Les Trois Dames Island Everything You Need to Know



Les Trois Dames Island Everything You Need to Know


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A wild and unspoiled natural paradise,  Les Trois Dames Island attracts nature lovers and reminds us about the fragile ecological balance of our planet.

A stunning destination for travelers, it is also a premier eco-tourism site known for its rich biodiversity and diverse ecosystem.

If your wanderlust has been aroused by all of the talking about Les Trois Dames, you can finally turn this desire into reality with some practical tips that will help you explore the rich wildlife of the island.

All About Of Les Trois Dames Island

Les Trois Dames Island Everything You Need to Know


The island was first discovered by a group of French sailors in 1686. Named after the three ladies who fished there, it quickly became known as an idyllic spot for relaxation and recreation.

The island remained uninhabited until 1907, when a local couple built one of the first homes on its shores. In 1922 it was purchased by businessman Jean Drapeau and incorporated into his estate: today Les Trois Dames Island is officially part of the Montreal metropolitan area.

Les Trois Dames Island is a geologically young island, only about 11,000 years old. The landscape consists of rolling hills and dense forests punctuated by rocky outcrops and clear flowing water streams.

While the vegetation changes with the seasons, there are always plenty of charming spots to take in the natural beauty of Les Trois Dames Island.



Les Trois Dames Island is located in the Saint Lawrence River, about 25 km off the coast of Montreal. It covers an area of 1,819 hectares and is divided into three parts:

The eastern part contains a small town that has a few buildings dating back to 1907. The rest of Les Trois Dames Island is occupied by nature reserve and wildlife refuge, which makes it one of Quebec’s most important ecotourism destinations.



There are only about 200 permanent residents on Les Trois Dames Island, most of whom are employees of the Drapeau estate.

There is no supermarket or other stores on the island, so you’ll have to bring all your food and supplies with you.



The economy of Les Trois Dames Island is mainly based on tourism, with visitors coming to enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of the island.

Visitors can stay in cottages or inns located on the island, or they can camp out if they want to experience all it has to offer.

There are also a few small businesses that cater specifically to tourists, including an organic farm and a bakery.



The climate of Les Trois Dames Island is warm and humid, which means that it’s perfect for all types of outdoor activities.

The average temperature in May is 26°C, but can reach up to 32°C during the summer months. In the winter, temperatures can drop below 0°C on some days, so don’t forget your jacket!




There is very little culture on Les Trois Dames Island, which is mostly composed of nature reserves and wildlife refuges. However, there are a few quaint villages located on the island that you can explore if you’re interested in learning more about the local population.



The only language that is spoken on Les Trois Dames Island is French, although there are a few people who speak English.



There are no schools on Les Trois Dames Island, so children must either attend school in one of the nearby towns or countries, or they must travel to another island to attend school.



The politics of Les Trois Dames Island are completely independent, and the island has its own currency (the franc). In general, the crime rate of Les Trois Dames Island is low, but because it’s isolated from other islands and towns by oceans that stretch for miles around it, if perpetrators strike anywhere else on the island or in any nearby islands they will be difficult to trace. The military has never reached this small and inaccessible island located in a deep channel surrounded by large swaths of ocean.

Government Services

Government Services

There are no government services on Les Trois Dames Island, which means that residents must rely on the community to provide their needs. This includes things like healthcare, food and water supplies, education, and security.



Because Les Trois Dames Island is such a remote and inaccessible place, tourism is not really an option for residents or visitors.

However, if you’re interested in exploring the island’s natural beauty, there are a few designated hiking trails that you can explore.

The best time of year to visit Les Trois Dames is from May until October, when the weather is warm and sunny with a few showers in July and August.

Winter isn’t the best time to be on the island because there are no tours or activities taking place, and it can be very cold.

Note that winter closure dates for various attractions may vary each year, so please check before you go!



There are no major attractions on Les Trois Dames Island, but if you’re interested in learning more about the local population and their culture, browsing through the small villages located on the island is a great way to get acquainted with them.



Transport to and from Les Trois Dames Island is only possible by boat, so if you’re interested in visiting the island you’ll have to arrange transportation beforehand.



The cuisine on Les Trois Dames Island is based largely on seafood, which means that you’ll likely taste a lot of fish dishes.

There are also a few vegetables and fruits included in the diet, but don’t expect anything particularly unique or exotic.



While there is limited wildlife on Les Trois Dames Island, the greenery and natural beauty make it a great place to spot some of Canada’s native animals.

You might see deer, rabbits, squirrels, and other small mammals roaming around.


Stepping on the ferry to Les Trois Dames Island is like stepping back in time. For lovers of old architecture, the sun-bleached stone and wooden buildings that dot the island are very much like their great-grandparents. For those who believe in the mermaids lurking beneath the water, it is a place full of promise. All they need to do is keep their eyes peeled and pursue the feeling they get from stepping into this iconic setting.


1.How Can I Find A Place To Rent For The Time That I Am On The Island?

Ans: Finding a place to rent on the island can be difficult, but there are a few options available. One option is to search for rentals on websites like Airbnb and VRBO. These websites allow you to browse through a variety of properties that are available for rent. Another option is to contact landlords directly and inquire about their rental availability. If you are looking for a place to stay while you are on the island, it is important to find one that is comfortable and fits your needs. Make sure to ask about the amenities that are available, as well as the location and accessibility.

It is also important to be aware of the prices that are available and the terms and conditions that are associated with the rental. Some landlords may require a security deposit, while others may require you to pay monthly rent. It is also important to be familiar with the island’s laws and regulations, as some properties may be off-limits due to safety concerns.

2.How Long Does It Take To Get There By Boat?

Ans: It can take up to two hours to get to your destination by boat. Make sure to plan your trip accordingly and factor in traffic and other delays. You can also choose to take advantage of the various island hopping tours that are available, which will allow you to explore multiple destinations in a shorter period of time.

3.Where Should I Stay When I Go There?

Ans: There are a variety of options available when it comes to staying on the island. One option is to stay in a guesthouse or villa. These types of accommodations usually have a wide range of prices and amenities, making them ideal for those who want to enjoy all that the island has to offer. Another option is to stay in an Airbnb rental. These rentals usually come with some common features, such as access to WiFi and appliances like kitchenettes. It is important to be aware of the terms and conditions that are associated with each rental, as some may require a security deposit or a monthly fee.

4.Is There Anything Else That Will Be Useful To Me While On The Island Besides Food And Water?

Ans: Yes, there are a number of other things that you will need while on the island, such as sunscreen and insect repellent. Make sure to pack these items in case you decide to explore any of the various attractions that are available.

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