JFK- 1991 Frequently Asked Question



JFK- 1991 Frequently Asked Question


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For the first time in over 20 years, John F. Kennedy was elected to a second term as President of the United States of America. In 1991, America had been through a recession for two years, and most Americans were not optimistic about the future.

The President at that time was George H.W. Bush, who had inherited a recession from his predecessor Ronald Reagan and the new economy had yet to catch up with the old economy.

In this article, we are going to answer all questions about JFK- 1991. So, stay tuned with us.

JFK- 1991 Frequently Asked Question

How Much of This Movie Is True?

‘JFK’ was made entirely on a Hollywood budget in which John F. Kennedy becomes the most hated President ever, even more so than Richard Nixon, who beat him for the Presidency back in 1960 – and here we used his voice to cast JFK as well. We couldn’t figure out how he won two terms but still got buried by the ’92 depression.

What Were the Major Effects of the Jfk 1991 on Investment Banking?

The major effects of the JFK 1991 on investment banking were that it increased the number of women in the industry and opened up more opportunities for minority investors.

What Is ‘jfk’ About?

‘JFK’ is an acronym for John F. Kennedy, but rather than referring to the assassin who killed him in 1963, it refers to his campaign started during 1962 against Richard Nixon and George H.W.’s father (real name: Prescott Bush).

Is ‘jfk’ Based on a Book?

‘JFK’ is not based on a book, and there are no books credited with the phrase. The term may have been first used by Pappas to refer to John F Kennedy’s “secretary of state” Adlai Stevenson, who was being required during JFK- nixed time in 1960 campaign mailings from Massachusetts (where he had been defeated) compared himself.

Is This Film an Accurate Representation of Oliver Stone’s Beliefs?

‘JFK’ is a fictional adaptation of Oliver Stone’s beliefs. The movie reflects many events and details that took place during the time frame of President Kennedy’s time in office but happened to have been altered somehow within the film script.

Oliver Stone believed that John F. Kennedy wasn’t killed by Lee Harvey Oswald or an independent assassin but was instead part of a conspiracy started years before he took office and still ongoing in his time as President.

Who Was Mr. X?

It is unknown. The mysterious character known only as Mr. X appears in the film but never gives his real name, nor does he interact outside of their meeting and departure from Dealey Plaza itself. Oliver Stone has referred to him as “the guy who really authorized the. “In an interview with Variety

Oliver Stone stated -“He’s a criminal probably living under another name.”

Who Is General “Y”?

General “Y” is based on reality. Hugh Aynesworth was a military man who went on to become the second-highest-ranking officer of the Air Force and commanded combat jets during World War II. During Vietnam, he became one of America’s top fighter pilots and flew over 100 missions over North Vietnamese territory before being shot down by enemy fire whilst bombing Haiphong harbor in 1968 – although this part has been scripted for dramatic effect rather than fact.

It is unknown who “Y” was outside of Mr. X, although there were two U.S. generals in the general’s respected position (General David Shoup and General Samuel Smith killing), making them candidates for this role.

Another candidate would be Marshal Achille Lauro DeBellis, a NATO senior military official with a North African background during 1963 and 1964, when key events have been referenced by Stone on screen.

Who Was William O’keefe?

William O’Keefe was curator of the National Maritime Museum in Washington, D.C., and as such would have been well placed to know details about Kennedy’s ship Aquitania when news broke overseas of his assassination on that vessel during August 1963.

Which prompted some newspapers at the time to speculate it could be a plot by Cuban forces who were supporting Eugene Izzi, KGB agent and Fidel Castro Coup against President Batista in Cuba.

How Was David Ferrie Involved?

David Ferrie (played by Kurt Russell) in the film is assigned to work for Air Force Captain Ed McCall’s counter-intelligence unit and has an operative agent under his command A.J. Weber who parachuted from a plane in international waters near Cuba.

Then, he was picked up off of fishing trawlers just off Miami beach with some American dollars at one point during Operation Mongoose that was later exposed during Watergate hearings.

