Isla Aracena Island – You Have To Know



Isla Aracena Island


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Isla aracena island is an enchanting destination that offers a wide range of activities and experiences for visitors of all ages. Whether you’re looking to relax by the beach, explore the countryside by bike, or simply soak up some sun and culture, Isla Aracena has something for everyone. With its unspoiled natural beauty and diverse landscape, Isla Aracena is a perfect place to spend a day or two exploring.

Isla Aracena Island


Isla Aracena island was first inhabited by the Guanches, a pre-Columbian people who lived there until the fifteenth century. After the Spanish conquest of Gran Canaria in 1492, the island became part of La Palma province and remained so until 1936, when Isla Aracena was annexed to Tenerife. In 1964 it passed into private hands and has been owned by a number of different families ever since.



Isla Aracena is only 1 km long and wide at its widest point, making it an easy getaway for a family, friends or a small group of travelers. The island has a total area of 4 hectares, comprising 6 km² plain land and 2.5 km² cultivated fields with eucalyptus trees on the north side and irrigation channels along the west coast which form lakes among others: Hoya Jara Lochacuela (2km in circumference) Laguna Taní Bijas (1 km long), laguna de Maspalomas (“Small sea”) at 1 km in length). It lies almost right under Mount Teide volcano where its peak is 856 meters tall, making it a rather small island with ambient temperatures of 20C all year round.

The topography plays a big role in Isla Aracena’s natural wealth, as the island is home to eucalyptus trees which provide wonderful sun and wind energy while acting as an enemy (vs foe) against invasive species such as mastic shrubs or feral goats that can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure in some parts of the island. The eucalypts themselves are very resistant to diseases caused by fungi so they are able meet without any maintenance for many years.



The island has a subtropical climate, with warm, dry summers and mild winters. Precipitation is scarce, but rainfall is concentrated in the summer months. The island is on the Meridian of La Palma.

Although it does not have a clear etymology, most islanders claim that its name derives from the local custom of declaring “Justicia” (Justice) when asking for public support against an issue in progress. Isla Aracena is a bilingual island, with the Spanish spoken and written being fully trusted by both speaking and writing. As much as around 1780 or thereabouts, Isla Buenavista was separate from the rest of Isabela island so called after “Achor” (Spanish for seashore) but most residents speak mixed Spanish – English whilst dreaming about a possible reunion in one day.



The landscape, vegetation and island features have a strong influence on Isla Aracena’s culture, which exhibits a wide variety of traditional dances as well as lyrical poetry. Islanders also celebrate numerous religious festivals and customs, including carnivals and pilgrimages. Nicolasa Pagan, who has worked closely with the islanders providing support and skills, says that music is a strong feature on the island.

Aracena’s natural beauty is an attraction for visitors to Puerto del Rosario (near Cruz Roja lighthouse) where you can see some eocalsyptus trees in windmill gardens while making trips such as to Watch Tower at Torrecillas de Velez or mount Teneguia.



The island has a system of government based on a two-party representative democracy, with the Partido Independiente de Aracena (PIA) and the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) as the main parties. The PIA is a leftwing party, while the PSOE is more traditionally socialist. Elections are held every five years, usually on a single day through universal suffrage.

Government services

Government Services

Isla Aracena has its own post office, police force and health service. Buyers of island property must obtain a building permit from the local government authority. There is also a small but well-stocked store on the island that stocks food, drinks and tourist equipment.

The islanders are mostly self-employed in agriculture or trade, with a few people employed by tourism businesses. Some members of the public work for charities or voluntary organisations on the island.



Aracena island is a popular destination for tourists, mainly from Spain but also from other parts of Europe and North America. The island has two main centres, Cruz Roja and Torrecillas de Velez. There are a number of small hotels, guesthouses and bed-and-breakfast establishments scattered around the island.

Attractions include beaches along the coastline, eocalsyptus forests (which can be visited between November and March), mountains with fantastic views, traditional villages with their colourful homes and gardens, windmills (a popular photo spot) and citadels such as Torrecillas de Velez, El Mudí and Pico del Lobo.


Isla Aracena is a small island located in the Gulf of California, just off the shore of the state of Baja California. With its white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation, Isla Aracena is a picturesque place to visit. The island is also popular for its scuba diving and snorkelling opportunities.


What Is The Climate Like On Isla Aracena?

The island has a mild, Mediterranean climate. The temperature ranges from around 26 degrees Celsius in winter to around 33 degrees Celsius in summer.

How Big Is The Island And What Are Its Main Attractions?

Isla Aracena measures just over 3 km long by 1 km wide, making it small but densely populated with plenty of interesting attractions and activities to enjoy. Some popular sights include the white sand beaches, rolling hills and dense vegetation found along the coastline.

Other areas of interest include a freshwater river valley , coral reefs, and a variety of bird species.

What Is The History Of Isla Aracena?

Isla Aracena has been inhabited by humans for centuries, with evidence of human activity dating back to 500 BC. The island was explored by Spanish explorers in the 16th century, who named it Isla de la Gavilanesa after a group of sea lions that had been spotted on the island.

The island saw significant development during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), when rebels based on Isla Aracena fought against government forces loyal to Porfirio Díaz.

4 . How Can I Get To Isla Aracena?

Isla Aracena is located just off the coast of Baja California, and can only be accessed by boat. Transport links to the island are variable, so it’s important to confirm details before traveling.

5 . What Is The Cost Of Visiting Isla Aracena?

The island is relatively affordable, with a range of accommodation and activities available to suit all budgets. The overall cost of traveling to and exploring Isla Aracena will depend on your specific needs, but should not exceed $150 per day.

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