All About Of Jacob Island (Wood Island) – Which Will Help You To Travel




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Jacob Island is a small island located in the Saint Lucia Bay, about 10 minutes from Castries. It is surrounded by a coral reef and is privately owned by the Government of Saint Lucia. The island has a maximum extent of about 2.4 km² and a coastline of about 1 km. It has been designated as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International because it supports a high level of nesting seabirds, including Atlantic Puffins, Herons, and Egrets.

Jacob Island

All Discussion Of Jacob Island (Wood Island)


The island was first populated by the French in the 17th century. The English took control of it in 1667, and it became part of Saint Lucia until 1934, when it was ceded to Britain as part of the Treaty of Paris following World War I. It subsequently passed into private ownership.

In 1997, the island was leased to billionaire David Rockefeller and his foundation. Restoration activities began in 2002, funded by the Jacob Estates investment company and David Rockefeller. The island has been restored to a proper functioning paradise with low-lying fruit trees for the animals, a well stocked marina for yachts (both motorized and sailing) guests. A shop provides supplies for guests including other shops.

Breezes International Realty Caricom assists owners of coastal real estate in providing open lines of communications to each other, and with relevant government office holders as well, in support of its mission is protecting nature . Established in 2001, the Caribbean Coast Centre for Science and Technology (CCCTS) is one of its primary forces.

It was not until 2007 that a limited sea water desalination project became operational. It facilitates an uninterrupted supply of fresh drinking-water from seawater harvested solely from three small reservoirs near La Savane Beach on the northwest shoreline . It reduces your reliance on sources hundreds of miles away where cost factors limit their use to just before or after each hurricane season – with danger always present when they are used at all.



The climate is moderated by the surrounding Atlantic Ocean and has a wet and dry season. Rainfall is at its greatest in September, October and November due to the impact of several storm systems. The temperature ranges during the year between 28C and 32C with clear sky days being common throughout most months, especially March through May when temperatures are usually 20–30 °C (68–86F).

The island experiences an average annual rainfall of about 687mm per annum on La Savane Beach which has helped transform it from wasteland into one of South East Caribbean’s richest mangrove forest ecosystems . It also provides rain water harvesting where desalination brings supply comparable to North American and European levels.

Development is strictly controlled since desalination is extremely expensive, therefore very limited in scale to the increased return it can bring. As such CCCTS has embarked on a massive project along with its partner Government; The Center For Applied Research (CARICOM) – involving reforestation of an estimated 544 hectares of forest at UNESCO World Heritage Sites “Cap Haitien National Park” and Dr Pierre Blaise Vallée Regional Natural Site”.



The culture is a mixture of French, Fijian and island Vodou. The people are friendly, welcoming and hospitable; with La Savane Beach having been voted one of the top ten Caribbean beaches by Conde Nast readers in 2018. Activities available on La Savane Beach include golfing, swimming and general lounging around the beach or along its many salt water pools including ‘The Wavepool’ which offers some of the best waves in all of Martinique.



The first democratic elections were held in Martinique on 5 May 2002, following the lifting of the state of emergency. The former president, Jean-Claude Duvalier (1957–1986), was forced into exile in France after a long period of political and social instability.

Nicolas Sarkozy, then Minister for the Interior, won election as President on 6 April 2007 with 66% of the vote; he was reelected in November 2012 with 83%. The voting system used is first past the post, in which if no candidate gets more than 51% of votes cast by voters on election day (23 October), a second round runoff poll is held on 15 November to determine the winner.

The principal opposition party since 2002 has been Pè A Mi Ma Martinique, founded and represented in parliament during Duvalier’s regime. The president of the local branch of PRM was Christiane Taubira under Sarkozy until she resigned after being sworn as French justice minister under Hollande’s government; her political rival Patrick Braouezec took over her seat in parliament, and has been a standing member of the PRM ticket since.

The campaign for the 2013 Presidential elections was dominated by accusations that Sarkozy’s political opponent François Hollande hid his identity during his late adolescence when he went by pseudonym “Sarko”. Despite its traditional designation as centre-right, party supporters included former socialist government ministers under President Jacques Chirac such as Cecile Duflot (Minister of Ecologie) who won election to Guadeloupe’s General Council on 2 November 2007.



Jacob Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, about 390 kilometers northwest of Cairns. It is part of the Wood Islands group of islands, which consists of six other islands including Wood Island, Green Island, White Island and Muglins Island.

The island is accessible by boat only and can be reached by taking a leisurely 2-hour trip from Cairns. The island has no facilities and visitors are required to bring their own food, water and camping gear. There are no facilities on the island, but there are a few small camping sites that can accommodate up to 10 tents.

The island offers visitors an opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the reef as well as some unique cultural experiences. The island is home to the Mabuiag people who are traditional custodians of the reef. Tours provide an insight into their culture and way of life as well as providing an opportunity to see some of the reef’s iconic fish species.

Jacob Island Tourism is operated by Wood Islands Resort which also operates Green and White Islands resorts. Jacob Island Tourism receives limited visitation due to its remote location and limited amenities. However, due to strong demand for cultural experiences related to the reef, visitation has increased in recent years.


Jacob Island is located in the Saint Lucia chain and forms part of the Windward Islands chain. The island is about 10km long and between 2-4km wide. It has a total land area of about 2 sq km. It is surrounded by shallow waters with a maximum depth of 4m.


1.What Are The Main Attractions On Jacob Island?

Ans: The main attractions on Jacob Island include the Mabuiag people and their culture as well as seeing some of the reef’s iconic fish species.

2.Is Jacob Island Accessible By Land?

Ans: Jacob Island is not accessible by land.

3.What Is The Distance Between Jacob Island And Cairns?

Ans: The distance between Jacob Island and Cairns is about 2 hours.

4.What Is The Closest Airport To Jacob Island?

Ans: The nearest airport to Jacob Island is at Port of Spain.

5.Are There Any Specific Accommodation Options On Jacob Island?

Ans: There are no specific accommodation options on Jacob Island. However, the Mabuiag people operate a few campsites that can accommodate up to 10 tents.

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