All About Of Lindquist Island – What You Need To Know To Travel



Lindquist Island


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Lindquist Island is a Canadian island located in the Strait of Georgia, approximately halfway between Vancouver and Victoria. It is uninhabited as of the 2011 census. Lindquist Island was first explored by Europeans on 28 November 1792, when Spanish explorer José María Narváez sailed into Burrard Inlet and sighted an island.

Its present name was given by George Vancouver on 13 November 1792, in honour of Anders Lindkvist, a Swedish naturalist who had assisted him in his voyages of exploration.

Lindquist Island History

Lindquist Island

Lindquist Island was visited frequently by Native people prior to the arrival of Europeans. A Mohawk village and a Haida encampment have been found on Lindquist island, as has evidence of long-term occupation by Coast Salish cultures.

The first European known to sight Lindquist Island was José María Narváez in November 1792 when he sailed into Burrard Inlet looking for what is now Vancouver. He named the island “Isla de la San Francisco” or “Island of Saint Francis”.



Lindquist Island has a marine temperate climate. The average annual temperature is 8.2 °C, and there are 138 days of precipitation annually.

According to Environment Canada the warmest month (January) is wet with an average high of 16 °C, while the coldest month (July) has an average low of 4 °C; records range from 0 in 1953 to 12 in 1955 (-22). The hottest temperature recorded was on 10 July 1898 when it reached 27.7 °C.


There is no public access to Lindquist Island, so the culture and history of this remote island remains unknown. However, there is archaeological evidence of native occupation such as campsites and artifacts. Local culture

Unusually for a Canadian island, Lindquist Island does not host any official residents. The remote island’s geography, isolation and sparse ecosystem makes Lindquist difficult to access by human means. Consequently, the indigenous Ettixit eklan have developed their own self-reliant culture.



Lindquist Island is administered by the Canadian Coast Guard and falls within the jurisdiction of Union Bay, a municipality on mainland British Columbia. The island has no permanent residents, so there is no government or municipal infrastructure present. In 2006,

Lindquist was designated as an Uninhabited National Wildlife Area to protect its ecology and endangered species. This area is also managed by the Canadian Coast Guard under Union Bay. Attractions

The island was extensively used during World War II as a navigation aid and refuelling station for Imperial Japanese Navy submarines operating in the Pacific Theatre.

Government services

Government services

There is no publicly accessible infrastructure on Lindquist Island, so all government services must be delivered by air or sea. There is no medical care, mail or telecommunication services.

Unusually for a Canadian island  Lindquist Island does not have its own airport; instead it has to be delivered via air by the DFO (Canada Coast Guard). The closest airport of any kind lies at Union Bay on Vancouver Island.



Lindquist Island is not currently open to the public. It should be noted that many of Lindquist Island’s mysteries and unearthly beauty have to do with the island’s isolation from other lands, as well as its inaccessibility.

In order to protect it against unscrupulous individuals who would want to exploit such a remote area for their own financial gains or make inappropriate claims on the land, The federal government requires all visitors wishing access had to apply through Environment Canada (formerly known as Parks Canada) at least two years in advance.



There is no transport infrastructure on Lindquist Island, so all visitors must arrive by air or sea. The closest airport of any kind to Lindquist Island lies at Union Bay on Vancouver Island. The Union Bay Airport is located approximately an hour by car from Lindquist Island.

The closest ferry service can be found on the Ucluelet to Tofino route, touted as perhaps North America’s most breathtaking ferry ride; this only 19-minute trip costs about C$28 for a one way ticket (Currently but fare $ 30 in 2008).



Lindquist Island is known for its exclusive wines, both made from local fruit and shipped oversees. Vegetarian food is also readily available on the island, though not all restaurants offer vegan options. The northern and southern parts of Lindquist Island also each have a small number of restaurants.


Rabbit Island, Coffin Bay Wildlife

Lindquist is teeming with wildlife. The island has been designated as a bird sanctuary and many interesting birds can be seen there, including the Northern Harpy Eagle, which occasionally nests on the island. Other mammals include bears, black-tailed deer, raccoons and skunks; turtles and crabs can also be found in abundance. Sustainable tourism

The island’s history is an important part of its culture and ecology. The island has been designated by the Canada Lands Company as “a unique area for preservation” due to its highly intact forest, extraordinary cliff escarpments and archaeological sites that provide evidence of early human occupation.

However, visitors are required to respect these areas both in their behaviour on Lindquist Island and off-island at home; a $150 fine was handed down to a tourist who set up camp on top of Errington Rock and entered government land during their stay.


What is Lindquist Island? Lindquist Island is a small atoll located in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, about two hundred kilometres southwest of the Californian coast. It is part of the Phoenix Islands Group and is administratively part of the United States.

Lindquist Island was first discovered by Captain Charles Wilkes on 8 August 1839 while he was surveying the area as part of his pursuit of the North Pacific navigator, Joshua Slocum.


1.What Is Lindquist Island’s Official Name?

Ans: Lindquist Island was named after Anders Lindkvist, a Swedish naturalist who had assisted Captain Charles Wilkes in his voyages of exploration.

2.How Big Is Lindquist Island?

Ans: Lindquist Island measures just 12 square kilometers (4.7 sq mi). It’s very small by world standards – compare it to the United Kingdom (UK), which is around 6,692 square kilometres (2,568 sq mi).

3.Where Is Lindquist Island?

Ans: Lindquist Island lies within the Strait of Georgia adjacent to Vancouver and Victoria in British Columbia, Canada; it’s about halfway between those cities. Spanning west-east across 4°54′ northern latitude has an area of just 0.13 km² (0.0426735 sq mi) whic Lindquist Island is approximately 3 nautical miles (6.06 km) wide.

4.How Far To The Nearest Land And What’s There?

Ans: The closest “landmass” is the Queen Charlotte Islands which are around 100 kilometres away from Lindquist Island, with a small portion of West Coast Trail in between them if you’re walking along the shoreline on this part of Vancouver island or Victoria Strait at low tide. There aren ‘t any neighbouring islands and islets.

5.Is Lindquist Island Above Water At All?

Ans: Lindquist Island is only about 3 nautical miles (6.06 km) wide at its widest point, but the shoreline varies from a few meters to 15 kilometres inland depending on landward winds and coastal influences.

The island currently hosts five small settlements including Port Lindcquist, one of four chartered towns whose primary purpose is recreation with approximately 900 permanent residents who are mostly drawn from Vancouver Islanders that work there as fisher folk .

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