Lady Bird 2017 Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation



Lady Bird 2017 Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation


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This is a story about a lady bird named Lady Bird. The film was written and directed by Greta Gerwig.

The movie stars Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Lucas Hedges, Timothée Chalamet, and Beanie Feldstein. Lady Bird tells the story of Lady Bird Johnson and her experience as a young woman growing up through to adulthood.

Lady Bird 2017 Movie Meaning And Ending Explanation


The meaning of The Lady Bird is to never give up on your dreams and to always take the opportunity when it comes to coming together with your loved ones. This movie is all about family, love, and friendship. It shows that no matter who you are or what you have done in life, there’s always room for growth.

At the beginning of this film, Lady Bird is a young girl who is trying to figure out her place in the world. She’s exploring everything around her and always looking for new experiences. Through the course of this movie, Lady Bird clashes with many people after she decides to pursue her dreams of being a singer.

Her family and friends support her, but they also show her that there are many things she doesn’t know yet. In the mid of the film, Lady Bird becomes a young adult and finally achieves her dream. After this, she turns to look back on everything that has happened in the past and realizes that it was all worth it.

In the Lady Bird movie, Lady Bird tells her daughter about all of her adventures and how she’s grown as a person. She says that nothing is ever easy, but you have to do what you believe in no matter what people say or think. This movie is about the importance of never giving up on yourself and always staying true to who you are.

Near the climax of the movie, Lady Bird decides to pursue her music career. She clashes with her family and friends again, but they eventually support her. After she achieves success, she reflects on all of her experiences and tells her daughter about them.

Ending Explanation (Briefly)

Ending Explanation

The ending of the Lady Bird movie is very satisfying. Lady Bird’s daughter celebrates her mother’s success, and they both feel happy. This scene shows that anything is possible if you work hard enough for it. The Lady Bird movie is about a young woman named Lady Bird who struggles with her family and friends throughout her life.

She eventually decides to pursue her music career but clashes with them frequently. After she achieves some success, she tells her daughter about it. This scene is important because it shows that anything is possible if you put your effort into it. Her daughter learns that nothing is ever easy, but she should always pursue her dreams. The ending of the Lady Bird movie is very satisfying.

The Ending Of Lady Bird Compared To The Book, It Was Based On

Lady Bird is a 2017 American drama film written and directed by Greta Gerwig. It is based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Gerwig’s sister, Christine. The film stars Saoirse Ronan as Lady Bird, Laurie Metcalf as her mother Marion, Lucas Hedges as her brother Larry, and Timothée Chalamet as their classmate Patrick.

The film has received positive reviews from critics and was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture. While the book has a more positive ending, the film’s ending is also satisfying.

Reasons for Watching Lady Bird

The main reason someone might want to watch the Lady Bird movie is that it is a story about overcoming obstacles. This movie is full of emotional moments that will make you feel connected to the characters. Some other reasons people might want to watch this movie are:

  • To learn more about music career paths
  • To see an inspiring female character who overcomes many difficulties in her life
  • To see how family and friends can support each other

Characters performance

Saoirse Ronan (Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson) Performance

Saoirse Ronan

Lady Bird is an excellent character performance. Saoirse Ronan portrays her emotions flawlessly and effectively throughout the movie. She is able to show convincingly how frustrated Lady Bird can be at times while also portraying the joy she feels when things go well for her. Additionally, Ronan delivers a heartfelt performance in scenes where Lady Bird reflects on her life journey thus far.

Timothee Chalamet (Daniel “Lady Bird” Anderson) Performance


While not as impressive as Ronan’s, Timothee Chalamet does a fine job in his performance as Daniel Anderson. He convincingly portrays the emotions Daniel feels throughout the movie, from happiness to frustration. Additionally, he delivers an Oscar-worthy performance in scenes where he has to deliver a monologue. Overall, Chalamet does a good job in his portrayal of Daniel Anderson.

Best Scene

Best Scene

While there are many great scenes in the Lady Bird movie, one of the best is when Christine meets her father for the first time after he has been released from prison. The scene is emotional and heartfelt, and Chalamet delivers an excellent performance that makes it outstanding.

Laurie Metcalf (Marion McPherson) performance

Laurie Metcalf

While Laurie Metcalf doesn’t have a major role in the movie, her performance as Marion McPherson is good. She does a fine job in portraying the emotions Marion feels throughout the movie, from happiness to sadness. Additionally, she delivers excellent performance when she has to deliver a monologue. Overall, Metcalf does an adequate job in her portrayal of Marion McPherson.

Lois Smith (Sister Sarah Joan)

Lois Smith

Lois Smith is not a cast member in the movie, but her performance as Sister Sarah Joan is good. She portrays the emotions Sister Sarah feels throughout the movie, from happiness to sadness. Additionally, she does an adequate job when she has to deliver a monologue. Overall, Smith’s portrayal of Sister Sarah Joan is satisfactory. Best Scene

While there are many great scenes in the Lady Bird movie, one of the best is when Christine visits her hometown for the first time. The scene is emotional and heartfelt, and Saoirse Ronan delivers an excellent performance that makes it outstanding.


Overall, the Lady Bird movie is an emotional and inspiring story about a young woman who overcomes many obstacles in her life. If you want to learn more about music career paths, see an inspiring female character, or just enjoy some good old-fashioned storytelling, then this might be the movie for you.


1.What Happens at the End of Lady Bird?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it will depend on how viewers choose to interpret the ending. However, some possible interpretations could be that Lady Bird achieves her goals and goes off to college, or she continues to live in Sacramento and has a successful career.

2.What Is the Message Behind Lady Bird?

Lady Bird is a coming-of-age story about a young woman named Christine who is trying to figure out her place in the world. The film follows her as she moves from her childhood home in Sacramento to New York City and then back to Sacramento.

The message of the film is that it’s never too late to start your own journey and that you can find your purpose in life if you’re willing to search for it. Lady Bird also explores the power of friendship, family, and love.

3.Do Lady Bird and Kyle End Up Together?

Some possible interpretations could be that Lady Bird and Kyle end up together in the long term or that they break up but remain friends. However, it’s ultimately up to viewers as to how they interpret the ending.

4.Why Does Christine Go by Lady Bird?

There are a few possible explanations for why Christine goes by Lady Bird. One reason could be that her parents gave her that name when she was born. Another possibility is that she chose the name herself, and it has special meaning to her. Whatever the reason, it’s an interesting story, and it’s great that Christine is able to share it with us!

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