Kyungyi Island Everything You Need to Know



Kyungyi Island Everything You Need to Know


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Kyungyi Island is located off the coast of the Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar and is a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty and strategic location. The island has a population of around 2,000 people and is endowed with a wide variety of natural resources, including freshwater reserves, forests, and agricultural land.

Kyungyi Island is known for its traditional festivals, which include the Kyungyi Puja (also known as the Festival of Lights), which takes place every November and celebrates the arrival of the new year. The island also has a number of cultural attractions, including a pagoda dedicated to the BuddhaNetoe (Buddha’s Tooth), which is said to contain some of his teeth.

Kyungyi Island Everything You Need to Know


Kyungyi Island is a small and scenic island located in the Andaman Sea. The island is known for its lush vegetation, crystal-clear water, and white sand beaches. The earliest inhabitants of the island were the Kyaukpyu people, who were believed to have arrived there around 4000 BC. The island became part of British India in 1826 and was leased to the British East India Company in 1829. In 1947, following the independence of Burma, Kyungyi Island became part of that country. The island’s population was evacuated following the military coup d’état of 1988 and has not been returned since.



Kyungyi Island is located off the coast of the Ayeyarwady Delta in Myanmar and has a total area of approximately 82 square kilometers. The island’s primary inhabitants are the Kyaukpyu people, who live in scattered settlements throughout the island. The capital of Kyungyi Island is Myaungpyin, which lies at an elevation of 1,450 meters above sea level.


Kyungyi Island is rich in natural resources, including freshwater reserves, forests, and agricultural land. The island’s ecosystems are dependent on the availability of these resources. The primary vegetation types on the island are rainforest and palm forest. Kyungyi Island is home to a number of endangered species, including the Andaman elephant and Javan rhinoceros.


There is no definitive answer to this question as the population of Kyungyi Island is difficult to estimate accurately. However, according to the Myanmar Census 2010, there were approximately 1.2 million people living on Kyungyi Island at that time. So, it is safe to say that the population has grown considerably over the past 10 years or so.


The economy of Kyungyi Island is largely dependent on the island’s natural resources. The primary industries on the island are fishing and agricultural production. There is also some tourism activity conducted in the area, though it is mainly focused on historical sites rather than day-to-day activities.


Kyungyi Island is located in the Andaman Sea and has a tropical climate. The average temperature ranges from 31 degrees Celsius in the cooler months to 32 degrees Celsius during the summer. The coolest month is January with an average temperature of 26 degrees Celsius, while the warmest month is July with an average temperature of 31 degrees Celsius. The annual average rainfall is 1,090 millimeters and the island experiences a pronounced dry season from November to April.

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion of Kyungyi Island are closely tied to the island’s Buddhist heritage. Buddhism is the predominant religion on the island, though there is also a significant population of Hindus and Christians. There are no official statistics on the percentage of adherents to each religious group, but it can be assumed that they make up a significant percentage of the total population.


The official languages of Kyungyi Island are Burmese and English. However, other languages spoken on the island include Hakka, Shan, and Mon.


The education system on Kyungyi Island is mainly focused on teaching the local languages and Buddhist scripture. There are no formal educational institutions that provide instruction in other subjects, though it is possible to receive education at private schools or institutes operated by the government.


The politics of Kyungyi Island is dominated by the Burmese government. The political system is based on a parliamentary system, with the elected parliament known as the Amyotha Hluttaw. However, significant power rests with the military and executive branches of government, which makes it difficult for civilians to effect change or hold government officials accountable.

Government Services

There are no government services available on Kyungyi Island. Residents must rely on private businesses to provide various amenities and services, such as food and lodging.


Kyungyi Island is a beautiful and largely untouched destination that’s perfect for tourists looking for a relaxing holiday. The island is known for its crystal-clear waters, lush rainforest, and white-sand beaches. There are plenty of activities available for visitors, including diving, snorkeling, hiking, and kayaking. The island also has a variety of restaurants and hotels that cater to all tastes and budgets.

Kyungyi Island is a great place to visit whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway or want to explore the local culture. It’s also a great choice for corporate events or group trips – there’s something for everyone on Kyungyi Island!

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Best Western Resort

The Blue Lagoon

Centara Grand Kyungyi Beach Resort

Kyunpyi Island Yacht Club,

Suan Pyu Garden Inn



Kyungyi Island is a beautiful place with so much to offer its visitors. From its pristine beaches to its lush rainforest, Kyungyi Island has something for everyone. Here are just a few of the attractions that make Kyungyi Island so special:

  1. Its pristine beaches – Kyungyi Island has some of the best beaches in the world. Whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway or a busy beach party, Kyungyi has got you covered.
  2. Its lush rainforest – Kyungyi Island’s rainforest is a beautiful sight to behold. If nature is your thing, Kyungyi is definitely the place for you.
  3. Its diverse culture and history – Kyungyi Island is home to many different cultures and history, making it a fascinating place for visitors of all ages to explore.
  4. Its abundance of wildlife – From elephants to monkeys, Kyungyi Island is home to a variety of wildlife that makes it an exciting place to visit.


Kyungyi Island is a great place to visit for its natural attractions, but there are also plenty of activities available for visitors. These include diving, snorkeling, hiking, and kayaking. There are also several restaurants and hotels that cater to all tastes and budgets.


Kyungyi Island is accessible by ferry from Bangkok or Krabi.



Kyungyi Island is a beautiful and mysterious island located off the coast of Myanmar. It’s known for its unique cuisine, which is mainly made up of seafood. Some of the most popular dishes on Kyungyi Island include kyaung (a type of rice porridge), pike Amar, and htaung (a type of salad). Additionally, Kyungyi Island is home to some of the best seafood restaurants in Myanmar, so be sure to give them a try if you’re ever there!


In conclusion, I think Kyungyi Island is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a relaxing getaway. It has a lot to offer, including great beaches and beautiful scenery. The locals are friendly and welcoming, and the food is delicious. I recommend booking your trip now so you can enjoy all the attractions Kyungyi Island has to offer!


  1. Is Kyungyi Island Accessible By Plane?

Yes, Kyungyi Island is accessible by air from Bangkok or Krabi.

  1. What Is The Cost Of Traveling To Kyungyi Island?

The cost of traveling to Kyungyi Island depends on your location and route, but generally, it’ll be around USD150-200 per person.

  1. What Is The Height Of Kyungyi Island?

The height of Kyungyi Island ranges from sea level to around 300 meters, so it’s a great place to visit for all types of adventurers.

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