Manlobi Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Manlobi Island


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Manlobi Island is a small and picturesque island located in the Eastern Caribbean Sea. It has a population of just over 900 people and is known for its white-sand beaches, crystal-clear water, and lush tropical vegetation. The island is also home to a number of small businesses, such as restaurants, bars, and handicraft shops. The island’s primary source of income comes from tourism, with visitors coming to enjoy its beautiful scenery and relax in its tranquil atmosphere.

Manlobi Island



Manlobi Island was first inhabited by the Taino people some 600 years ago. The island was then discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, and it passed into Spanish control shortly thereafter. It remained under Spanish rule until 1797 when it was acquired by the British Empire following the conclusion of the French Revolutionary Wars. The island remained a possession of Britain for over two centuries until independence movements throughout Caribbean countries led to its transfer to formally become


Manlobi Island is located in the Eastern Caribbean Sea, just north of St. Lucia. It measures approximately 8 square kilometers and is composed of a number of small islands connected by short bridges. The highest point on the island is Mount Livermore, which reaches an altitude of 203 meters.

The climate on Manlobi Island is tropical rainforest, with heavy rainfall throughout the year. temperatures typically range from 29°C during the daytime


The ecosystem of Manlobi Island is rich and varied. The island is home to numerous species of flora and fauna, including dolphins, turtles, iguanas, and hawks. There are also many different types of trees and plants, some of which are endemic to the island.

The economy of Manlobi Island is based on tourism. The primary attractions on the island are its natural resources and its scenic beauty. The island is also home to a number of small businesses that provide services related to tourism.


There is no definitive answer as to the population of Manlobi Island as it is a privately owned island. However, if we take into account that it covers an area of 1,510 hectares and has a population of just over 100 people, it can be estimated that the population is quite small.


The primary source of income on Manlobi Island is tourism. There are a number of small businesses that provide services related to tourism, and the island is also home to a number of guesthouses. The economy has been growing steadily in recent years, thanks in part to increased travel demand from tourists who are interested in experiencing natural resources and scenic beauty unique to the island.


The climate on Manlobi Island is tropical rainforest. The temperature typically ranges from 29°C during the daytime to 24°C at night. There is a lot of rainfall throughout the year, with an average of 900 mm falling per year.

Culture And Religion

There is no definitive answer as to the culture and religion of Manlobi Island as it is a privately owned island. However, it can be assumed that they are similar to those of the inhabitants of the nearby country Mali. It is also likely that there is a significant number of Malians living on the island, as tourism has become one of the primary sources of income for residents.


The languages spoken on Manlobi Island are English, a pidgin form of the Bajau language, and a few tribal languages. English is the primary language spoken on the island and is the language of business and education. Bajau is the pidgin language, which is the informal communication mode used between members of different tribes. The tribal languages are also spoken by a small minority of people on the island.


The education of Manlobi Island is quite diversified and covers a vast array of subjects. The following is a list of the most popular and relevant subjects that are offered in various schools on the Island:

  1. English Language
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science
  4. Social Studies
  5. Arts/Designs
  6. Agricultural Studies
  7. Computer Technology
  8. Business Administration
  9. Veterinary Medicine
  10. Law
  11. Health and Physical Education


There is no formal government on Manlobi Island, and its residents are self-governing. As a result, the political landscape of the island is highly fluid and subject to change.

Government Services

Residents of Manlobi Island must travel to the nearby country of Mali in order to access government services, such as health care and financial assistance.


Tourism is one of the primary sources of income for residents on Manlobi Island. As a result, it is important that tourists are aware of the island’s cultural and religious values, as well as its unique natural resources.

Hotels And Resorts List

Hotels And Resorts
Malibu Beach Inn Room #321 in Malibu, CA

There are no hotels or resorts on Manlobi Island.



There are no major attractions on Manlobi Island. However, its natural resources – including beautiful beaches and dense rainforest — make it an ideal destination for tourists interested in nature exploration.



There are no specific activities available on Manlobi Island. However, its lush rainforest and crystal-clear waters make it an excellent location for hiking, swimming, and fishing.


Residents of Manlobi Island must travel to the nearby country of Mali in order to access government services, such as health care and financial assistance. As a result, there is no reliable public transport infrastructure on the island.


Residents of Manlobi Island typically rely on local ingredients to cook their food. As a result, the cuisine is highly diverse and features many unique flavors.


Manlobi Island is a remote and self-governing island located in the Gulf of Guinea. Its residents are primarily subsistence farmers who rely on tourism as their primary source of income. There are no formal government services available on the island, so its political landscape is highly fluid and subject to change.


What Is The Population Of Manlobi Island?

There is no specific information available on the island’s population. However, it is estimated that the total number of residents may be as few as 100 people, or as many as 2000 people.

How Large Is Manlobi Island?

Manlobi Island measures approximately 24 square kilometers in size.

What Is The Currency Of Manlobi Island?

Manlobi Island’s official currency is the CFA franc.

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