Mata Island



Mata Island


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Mata Island is a haven for nature lovers. The island features lush vegetation, crystal-clear water, and white sand beaches that are perfect for swimming and sunbathing. Mata Island is also home to several endangered animals, such as the Indian cheetah and the Asiatic lion. The island has a diverse ecology that is home to a wide range of birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. The climate on Mata Island is temperate, with seasonal changes that can be quite extreme. Make Mata Island your next destination and enjoy the natural wonders that this island has to offer!

Mata Island


Mata Island is one of the many uninhabited islands in Indonesia. The island was first discovered by Europeans in the early 17th century, and it wasn’t until 1817 that an expedition led by Rear Admiral Thomas Brisbane charted its shores. Since then, Mata Island has been a popular spot for sailors and adventurers who seek solitude and natural beauty.

Today, Mata Island is a tourist destination that combines nature with luxury. Visitors can relax on the white sand beaches or explore the lush rainforest ecosystems that make up much of the island’s interior terrain. There are also several hiking trails to explore, plus a scuba diving excursion and snorkeling tours that can be arranged. Mata Island deals in exotic wildlife products such as bird nests, tortoiseshells and lempu turtles – the latter is worth seeking out by many visitors who travel to this island for its reptilian residents!


Mata Island has a temperate climate that can be quite extreme. The island experiences two seasons – the wet and dry season. During the wet season, rainfall is heavy, which causes rivers to overflow their banks and cause flooding on the island. This occurs from late May until early November. During the dry season, rainfall is sporadic and generally less than during the wet season. However, temperatures are much higher during this time of year due to sunshine reaching the island more intensely due to lower cloud cover overhead. Annual averages range from a high of 36 degrees Celsius in January to a low of 23 degrees Celsius in April.

Flora and Fauna

There are approximately 500 bird species that have been spotted on Mata Island, compared to the number of mammals islands such as Socorro (21) and Palmyra Atoll (33). There is a large diversity of plant life in tropical ecosystems throughout Mata Island’s jungle areas. The island also has more than 900 flowering plants apart from its natural environment found typically unique green herbs specimens which can be used for medicines by local indigenous people living on the island or are harvested for their medicinal properties.


Mata Island is home to the world’s second-oldest surviving human community, which resides on the north coast of the island where shell middens and cave paintings dating back over 12,000 years have been found. The original inhabitants of Mata Island were hunter-gatherers who supplemented their diet with fruit bats that roost in caves on the island. A final influx of Asian settlers introduced domestic animals and farm equipment.

There are numerous myths surrounding the island that seem to have been formed over time; one of those is Mata: One fact many people find hard to believe is that they do not speak in a standardised way, but at least rely on a different word for every letter of their alphabet (sort-of like in English!).


Mata Island has always been a hotbed of politics. Whether it be the internal squabbles of the ruling party or the proxy wars between neighbouring states, the island never fails to ignite the interest of its people. In this article, we will be discussing some of the major political events that have transpired on Mata Island over the years. We will also provide a brief overview of some of the key players and their involvement in these events. So, whether you are interested in learning more about Mata Island’s political landscape or just want to stay ahead of the curve, read on!

Government services

The government of Mata Island is a constitutional monarchy with Christian democratic principles. The current monarch, His Majesty King George VI, is the head of state and represented by the governor-general. The unicameral parliament has 111 seats, elected in single-member constituencies using first-past-the-post voting. Political parties are not allowed in elections and all candidates run as independents.

The economy

The island’s main source of revenue comes from tourism, which accounts for around 30% of GDP and employs more than half a million people across the farming, fishing and hospitality sectors. Other major industries include pearling, tourism, marine engineering and sponge fishing. In addition to these four sectors that make up the core of Mata’s economy there is an extensive network of small scale businesses in rural areas such as travel agencies, restaurants or workshops.



From year-round sun seekers to budget travellers, Mata Island has something for everyone. With its unspoiled beaches, crystal clear waters and lush jungles, the island is a natural paradise. Its many attractions – from rainforest tours to world-famous dive sites – make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Some of Mata Island’s top highlights include the stunning Iloilo City, home to centuries old churches and opulent palaces; Stonehenge; the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Mayon; and the idyllic white sand beaches of Puerto Princesa National Park.

There’s plenty of other things you can discover about this fascinating tropical spot, for example the politics and traditions behind its culture. After all it was named after St Mary Magdalene by a Spanish-speaking priest from Encomienda in 1646! You will be able to see how vibrant tradition is alongside modern life through visits to local markets where cock fighting continues as one popular sport and stories are told around roosters that have been woken up at night with gunshots.



Getting to Mata Island is easy. Air travel is readily available with several domestic and international carriers serving Iloilo City. Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific and Asiana are some of the major airlines that operate regular scheduled services from Manila, Cebu City, or Seoul in South Korea to Iloilo City.

You can also reach Mata by boat arriving at either La Paz Port or Puerto Princesa’s Northern Harbor. The busiest times for arrivals into these ports are during the summer months (May–October) when tours organise ferries from many parts of Visay as and Luzon with the number of tourists arriving from Taiwan, Korea and China increasing.

The majority of passengers travelling to Mata are domestic travellers coinciding with summer holidays and weekends respectively but many foreigners manage to put in an appearance during fair weather throughout the year.


Mata Island is a fascinating destination for those looking for an authentic and natural experience. The numerous activities on offer, such as hiking, biking, birdwatching or simply relaxing on the beach will have you entertained all day long. Alternatively there are plenty of nightlife options to choose from if you need something more active after dark.


Are There Any Specific Recommended Places To Visit Or Activities I Should Do While On The Island?

Visiting Pico Island and Palanan. Hiking in Sta Cruz and Macajalar Bay is also a great option.

Is There A Curfew On The Island?

There is no curfew on Mata Island but it’s advisable to abide by the local laws and regulations.

Can I Drink Alcohol On The Island?

As long as you are respectful of local laws and regulations, drinking alcoholic beverages is allowed.

What Denominations Of Currency Are Accepted On The Island?

The main currency is the Philippine peso, but other currencies like US dollars and euros can also be used.

Do I Need Any Type Of Visa To Visit The Island?

There is no visa requirement for visitors from countries such as Australia, Canada, China, France, South Korea and Taiwan. However passports must be valid for at least six months after your intended departure from the Philippines.

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