Renouf Island



Renouf Island


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Renouf Island is an uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Quebec, Canada. The island has a total area of 201 hectares and has been designated as a national park by the government of Canada since 2004. The island is also a part of the Gaspé National Park.

Renouf Island


Renouf Island was first discovered by Jacques Cartier in 1535. The island was originally named “Island of Reunion” after the French ship that found it. In 1629, Renouf Island was claimed by Samuel de Champlain and given to his brother-in-law, Olivier Le Jeune. They established a seigneurie on the island and built a small fort there which they used as a base for hunting trips.

In 1763, Renouf Island passed into British hands following the Treaty of Paris which ended the Seven Years’ War. The British renamed the island “Renouf Island”. In 1803, Renouf Island was sold by the British to George Robertson for £1250. The island then became solely under his control and was renamed in his honor as “Robertson’s Island”.

Renouf remained under ownership of Robertson until 1840 when it passed from him into the hands of another English settler named Dennis Edinburg. He died one year later leaving no heirs so after a contest between several claimants he had been awarded Renouf freehold through a Transfer Certificate on 21 November 1842 but with all unilateral rights not due including:

This all left an unresolved problem, who was responsible for the removal and preservation of timber on Renouf Island.

A true renegade storyboard: in 1850 a pirate ship named “The Warder” attempted to sell the lumber at what is now Woodstock New Brunswick but set sail without permission. This prompted British authorities to have both Andrew Murray Hamilton Shaw (Surveyor General) and George Robertson (owner) do some investigating into Edward O’Brien’s past he found that it did indeed belong to Roberson, however uncontrollable situations like war or piracy caused him be unable Juyne with his duty of inquiry for lack of funding.

The legality and cleanliness status of such a development is given as “Undetermined” in the records from the King’s Agent, Mr Robert Lyon Hunt.


Renouf is a tropical paradise, with an average temperature of around 28 degrees Celsius year-round. The island experiences only two months of the year when it does not have rain: November and February. The few mosquitoes that come with everyday life of the island are not really a bother to most, being attracted by blood heat.

The days and nights temperatures throughout the year provide periods in which one can surf or swim without having any visible effect on their body as they will grow accustomed to it. There are many plants, birds and animals native only due precautions preserving Renouf’s wild nature since 1973 when it was protected under an act simply named “The Island Protection Act”. This regulation protects not only the flora but also its fauna with special regard for turtles found within Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Sea Turtle Association.


The only economic activity on the island is fishing, particularly lobster and sea urchin, from shore or by small boats that cruise the waters searching for them. Some may work at a salmon farm but this seems to be primarily imposed upon people who are not working in other capacities such as conservationists and those who wish to maintain their land ownership indefinitely under our Australian legal state; without having any involvement with logging activities of which there have been no cases due condemnation until recently because it was incorporated into Renouf’s mythology as an ancient cultural heritage site attributed by others within New South Wales’ native communities to the people of New Zealand.


Renouf has a rich cultural heritage that is expressed in its art, music and dance. Elders of the island teach their grandchildren traditional songs, dances and stories about ancestors. These traditions are handed down from generation to generation through storytelling ceremonies, which are often held at night by the campfire.

One example of Renouf’s cultural heritage can be seen in its traditional Māori fishing methods used today. The ancient method involves using nets made from yam or reed matting threaded with thin cane fibers instead of steel cable so as not to destroy coral reefs around the islands

The Island also produces a very popular BBQ and seafood buffet on Good Friday each year.

Hiking trails close to the ocean that provide scenic views of Pembroke, Renouf & Otway also open up suitable locations for birdwatching every day.


Renouf Islanders are represented in the New South Wales state parliament as a part of the National Party. The current MP for Renouf is Tim Dyson.

Industry & Services

Renouf Island has a power station, run by the National Coal Company of New South Wales. It is owned and operated by EnergyAustralia (formerly known as BHP). The station produces electricity for Sydney and surrounding areas.

As part of the NSW Government Focus Area “Renemarking” strategy, Renouf was established in 2012 with funding from state government’s Regional Development Australia Fund to regenerate an existing coastal area into productive farmland via integrated regional diversionary policy that evolves farming practices through participatory community development approaches such as: encouraging renewed interest in traditional catchments birdwatching recreational fishing horticulture and in the grain industry expansion of native eucalyptus production alongside carbon capture projects such as a composting operations to advance future biosequestration programs on surrounding property.


A five-star Pembrokeshire fishing resort is being established at Renouf Island.

The 200 hectare casino is planned to be funded by third party funding attracted via poker machine technology, offering gaming entrepreneurs an opportunity for expansion into adjacent Riverina areas that historically has been difficult for operators due to lack of patronage which will provide 5 million person hours per year of positive benefit to NSW economy as a result of promotion and similar revenue/property tax farming opportunities.


Renouf Island is a longitude and latitude coordinate located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, north-west of Quebec City and south-west of Gaspé, Quebec. It measures 298 kilometres in length and has a total coastline of 13 kilometres. Renouf Island is part of the Laurentian Archipelago, which is an irregular chain of islands located off the eastern coast of North America.


What Is The Regional Development Australia Fund?

The Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) was established in 2001 as a way for state and territory governments to pool resources and invest in regional projects that had the potential to create jobs and improve economic growth.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Investing In Renouf Island?

Renouf Island has a number of potential benefits for investors, including:

– The island is located close to important shipping routes, making it an ideal location for business ventures involved in transportation or logistics;

– Its strategic location just off the east coast of Australia and relatively close to the mainland makes it a perfect site for tourism related industries;

– Renouf Island offers excellent views from its lookout point above East Beach, Blue Bay Shelter and Devil’s Pool. There is also an extensive boat ramp at Strath Creek Boat Ramp in Port Cullen for anglers as well as property owners who are interested in setting up their own kayak club.

What Are The Current Economic Conditions In Australia?

The Australian economy continues to show signs of improvement, with unemployment rates gradually ticking down and household incomes beginning to rise again. With this strong underlying fundamentals, investment opportunities in Australia remain robust.

How Do I Invest In Renouf Island?

There is not currently any specific investment product or strategy available for those looking to invest in Renouf Island. Similarly, there is no definitive timeline for when such an option might become available. Investors should continue to keep tabs on relevant news and developments related to the island as they may influence potential investment decisions.

What Are Some Of The Risks Associated With Investing In Renouf Island?

There are a number of potential risks associated with investing in Renouf Island, including:

– The island’s location could result in it being affected by natural or man-made disasters;

– The economic conditions in Australia could change and lead to reduced interest rates or other negative factors that would have an impact on the viability and profitability of projects located on the island;

– Changes to tax laws may make projects located on Renouf Island less attractive to investors.

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