Was Clay Shaw a Cia Agent?

The Life and Times of Sam Giancana: 007 (1965) See also the 1961 book The Peter Maas thriller about CIA recruit Clay Shaw as a double agent. There were others who worked for him in Jackie O’s campaign, including David Weigler, Paul Roby, Richard Clark Marshall & Robert Pothier.

Did “Clay Bertrand” Exist?

The 1967 John Frankenheimer film “Seven Days In May” featured a fictional scheme to assassinate President Kennedy, allegedly involving the fictitious Clay Bertrand.

Who Was Actually Behind Jfk’s Death?

The real answer goes back to 1963 when Robert Maheu took charge of all matters for CIA–Mafia plots as a liaison man with Jack Rubenstein after he replaced General McHugh in 1961/62 that organized his retirement from the force due to Watergate.

However, Bob Maheu never did replace Howard Hunt, who was already sidelined when Robert Kennedy became Attorney General in 1961 and Jack Rubenstein went into CIA for an Exclusive Memorandum of Understanding signed on 16 October 1963.

Was Clay Shaw “Clay Bertrand” One of the Conspirators in Plotting to Assassinate Kennedy?

The answer to his death remains as yet one of U.S. intelligence’s biggest enduring mysteries. The strange circumstances surrounding JFK’s murder were ultimately responsible for the 1968 assassination in Berlin, Germany, which was the result of a defection plot-the nature and extent of which clearly went beyond that organized by LBJ himself.

Culminating with Lee Harvey Oswald acting on behalf of authorities’ orders—a conclusion largely disputed by alternative fact community though not without reason just like Lee Oswald’s s alleged background and activities before his address book appeared in the New Orleans District Attorney office.

Was John Kennedy Planning to Pull Out of Vietnam?

According to a 21 November 1967 memo from Southern California Congressman Edward R. Roybal—withdrawn in 1998 and released upon President Clinton’s executive order demanding the full truth be told regarding national security secrets being kept secret, withdrawn or destroyed on 9/11.

The CIA had been pressuring Kennedy towards increasing U.S. force’s entry into Vietnam after 1963 while he was still President.

Was the Epileptic Part of the “Conspiracy”?

Georgia Wilder’s stammering made her speech hard to hear and often ambiguous. Yet the simplest interpretation is that she was named “Gwen Farr” while with him in Hollywood—as if reprising Patsy Cline’s 1957 recording of “I Fall To Pieces.

Who Was the “Umbrella Man”? Was He Part of the Assassination?

Richard Bissell’s 1967 memo explaining why the CIA—not its military equivalent as was standard practice at that time only dealt with assassinations.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson’s Vice Chairman of The Executive Committee on Defense Policy, James Webb – LBJ didn’t want to start a war when there weren’t enough troops for an invasion and had no choice but to make Kennedy his scapegoat rather than Nixon even though he couldn’t compete with the U.S. Bay of Pigs invasion.

Why Is Lbj Made to Appear as a Prime Suspect in Jfk’s Assassination?

LBJ and all his cronies knew that JFK’s Cuba policy of not intervening directly was dangerous to the U.S. empire for reasons known widely by them. The 1964 Republican National Convention was an anti-Kennedy coup in itself, aimed at destroying foreign policies which favored peace over war.

Was There Gun Smoke on the Grassy Knoll?

The only eyewitness to Kennedy’s assassination who publicly asserted the fatal shots came from his front was James Tague, another hired gun for LBJ.

Other than Mary Moorman and others beat early on by JFK. She remains a mystifying mystery.

What Is the “Magic Bullet Theory”?

The magic bullet theory happens to conflict with a very important piece of Made In FBI evidence which has never been explained:

The Capitol claims conflicting theories – the possible missile, basement and tunnel. Three authors offer competing versions that partly agree because all three pieces together (photos + negative) contradict each other’s assertions as in this “misconception”-T.V.

