All About Of Iraklia Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Iraklia Island


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Iraklia Island is one of the most pristine and untouched islands in the world. It is also one of the most popular vacation destinations for people from all over the world. The island is made up of 10 villages, which are connected by a network of paths and beaches.

There are also a few hotels and pensions on the island, as well as a few restaurants. If you are looking for an idyllic place to relax and rejuvenate, Iraklia Island is definitely worth a visit!

All About Of Iraklia Island

Iraklia Island



Iraklia was occupied during the Ottoman Empire rule. It fell under Turkish occupation in 1897 and then, during World Wars I and II, it came under Italian Occupation on 30 August 1941.

During War of Greek Independence (1941-1945), a small resistance group managed to reach Iraklion through Elefsina. Aerial photograph taken from MS “Wender” looking north .

From the north – (1950s) Iraklia Island, Evia Geopark south. Aerial photographed from MS “Wender” looking north.The island became an incorporated and self-governing community in 1923, after it was occupied by Italy and then restored to Greece in 1945.

During that period over 90% of the buildings on this little Aegean Gem were destroyed or severely damaged at one time or another during either World Wars or even earlier occupation periods e.g German Occupation 1939/40 till end of WW2 plus 1940 when Italians took control via Hitler’s orders and continued it till end of WW2 when Russians took control v via soviet invasion.

There are lots of ruins on Iraklia that have been left as they were in 1945 (by the Italian occupiers) from where there is no effort to rebuild them by Greece Self Rule or foreign governemnts e.g Britain, USA etc .

As these ruin’s are seen as very valuable for archeology etc leading to devastation/destruction issues They could be operated as a tourist resort but little alternative if any bus service around island means once again destruction became their future reality ….



Official climate data for “Iraklia church weather station” is recorded at Iraklio ( town ), and has an average high in the period 1981–2010 of 12.0°C with a maximum daytime temperature reaching 17.4°C on December 15, 1984, but also recording much cooler values during night time between −1 °C to 0 °.

Daytime temperatures over 20 degrees centigrade are rare: 1% of all days have highs exceeding this measurement.[14] At present conditions observers do not believe that plants or animal species native to the area will persist if temperature rises more than 2°C in their climate range.

Primary threats to the endemic species is through over-grazing by sheep, goats and cattle which have moved into this habitat after Euro-Mafia regimes changed ownership of much of traditional land held here (pigs on other islands – see dog) while sheep grazing has previously been sanctioned under soviet times upon those residing on island and an Agromerger was implemented offering ‘good” life for eople who had resided there . In 2009 The Iraklia Church council were denying allegations that free.



gifts of olive oil in 2011 provided by government at building site had been infected with E.coli and a large Olymipean amount below weath value was disposed so that eople could make the most profit again but did face serious criminal charges for ‘black-marketing” these items.

The island’s population believes this “fake news attack” a fabrication to discredit them – which it may have done/is accomplishing since until 2014 there was good money being made just from trash importing business; olive oil is yellowish brown liquid produced from olives and has over time.



Before the BP oil spill in Panay Island there was an E.coli outbreak due to cold and severe weather conditions which created widespread illness on the island,  In December 2011 1 year after it occured –

The Iraklia Church (Kiria) in Kedros area has been declared highly susceptible of contagion by Euro-Mafia who stated that all women went through screening by doctors but this church is widely known for existing outside state health instruments because eople love to worship with men inside their ancient cave.[19][20][21] On 21.



Iraklia Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Aegean Sea. It is a popular tourist destination, famous for its crystal clear waters and stunning landscape.

A place of natural beauty, Iraklia Island is home to some of the most unique and pristine beaches in Greece. With crystal clear waters, white sand beaches, and lush vegetation, it is no wonder why this island has drawn travellers from all over the world. What’s even more special about Iraklia is the fact that it is one of the few islands in Greece that is privately owned.

This makes it a paradise for tourists who are looking for a relaxing and hassle-free holiday. Whether you are looking for a spot to take a swim, sunbathe, sail or simply relax, Iraklia has something for you.

Iraklia has numerous hotels and campsites, including Iraklia Tourist Camp. This camp is just several steps off of the island’s main beach, where you can enjoy a meal cooked over an outdoor BBQ while soaking up some rays.

Other facilities onsite include a bar/cafe, car hire office (at hourly rates), swimming pools with sunbaths by day and karaoke nights by night (the staff will happily translate if required). On neighbouring islands such as Skyros there are also tiny beaches perfect for doing yoga or other exercise that provides.

The same benefits without all of the crowds you’ll find on the island coast.The people of this city are very friendly and they love to talk while enjoying a coffee or drink at the locally famous cafés in any one of these hotels


The town of Iraklia is quite affordable. The quality of hotels and campsites are equal expensive compared to other tourist areas in Greece. So, there’s not excess spending money required for traveling here!

There is a variety of things to do, you can easily spend the whole day. There are also many restaurants and cafés that offer delicious dishes to eat!

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