Isla de Convalecencia Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Isla de Convalecencia Island


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Isla de Convalecencia is a small and fascinating island located in the Gulf of California. It is known for its natural beauty and its historical ties to Mexico’s independence movement.

The island has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. It is also a popular tourist destination, with visitors drawn to its idyllic beaches, lush vegetation, and historical attractions.

Isla de Convalecencia Island


Isla de Convalecencia (English: Island of Concord) is a volcanic island located in the Gulf of Urucu, south of Isla de la Plata. It was declared a National Monument in 1924 and is administered by the Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INEC).

The island was first sighted by Europeans on January 24, 1516, by the crew of the Pinta under the command of Ruy López de Villalobos. The island remained largely uninhabited until 1776, when it was settled by a group of Spanish settlers.

The settlement soon prospered as a rice plantation and cattle ranch, but was abandoned in 1825 due to malaria and other diseases. The island was re-settled in 1881 by members of the Iglesia Evangélica Argentina (Argentine Protestant Church), who established a mission and school on the island.



Isla de Convalecencia is located in the Gulf of California, off the coast of Baja California. The island measures approximately 16 kilometers long by 6 km wide and has a total area of approximately 170 square kilometers. It is dominated by two volcanoes – Cerro El Tigre (The Tiger) and Cerro La Cumbre (The Summit).

Isla de Convalecencia contains numerous lakes and streams, as well as extensive drylands. The dominant vegetation is cactus and grasses, with a small percentage of oak trees. There are also tracts of tropical rainforests on the island.


The ecosystem of Isla de Convalecencia (Island of Convalescence) is a diverse and rich one. The island is home to more than 1,000 plant and animal species, including a population of endemic reptiles and amphibians. The island is also known for its impressive coral reef, which supports a variety of marine life.


The population of Isla de Convalecencia is estimated to be between 150 and 200 people, who live in scattered settlements along the island. The majority of the population (80-90%) are members of the Iglesia Evangélica Argentina (Argentine Protestant Church), while a small percentage are Catholic.


The primary source of income for the residents of Isla de Convalecencia is agriculture. The island is also home to a small number of livestock and poultry farms.


The climate of Isla de Convalecencia is temperate, with a mean temperature of 20°C. The island experiences a pronounced annual cycle of rainfall, which ranges from 400 mm to 1,000 mm.

Culture and Religion

The culture of Isla de Convalecencia is dominated by the Iglesia Evangélica Argentina (Argentine Protestant Church), which is predominant in the population. The religious beliefs of the islanders are largely based on Protestantism, with a small number of Catholics also present.


The predominant language spoken on Isla de Convalecencia is Spanish, which is also the official language of the island. However, a number of indigenous dialects are also present.


Isla de Convalecencia is a small, undeveloped island in the Strait of Magellan. The island is uninhabited and is part of the Tierra del Fuego National Park. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. The island has low, steep-sided mountains and long, narrow Beagle Channel separating it from the mainland.

The climate is humid, with average temperatures ranging from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius and an average rainfall of 900 mm per year. The island’s main economic activity is tourism, which is concentrated in the summer months.


Isla de Convalecencia is a part of the Tierra del Fuego Province and is administered by the Comision Provincial de Islas Malvinas. The island has no permanent population, but it is home to a number of researchers who work at the Instituto Tecnológico Federico Santa María (ITESM) and other scientific institutes.

Isla de Convalecencia was first discovered by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan on November 1, 1520. The island was claimed by Spain in 1605 and officially charted as Isla de Convalecencia by Juandomingo Firpo in 1619.

The first European settlement on the island was founded in 1776 by a group of British colonists who named it Port Famine after their homeport of Belfast. However, the colony was abandoned shortly afterward due to attacks from native Islanders and a lack of resources.

The island was reoccupied by British colonists in 1807 but again abandoned due to the same reasons. The island was finally settled permanently by a group of Germans in 1885.

Government Services

There is no permanent population on the island, but a number of researchers who work at ITESM and other scientific institutes. The government services are provided by the Comision Provincial de Islas Malvinas.



Isla de Convalecencia is best known for its summertime tourism, which is concentrated in the town of Puerto Williams. The island can be reached by ferry from mainland Argentina or Chile.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are no hotels or resorts on the island, but a number of accommodations can be found in Puerto Williams.



Isla de Convalecencia is a small, undeveloped island in the Strait of Magellan. The island is uninhabited and is part of the Tierra del Fuego National Park. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. The island has low, steep-sided mountains and a long, narrow Beagle Channel separating it from the mainland.

The climate is humid, with average temperatures ranging from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius and an average rainfall of 900 mm per year. The island’s main economic activity is tourism, which is concentrated in the summer months.


Isla de Convalecencia is an island located in the Gulf of Venezuela, west of Isla Margarita. It is part of the state of Zulia and has an area of 8,847 km². The island has a population of about 10,000 people. The main economic activities are fishing and agriculture.


The island is served by a ferry from Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. There is also a limited number of roads on the island.



The cuisine of Isla de Convalecencia Island is a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese, and African influences. Typical dishes include paella, arroz con pollo, caldo verde, espetinho de bacalhau (steak tartare), and carne de sol (pork). There are also many local specialties, such as the rape cake (pan de rape), the tamarindo cheesecake, and the churrasco chicken.


In conclusion, Isla de Convalecencia Island offers travelers a wide variety of activities and attractions that can be enjoyed by all. Whether you’re looking for relaxation and tranquility, or you’re looking for something more action-packed, there’s sure to be something on this beautiful island that will suit your needs.


  1. What Is The Climate Like On Isla De Convalecencia?

The climate of Isla de Convalecencia is humid, with average temperatures ranging from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius and an average rainfall of 900 mm per year. However, because the island is located near the coast, it experiences a lot of maritime influences, which can result in temperature variations depending on the season. In general, summers are hot and dry, while winters are cold and wet.

  1. What Is The Population Of Isla De Convalecencia Like?

The island has a population of about 10,000 people. Most residents are descendants of African slaves who were brought over to work on coffee plantations in the early 1800s. Today, the majority of residents are self-employed fishermen or farmers. There is also a small community of Venezuelan immigrants who live on the island year-round.

  1. What Are Some Of The Main Attractions On Isla De Convalecencia?

The main attractions on Isla de Convalecencia include its beautiful coastal scenery, its rich history and culture, and its many festivals and events. Some of the most popular activities on the island include whale watching, kayaking, hiking, swimming, antiquing, and golf.

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