Interviewed on camera post-JFK event Paul McGuire an LBJ assistant; James Angleton believed Project Ultra (the CIA spy ring) was responsible for the assassinations.

Did the Secret Service Really Order Less Protection?

There is no credible evidence for the Secret Service’s alleged order to shoot. First, a number of sources disagree with that. On 22 November 1963, Chief Marshall of the Secret Service Eugene Belfield told President Johnson: “Since you are proceeding along Baya Beach and Sonson. You will be afforded protection by approximately 240 officers.”

What Are the Differences Between the Theatrical Cut and the Director’s Cut?

In the theatrical cut of “JFK,” more than 18 minutes was removed from many scenes, which had been rejected by Oliver Stone. They were replaced with scenes showing a group of college girls hilariously imitating Lee Harvey Oswald as he periodically appeared upon the projector screen during car chases and/or other such circus-like situations.

Was Oswald Really Only “an Average Shot” as Was Alleged in the Film?

The movie “JFK” depicts Oswald as a poor marksman, capable only of barely missing the Presidency by merely getting off one shot.

There have been many inconsistencies in this regard; various official investigations concluded that he was very good at rifle shooting and had practice target accuracy much better than any other student leader of an assassination attempt at the time without being proficient with guns.

How Did the Police Catch Oswald So Quickly?

In the film, a single policeman pursued Oswald immediately after his shooting of Kennedy. Many witnesses stated that there were four or five police officers following him soon thereafter as he ran to escape arrest.

In reality, it took law enforcement officials noticeably longer than depicted in the movie to capture and detain Lee Harvey Oswald – over 90 minutes. When Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker dispatched them for back-up until they caught up with him had passed before completing their search of De Daley Plaza.

Why Didn’t Oswald Take the Shot Down Houston Street?

According to the director of the screenplay, Oliver Stone, it was because he did not want his movements at such an early stage in the investigation to be filmed by CBS television which had located itself and a broadcasting satellite dish on Houston Street.

Why Couldn’t President Kennedy Have Been Pronounced Dead Within Minutes?

According to Harold Weisberg’s book “Whitewash!”, purporting that this question is answered as one for modern audiences who would leave all ceremonies cut off at the highest-rated moment instead of sacrificing a couple of minutes for filming highlights that would be shown just as long a time later.

However, no special effects were used in any movie to enhance this suspenseful scene or explain how “the wound might have been self-inflicted.”

Did Jack Ruby “Rub Out” Oswald on Orders From Someone Else?

The “rub out” of Oswald by Jack Ruby is one of the most notable scenes in the film, but it was not as dramatic as depicted. The pressure from witnessing slow progress toward an investigation on television pushed police to move faster than they should have under normal circumstances, with a trial occurring within three weeks instead of several months.

Did Jack Ruby Really Have Advanced Knowledge About Oswald?

As with many problems in “JFK,” the answer is a mirror of another. President Kennedy did not receive an advance warning about both his assassination and Jack Ruby’s murder because that just was not done at the time or since. The FBI agents who sent Oswald to Cuba tried contacting him again after he returned.

But only elected to inform local police through them when they had reason to believe he might be looking for them (to set things up?); it was not enough for a member of the Secret Service in Dallas to have known about Ruby before he died.

Did Lbj Really Say, “Just Let Me Get Elected, and Then You Can Have Your War”?

“I’m the first President in history who will end a war before it even starts,” Lyndon Johnson said.

The truth is that LBJ contemplated using test-ban treaties, SALT and other diplomatic means to avoid conventional military action in Asia.

He would merely establish a nearly prewar state of crisis through 1965 (which, for example, helped convince Khrushchev to return 29 Soviet nuclear weapons) when Vietnam was thought sufficiently prepared as far as U.S. policy.


JFK (1991) is a great movie overall. While watching the movie, it may raise a ton of questions in your mind. Today, our article’s purpose was to please you with the answers of the questions that were raised during watching the movie. Hope our honest efforts were good enough.

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