Kung Fu Panda Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation



Kung Fu Panda Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation


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A kung fu movie is an action film featuring kung fu skills, plots involving the practice of kung fu, and characters who are trained in martial arts.

The term “kung fu” is a translation of the Chinese  phonetic word “kǒng​fú​” meaning “auspicious/good fortune” or more literally as “the skill of employing/utilizing one’s ability.

When a character makes a bad decision, the movie tells us that there is always a method behind their madness. Sometimes it is about paying for their own sins.

Sometimes it is about protecting their loved ones and sometimes it is about revenge. Here are some of the kung fu panda ending explanation to see if you have figured out what they mean.

Kung Fu Panda Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation

What Is Kung Fu Panda?

Is Kung Fu Panda Shaolin

The Kung Fu Panda series is a set of 3 animated movies made for children that are based on the adventures with pandas. The Chinese say “kung fu” means confronting evil and defending righteousness and justice, which just shows how great kungfu panda ending movie must be!

It would not be entirely fair to look only at one character in the picture above because everybody changed their position when they experienced different things during filming. It’s still a great movie, though!

The journey is shorter than the “plot” that results from it, but what follows seems to fit just as well. It probably does make a degree of sense, if you think about all the bad comments and rumors that have made their way onto various websites in regards to this one character’s ending.

The Meaning of Kung Fu Panda

Personally speaking I haven’t heard any concerning said character doing anything criminal either during or after filming so maybe he really was simply sent by parents (or guardian) to help someone in need and that was all there was to it.

Beginning Of The Movie

There is no single answer to this question as everyone’s interpretation may be slightly different. However, some possible interpretations of the Kung Fu Panda ending are as follows:

That we must all confront our own inner demons and fight for what is right even if it seems daunting or impossible at first.  This represents the theme of self-development which runs throughout the film.

  • That despite our inner fears and weaknesses, we can still overcome them through hard work and concentration.
  • That no matter what the situation or challenge may be, we must never give up on ourselves or our dreams.
  • That we must always be honest with others and ourselves, instead of hiding behind lies or being deceitful.
  • Something to do when you’re stuck … ’cause life can become a little stagnant at times?  Yeah that’s about right!
  • There’s no simple answer either way
  • for example, there’s a lot of symbolism in the movements and poems when we do the final hand gestures.

Climax Of The Movie

Climax Of The Movie

The Sense of Kung Fu Panda leaves some people with different ideas than what they thought would happen at first. Who knows if these profound meanings affect you or not – as long as one interpretation suits your personal taste!

Kung Fu Panda was a success, winning many honors and awards. The film received numerous accolades for the excellence of its production values, direction by John Stevenson and writing of series co-creator Jennifer Yuh Nelson (for screenwriting). For the voice work of Johnson and Jackson, respectively.

On February 11, 2007 The Walt Disney Company distributed an energy drink named “KungFu Panda Energy Drink” with a promotional campaign that really got people talking!

I know it’s fun to just keep following your dreams no matter what anyone tells you – but fat chances there are without some serious cash in hand first  well at least if they told you the truth! Kung Fu Panda Energy Drink recieved glowing reviews from the majority of customers.

Ending Explanation Of The Kung Fu Panda

Ending Explanation Of The Kung Fu Panda

The film ends with Po (a panda) and Shifu on a boat that is about to set sail for the adventure. Their party is being disrupted by Shen, who demands to be everyone’s “Kung Fu mentor”.

Everyone else agrees except Mei Lin – at which point she reveals herself as Shang. He then comes clean about knowing all along she was undercover with the Furious Five Heroes because he wants her to teach him kung fu so he can take on the bad guys.

They all laugh and Po says “that’s funny, because that’s what I wanted to do with you!”. Shifu agrees, telling Shen he doesn’t have to be afraid anymore; they are friends now. Mei Lin blushes and they share a hug.

And finally, as the boat sets sail forth into an unknown future… Po turns back around one last time, hands up in kung fu salute, and says “I’m coming! I’m coming!”

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This “KungFu Panda” movie was an obvious homerun success at the box office and can still be enjoyed by all ages. Bought at our store, you will get the best prices and unmatched customer service.


In conclusion, “Kung Fu Panda” was exceptionally so and managed to be the best film of 2009.Having a story appropriate for all ages, with an extremely good voice cast that truly brings this movie great entertainment value; all in addition making it impossible not to love these characters they show up their fans.


1.What Is the Meaning of Kung Fu Panda 2 Ending?

Ans: Kung Fu Panda 2 ending is a bonus feature, which can be viewed in the director’s cut edition of the film.

After this end sequence, Po looks up and sees Andressa smoking next to him. She also tells Po that he has become extraordinary important in her life as well as his parents’.

2.Is It Possible That This Movie Was Released at the Wrong Time and Therefore Failed to Be Successful at the Box Office?

Ans: It’s absolutely hard to say what has caused such a thing. You know, it can be difficult enough finding the exact reason why new products fail at being successful hits on retail shelves.

Nearly all marketing people are aware of this and hence they have work very hard in order to bring awareness about their product or service .

3.How Did This Movie End Up Being a Hit?

Ans: Why this movie ended up being such a success may still remain unknown to most as it is not created by any marketing magnates nor somebody who has the kind of power and ability that falls under their cards.

4.Why Do People Love Movies Like “Kung Fu Panda”?

Ans: This is a very valid question and one that you would often come to the conclusion of wondering whether there really could be some truth behind it.

5.Is There Any Other Way to Interpret the Ending of Kung Fu Panda 2?

Ans: Every single film has its own unique way of ending at the end and normally these endings are actually very emotional so you should be inclined to feel for the movie’s lead character or its heroine.

All in all, the ending of Kung Fu Panda 2 is something that will surprise a lot of people as it does not follow the usual convention and this could be why some viewers do not like it.

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