Isla Farrel Island -All details



Isla Farrel Island


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Isla Farrel Island is a paradise for travellers and nature lovers alike. It’s a mountainous island located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea and has an area of 1,568.8 hectares. The island is known for its clear waters, white sand beaches, lush vegetation, and the diversity of wildlife that can be seen there. The crystal-clear water and serene atmosphere make it an ideal place to relax and enjoy nature. In addition, Isla Farrel Island is also known for its many activities like kayaking, snorkelling, scuba diving, cycling, hiking, horseback riding, and bird watching.

All Discussion Of Isla Farrel Island

Isla Farrel Island


The history of Abbott Island

Isla Farrel Island was first discovered by Spanish explorer, Juan Ponce de Leon, in 1502. He named the island Isla Florida after the queen of Spain at that time. The British later claimed it and renamed it Isle of James. In 1763, during the American Revolution, a group of French revolutionaries landed on the island and captured it from British forces. They changed its name to Isle des Francais (Island of France). The island subsequently became part of Haiti in 1804 after Jean-Jacques Dessalines took control over it as one of his first acts as the new country’s leader.

In 1862, a British warship bombarded Nippes Island dropping more than 4,000 shells on it in an attempt to stop wooden menger platforms and palm trees from being transported by islanders during the island’s resumption of settlement after its abandonment following the last slave uprising.

In 1871 Isla Farrel was assigned as part of Saint-Domingue (Saint Dominique) crown colony which remained under French administration until Haiti gained its independence in 1804. In October 1937 Hurricane Flora devastated Isla Farrel with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, destroying all buildings and damaging structures. Drastic efforts were undertaken to rebuild the island, including a new lighthouse and radio station on Isla Coquitz.



The island has a tropical rainforest climate, with no distinct seasons. The average yearly temperature is 78°F. During the winter, a rainy season from October to April brings tropical rain and winds. The island averages about 4 inches of rainfall per month, with May through September being especially wet (78% of total annual precipitation). Droughts are common, and there is no islandwide distribution of rainfall.

The island has a dry season from late May through early October. The average yearly temperature on the island varies between 70 F to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with an annual humidity range between 60% – 90%. June, July, August and September have temperatures slightly lower than March-May (73F). The weather in Nippes Island can change quickly within minutes both morning or evening.



The islanders are a mix of African, European, and Native American descent. They have their own customs, songs, stories and dances that vary from island to island. Their main language is Spanish.

Today the main economic activity on Isla Farrel is lobster fishing although there are also small-scale agriculture activities such as coffee, cacao production and goat herding .

In 2010 researcher Janet Berreman from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute talked to inhabitants of Isla Farrel island with a special focus on how life has changed in living memory. She concluded that today, under ideal conditions and compared to previous generations, the island’s population is relatively stable, its economy healthy and it remains capable of raising children despite steep decline in gift-giving by family members. In 2008 over 90% youth experience severe diarrhoea during their childhood while 11 – 15% remain stunted as a result later into adult life (1).



Isla Farrel is part of the “Islas de la Bahia” archipelago, a territory that includes about 20 islands and covers an area of 1,500 square km. Nippes Island has a population of about 190 people living in around 25 houses. The islanders are self-sufficient with their own freshwater well and small livestock including pigs, horses, chickens and ducks . There is no infrastructure on the island besides basic electricity generation from generators.

The main political party on Isla Farrel is the “Partido Unidade Democrática” (PUD).

Government services

Government services

There is no permanent government presence on Isla Farrel, although the island has a ” Constable” (official representative) who deals with statutory matters such as land registrar and issuing permits for fishing, logging and hunting. The island also has a small police force which handles local security issues. There is no healthcare available on the island but residents can access medical services in neighbouring islands or mainland Puerto Rico .



Children from pre-school to grade 12 attend school on Nippes Island. Schools are open from 7am to 3pm but there is often only one teacher for each class so students rarely receive all the instruction they need. The island’s schools were pictured in a documentary series called Back Roads, which airing on PBS and Discovery Channel


Assumption Island Tourism

There is no tourism industry on Isla Farrel, although islanders are sometimes hired to provide general labour on neighbouring islands. Visitors to the island can enjoy hiking and exploring the coastline, as well as bird watching and fishing.


Isla Farrel Island is an eco-friendly getaway that promises to give you the best of both worlds. Located in the Virgin Islands, this secluded paradise offers unrivaled natural beauty coupled with all the modern conveniences and amenities you could hope for. From its welcoming shores to its courteous staff, everything about Isla Farrel Island makes it a perfect place to spend a vacation or escape the craziness of everyday life. Here, we provide you with all the information you need to know about this delightful destination before you jet off!


1.How Long Is The Island Open To Tourists?

Ans: The island is open to tourists from March to November.

2.What Transportation Options Are Available?

Ans: There are a number of transportation options that you can use when visiting Isla Farrel Island, including air travel, ferry service, and land transport.

3.How Much Will It Cost Me To Visit The Island?

Ans: The island is open to tourists for a fee of $75 per person.

4.What Are The Necessary Documents I Need To Travel To Isla Farrel Island?

You will need a passport, visa, and your airline ticket.

5.What Are The Main Attractions On Isla Farrel Island?

Ans: Some of the main attractions on Isla Farrel island include its clear water, lush landscape, and diverse wildlife.

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