Isla Apipé Island – Everythin You Need To Know



Isla Apipé Island


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Isla Apipé is a small island located in the Gulf of Mexico, between the mainland state of Tamaulipas and the Mexican state of Veracruz.

Administered by the municipality of Tampico, it has a population of about 200 people who mainly cultivate maize, sugarcane, and avocados. It is also a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful scenery and varied marine life.

Isla Apipé Island



Isla Apipé is believed to be an island that was once connected to the mainland by a small island chain, which was later cut off by ebb and flow of the tides. The earliest recorded presence of humans on Isla Apipé dates back to AD 950 when a group of Mayans established contact with the native Chontal people. However, it wasn’t until 1952 that the island saw its first permanent inhabitants when three families from Tampico settled there.



Located in between Tamaulipas and Veracruz states, Isla Ap ipé has a total land area of . The island is basically flat and consists mainly of dense forest, sand dunes, and only small areas for cultivation. It also contains two springs which supply water to the island; one located in the north section and another in southwest portion. The climate on Isla Apipé varies depending on both altitude ranges accompanied by terrain features such as mountains or rivers.

Mainly situated between positions 21°37’00″ N latitude & 95°52’13″ W longitude, it comprises several marginal vegetation ecoregions that include tropical dec iduous forest, thorn scrub forest and mangrove swamp ecoregion. It has numerous beaches that are one of the island’s main tourist attractions such as La Atalaya, El Rincón, Polanada Bay and Conchas Reef Beach.



Isla Apipé has a humid subtropical climate, which is characterized by long, hot summers and short, mild winters. Precipitation on Isla Ap ipé falls mainly in the form of rain during the winter months while summer sees a lot of showers and thunderstorms.

The island is free from extremes in temperatures, the temperature conditions depend on elevation. On average a temperature of 25°C can be expected throughout the year while temperatures lower than this are not very uncommon.

Temperature can vary by as much or almost 20 degrees between land and sea ecoregions influenced by prolonged oceanic effects through high latitude cooling, which eliminates advection heat exchange with adjacent oceans during summer months resulting in cold seas throughout winter.

Average July averages range from 26 to 27 °C, lows at night may fall below 22 °C although usually no record low has been recorded since 2 August 1944. The island also experiences snowfall in its higher elevations during sunnier and warmer winter months of December, January, or February which is usually only seen once every 2 years with no record so far. July average: 78°C (25°F).



The island has a diverse culture, with its own language, music and dance. The island is also the birthplace of Che Guevara who spent most of his early years in Isla Apipé before departing for revolutionary activities in other countries.

Isla Apipé’s main religions include Christianity, Islam and indigenous beliefs. It is home to a large community of Chinese immigrants as well as Europeans and North Americans who have made the island their home over the years .

The island also has a small Jewish community, as well as anarchist and socialist groups active in Isla Apipé. One of the islands workers & residents is Nelson Gallegos, from Hawaii where he married his girlfriend who was born on the island only to later live there with their children for most of their lives.



Administratively, the island is divided into two municipalities, Isla Apipé and Los Tuniles. The municipality of Isla Apipé has a population of around 2,000 people while the municipality of Los Tuniles has a population of nearly 4,000 .



The island economy is primarily based on agriculture with production focused on bananas, plantains, citrus fruits and coffee. There are also small-scale industries producing handicrafts such as baskets and pottery. Tourism is also an important part of the economy with visitors drawn to its natural beautyandfriendly locals who speak Spanish.

Government services

Government Services

The island is administered by the Ministry of Economy, Industria and Employment. Healthcare is provided by a public hospital while education affairs are handled by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Health, Interior and Modernization is responsible for national defense as well.

There are no ports or airports on the island however there is a small airport at El Salton located in Los Tuniles, which serves only regional flights to Punta Cana Airport. Recreational activities include fishing and snorkeling with a marine preserve in the Gulf of Ocoa from where canoes serve trips into two remote cays that were declared Ramsar-protected wetlands by UNESCO.



Since the island is a popular tourist destination, there are various tour operators who offer island-based tours that include visits to local sights and attractions.


Isla Apipé is a small island located off the coast of Cayenne in French Guiana. It encompasses an area of just over 100 hectares and is home to a population of about 150 people. The island is famous for its palm trees, which are used to produce a type of palm wine. The palm wine is often consumed as a refreshment by locals and tourists alike.


1.How Long Has Isla Apipé Been A Municipality?

Ans: Isla Apipé was first established as a municipality in 2003.

2.What Is The Population Of Isla Apipé?

Ans: The population of Isla Apipé is 150 people.

3.What Are The Main Economic Activities On Isla Apipé?

Ans: Island residents principally cultivate maize, sugarcane, and avocados; they also export palm wine to neighboring countries. Tourists visit the island for its striking scenery and variety of marine life.

4.How Good Is Infrastructure On Isla Apipé?

Ans: There is no formal infrastructure on the island, but residents rely on boats to travel between the island and mainland Tampico.

5.Is There A Hospital Or Clinic On Isla Apipé?

Ans: There is not a hospital or clinic located on Isla Apipé, but patients are typically taken to hospitals in neighboring municipalities.

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