Category: Island

  • Henry Island-Everything You Need to Know!

    Henry Island

    Henry Island, located in the Straits of Mackinac, is a popular tourist destination that offers visitors an unparalleled view of the Mackinac Bridge – Michigan’s iconic bridge. The island is also home to a variety of attractions, such as the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. Henry Island attracts tourists from all over the world,…

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  • Roque del Este Island-Everything You Need to Know!

    Roque del Este Island-Everything You Need to Know!

    Roque del Este Island is a small island located in the Mozambique Channel off the northern coast of Maputo. The island is about 1.5 km long and 0.5 km wide and has an area of about 6 hectares. The island was named for José de Roque del Este, 3rd Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), a general…

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  • Alfeus Island

    All About Of Alfeus Island – All guideline

    Until a few years ago, most of the islands in the world could be considered as relatively small and insignificant. But, with only a little effort, we now have access to numerous islands. They are commonly referred to as the “Blue Planet”. And, if you are one of those who wish to visit one of…

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  • Renouf Island

    Renouf Island

    Renouf Island is an uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Quebec, Canada. The island has a total area of 201 hectares and has been designated as a national park by the government of Canada since 2004. The island is also a part of the Gaspé National Park. History Renouf Island was…

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  • Isla Santa Inés Island

    Isla Santa Inés Island-You Have To Know

    Isla Santa Inés is a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. It is part of the Argentine Islands National Wildlife Refuge and is known for its rocky coastline, crystal clear water, and lush vegetation. The island is accessible by boat and can be visited during daytime hours. Visitors can explore…

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  • Little Cornwallis Island

    Little Cornwallis Island-You Have To Know

    Cornwallis Island is a small island off the east coast of Newfoundland and is the only remaining island in the famous Conception Bay. The island is located approximately 44 miles from the northeast tip of Saint John’s Island. In the year 1784, a British naval officer named Lieutenant William Brown was given the task of…

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  • Edmund Walker Island

    All About Of Edmund Walker Island- Which Will Help You To Travel

    Edmund Walker Island is an uninhabited island located in the middle of the Bass Strait, between Tasmania and Victoria. The island is named after Edmund Walker, an early 19th-century explorer of Bass Strait. Walker Island is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, making it an ideal spot for researchers and nature enthusiasts.…

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  • Amukta Island

    All About Of Amukta Island – Everything You Have to Know

    If you’re looking for a secluded getaway, Amukta Island is worth considering. Located off the coast of West Bengal, the island offers natural beauty and a tranquil lifestyle. With its varied landscape and abundant wildlife, Amukta Island is perfect for nature lovers and those who enjoy a challenge. Visitors can enjoy hikes, biking, fishing, birdwatching,…

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  • All About Of Einstødingen Island – Which Will Help You To Travel

    Einstødingen Island is a small, uninhabited island situated in the North Atlantic Ocean. The island is privately owned and has been designated as a nature reserve. The reserve is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including breeding populations of seabirds and seals. Einstødingen is also known for its geological features, which include…

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  • Lipson Island

    Lipson Island- All Details

    Lipson Island, also know as Lipson Boulevard, is a strip of land located in Queens in New York City. The island is connected to the mainland by a small bridge that has been nicknamed “The Killing Fields”. It is also the site of a former quarantine station for people who had contact with the virus…

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