government.

Government Services

There are a number of government services available on Lagos Island. These include health care, education, policing, and utilities. There is also a judicial system in place to resolve disputes between residents.



Lagos Island, also known as Egbeda, is located in the Lagos Lagoon and is part of the Lagos metropolis. The island is about 8 kilometers long and 2.5 kilometers wide, with an area of about 62 square kilometers.

The population of the island was estimated at about 290,000 in 2014. The majority of the population are Christian with a significant Muslim minority. There are no natural resources on the island and its economy is largely dependent on tourism.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Below is a list of hotels and resorts on Lagos Island. Please note that these are only a selection of the hotels and resorts on the island and that there may be other options that are more appropriate for your needs.

  1. Sheraton Lagos Island Resort
  2. The Ritz-Carlton, Lagos Island Resort
  3. The Westin Lagos Island Resort
  4. Sofitel Lagos Island Resort
  5. JW Marriott Golf & Spa Resort, Lagoonside
  6. Murtala Muhammed International Airport Hotel




Below is a list of attractions on Lagos Island. These include parks, beaches, and historical sites.

  1. Calabar National Park
  2. Victoria Island
  3. Oyinfeni Heritage Centre
  4. Ikoyi Historical Site
  5. Atlantic Beach Park

6 Gambo Bay Resort



Below is a list of activities that are available on Lagos Island. These include swimming, hiking, biking, picnicking, and sunbathing.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as the transport of Lagos Island will vary depending on your shipping needs and preferences. However, some of the most common transport methods used to move goods around the world include air cargo, sea cargo, and trucking.

For air cargo, airlines such as UPS and FedEx offer competitive rates and reliable service. Sea freight is another popular option for moving large items around the world. This involves shipping goods by sea container or bulk carrier. Trucking is a last resort option and can be very expensive, but can reach remote areas quickly.

Whatever transport method you choose, it’s important to do your research so that you get the best deal and service possible. We hope this helps!



There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question either, as the cuisine on Lagos Island will vary depending on your preferences. However, some popular local dishes include bobo (a type of stew), egusi soup, and pepper soup.


Lagos Island is a beautiful and buzzing island with plenty of activities to keep you busy. If you’re looking for an idyllic getaway, Lagos Island is perfect for you!


What Are The Transport Options For Lagos Island?

There are a variety of transport methods you can choose from when moving goods around Lagos Island. These include air cargo, sea cargo, and trucking.

What Are Some Of The Local Dishes That You Can Find On Lagos Island?

Some of the most popular local dishes include bobo (a type of stew), egusi soup, and pepper soup.

How Is The Cuisine On Lagos Island Influenced By Its Diverse Population?

The cuisine on Lagos Island is shaped by the various cultures that have come and gone over the years.

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