All About Of Kimolos Island- Which Will Help You To Travel



Kimolos Island


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Kimolos Island is a small, uninhabited island located off the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. The island is famous for its crystal clear water, white sand beaches, and lush vegetation.

Kimolos is also well-known for its cliffs, which provide a breathtaking view of the island’s interior. The island is known as the “Island of the Cliffs” and it has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All About Of Kimolos Island

Kimolos Island



The first inhabitants of the island were Arabs from Crete, who fled to Kimonos not long after the 11th century during a devastating earthquake. The Arab settlers built huts in seven villages on different points of the shoreline.

A seventh village near Kirini dated to 395 AD is currently known as Krista and has been excavated by Greeks since 1996 under joint excavation effort by Elia Papangeli (EOKA), Belisario Martins(University College London) and Antonios Pappas (Nationalearchiv-Navy).

Until 1865 only one paved road connected these seven villages, with each having its own social and cultural life.

The island was allied to the Venetians during their war against Turks in 1645; when captured by Suleiman I (1660), it remained at peace for over a hundred years until he attacked Kimolos again in 1729 but lacked sufficient troops so as not to impose any serious damage on other islands around Crete , which then declared their independence from Ottoman rule that year.

Member of the Souli: Nissaki Molla Nahum Isabella In 1493 pope Innocent VIII granted an indulgence to anyone who sailed to the island; in 1580 its inhabitants requested from Pope Gregory XIII a washing of their souls (Vulcanization).

In 1803 Kimolos was governed by Edrea, “kefala” for Pierre Foix. The Turks had 120 men stationed on board three vessels, but there were only 108 men on shore which subdued and captured them all – even women carrying babies fought against the Turks despite being outnumbered fifty to one.

The British occupied it again in 1918 during World War I due to fear that Italian submarines would use currents at night as hiding spots while attacking allied.



In 1822 there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.5 Mw and suffered by over half the island’s population. During Ottoman rule, it had three mosques (18th century) in addition to one church built before 1780; during British occupation they abandoned them all just after World War.

The only public welfare organization under Greek control is “Etablissements socials de médecine”, founded in 1962 which now undertakes primary healthcare services like haemodialysis therapy and neonatal intensive care unit called CrioMedico while using medicines purchased from Greece .

The hospital is served by two helicopters forming a care team in the event of emergency. The island enjoys mild dry summers and moderately cold winters: when it subtropical climate it has been defined (by Charles Petter) as Csa, but under Köppen’s classification.

Then Climate like any Mediterranean one was Hot-summer mediterranean or tSHM with hot summer months from March to September but its winter endures through March again for being influenced by Wrath ), whereas other islands lie at Eta where does not exist – what happens on Crete/Esilova coast that.



Life has survived thanks to cultivation of wild herbs and plants, fishing (mainly coarse sea bass while the others are brought in season) , small-scale tourism. Olive oil is an important part of diet . Vineyards produce pomeria wine but this variety is not exported & therefore unknown.

It’s sold at a higher price than other kinds because its sale can expose fraud that does not affect vineyards whose grapes get bottled without producers knowing – according to comments made by participants who participate in such trips!

Other milder varieties include Meliloti oli which means olive tree nothing else. Authentic local specialties include: roasted sea bass, fried sardines followed by similar flat breads and pastries .

Crew of a fishing boat at the port visitable from Vitsiany beach in the east coast (with capital “vets”). Most people work on building small boats or are fishermen; consequently there is no motorized transport for any land activity because it involves too much effort.

Since coastline roads are often not maintained some houses as well as street lamps have been made out of wood instead found here – rusted cast iron ones which do not require electricity! ,.



very much characteristic of Aegean islands and with some differences as well. According to the Greek “Natural history” by Aristotle (eighth century BC), Melitene had wild goats, ibises , tortoises and a kind of swine but in reality there didn’t seem to be either – an abundant shepherd stock would have eaten them instead .

There are also claims about Ibis birds soon disappearing for unknown reasons but that’s due only that their eggs & meat get endangered: their presence does not imply specific indigenous species or effects on sheep population from outside! Sea-crabs.

Many have abandoned a previous method of agriculture by only eating the leaves , but still manage to multiply without affecting local horticulture.

That’s also happening to other animals: scampering between beaches, you can find various tortoises as well as rare “reed snakes “. Neither they are typical examples of Aegean wildlife because they live in dry cyprus forests and not on wetlands.

The latter are mostly populated with vipers which some visitors mistake for them! (see below) If we take into account that there is absolutely no mixing between locals and foreigners what makes Melitene interesting is its own.


Kimolos is a small and uninhabited island located in the Aegean Sea southeast of mainland Greece. It is named after the Greek word for comb, because the comb-like rocks on the island resemble a human hair.

The island is a popular destination for day trips from mainland Greece, and offers stunning views of the Saronic Gulf and the Peloponnese Peninsula. Kimolos is also a popular spot for swimming, windsurfing, and diving.


1.What Is The Main Attraction Of Kimolos?

Ans: Kimolos is a small and beautiful Greek island that is located in the Aegean Sea. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been declared as a biosphere reserve.

Kimolos has a population of around 1,000 people and is known for its white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque villages. Kimolos is also a popular tourist destination, with tourists from all over the world visiting its shores each year.

2.How Many People Visit Kimolos Each Year?

Ans: Kimolos receives around 15,000 tourists in its entire year-round. However, this number is expected to grow as more and more visitors discover the beauty of Kimolos’ white sand beaches and crystal clear waters.

3.What Transportation Is Available On Kimolos?

Ans: Buses are usually sent from mainland Greece via ferries to transport guests from main ports like Piraeus or Thessaloniki throughout the island; they leave major hotels at 8am daily with an initial fare of € 17 per person aged 14 years old or older (inclusive). Transportation within Maltene.

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