Monsters Inc. Storyline and Short Reviews



All About Of Monsters Inc. Storyline and Short Reviews


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Monsters, Inc. is a Pixar production that premiered in 2001. It follows the exploits of a small team of monsters who work for an evil corporation called S.S.C., specializing in monsters and kids. The story is set around Mike Danowski, a little guy who works for the company as its mailroom assistant, with James P. “Solley” Sullivan (voice by John Goodman) as his co-worker and rival at the office.

The Monstresses is an anthology of four science fiction short stories by Laurence Sudama. The first story, “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” was published in 1949 and was the source for the movie Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941).

All About Of Monsters Inc. Storyline and Short Reviews

All About Of Monsters Inc. Storyline and Short Reviews

Mike Danowski

Mike Danowski

Son of Sully’s before he was born. His mother had a human woman friend, who died when Mike Danowski was just an unborn fetus in her belly. This may cause his not being around children with his full potential (Mike is 8 inches tall). When Mike comes to work at Monsters Inc., Solley picks on him for it. The only one who tries to help him is Boo after she sees how much fun kids has Boo?

A little girl who loves going to Monsters Inc. She used to live with Solley before his mom moved out (he’s an alcoholic). Boo is sweet but a little crazy sometimes – especially when she doesn’t get her way, for example at the Cake Cafe/Sean and Deannie Bar that night.

James P. Sullivan

James P. Sullivan

Sully is a seven-foot tall ‘monster’ – i.e., an evil toad monster who can turn invisible and have super-human strength and speed, as well as extrasensory perception of sound/movement. He’s also obsessed with Solley (they are coworkers), but sulks because he doesn’t get credit for the things that Mike does so well; this makes him sometimes act brusquely towards Solley in public, but he’s always secretly (or sometimes not so secretly) envious of Mike. Solley’s partner at the Monsters Inc.

Randall Boggs

Randall Boggs

Solley’s younger and more human brother (for now). He loves comic books (one of his favorites is called “Chew”), but he always comes in second to Solley. Randall becomes a rat to get away from the evil scientist who created him.



Wearing a lab coat (they often dress in pajamas or University outfits), Roz is the ‘career track’ worker who will leave the screams of small children behind. She’s known to be bored and hates it, but she likes her job too much to quit or slow down at anything so major. Hoffer Wolfe

Despite his name and appearance, he’s a nice guy who enjoys going to the bar with Solley in between shifts until Mike goes off.

Deena Hyman

She works at the Monsters Inc. as well, but she helps soothe small children after their nightmares are over for them (when Drink Crow explains about her job). Deena likes making friends and getting outdoors once in a while – even if it is frantic and out-of-place among the other employees. She also has a very kind heart, but this is often not so easy to notice about her as she seems intensely driven as well.



She works in the intensive care unit at Hedgesville Hospital, and is secretly an evil woman who enjoys having a sudden burst of power once she’s had enough rest. Celia burns stuff when she can’t because it makes her feel powerful; this behavior leads to Drink Crow temporarily eliminating her as an employee (forcing her to be released back into normal society) before Gidden kidnaps him and returns his serum-induced demonic nature upon himself.

Henry J. Water noose III

Henry J. Water noose III

He is an attorney at the Monsters Inc. Inc, and a good one besides that he’s also known to be kind-hearted, but he sees friendship as nothing more than for some reason or other “a waste of time”. He has no siblings who are helping him with anything; all his life was spent working under his father (who died) until now when Mike took over.

Monsters, Inc. Storyline

Devils, Inc. is coming to get them – but nothing will stop Solley and Mike! In this series we meet the monsters that work at Monsters, Incorporated in a very original way of telling their story instead as bit-players cheating or being bribed by other characters: with each episode they’re central characters who are brought together temporarily for one task until it’s time to go separate ways once again.


This kind of storytelling keeps the story from becoming dull and keeps it from taking places at the same place over and over again, which allows for many unexpected tropes – not to mention this is also a very cool way of presenting different kinds of monsters. The twins as well are in a funny sort of-bromance thing which only makes their dynamic more interesting because now there’s even less being worked about between Solley & Mike than before, making them even closer together.

Mike Danowski (voiced by John Goodman), a new monster at Monsters, Inc. since the film. His main contribution is his ability to bring back other monsters that have disappeared without Mike knowing about it—Solley takes this for granted and does not realize how important he’s become until another of their old friends disappears with no explanation whatsoever shown in the series…Dopey (who loses all memory of his time at Monsters, Inc. with Mike and Solley while they are absent).

How the Story goes?

Mike is a new monster at monsters’ ink and he seems to be the “Solley’s” apprentice or sidekick. He has blue hair, but when Thing opens Mike in his belly which shows him that moves around inside of him (his stomach), Mike has yellow hands on both sides of his tummy with purple feet poking out from between two large circles on either side while he wonders what they were thinking by letting them face into each other. At the end of “Monsters Inc.” Mike opens (his belly) and talks about where things are going to go from here for his new friends.

Merry Possum offers a cake, which Mike eats but then scolds him that Dr. Hectare is just making sure these monsters get back to normal after being in their monster state too long without food or water—he goes on further explaining that Solley was too worried about the balloons not working that he didn’t see it or notice what was going on.

The story then shows Mike (in black and blue striped pajamas) eating pop tarts thanks to the alarm clock in his room with a note saying “GO TO SLEEP NOW, THIS IS ALL STUPID!” handwritten on top of an error message downstairs from Solley. He says there’s nothing wrong with him but continues to eat more Pop.

Finishing of Monsters, Inc.

Finishing of Monsters, Inc.

Solley and Mike have been in their monster state for three days now. They realize that Boo has gone missing, which could be dangerous yet maybe it is good since they can go back to being normal again if she doesn’t show up any time soon (it turns out later on in the movie that this was a lie).

Solley then realizes they need to talk with Drs. Hartery & Perkins so he takes them all by boat all the way back to Monsters, Inc. in order for them to check up on Mike and Boo again since they’ve been gone a little over three days now.

Mike wakes up very sore & stiff which he says takes forever because he feels like everything is ‘wrenching’. Solley finds him bruised & bloated-looking so opens his belly as soon as “no outside mutant business” (as Mike explains in this disgusting moment).

He quickly realizes that he’s shrunken down way to small which is extremely obvious seeing how Mike can’t even fit in the door (in actuality it was his shrinking as a human and not being more like one but this scene proves otherwise). He goes on further explaining what happened, saying they were kidnapped by Boo and part of Perry.

Monsters, Inc. Reviews

Monsters, Inc. Reviews

“In “Monsters Inc.,” John Lasseter has returned to the formula of Pixar’s classic shorts by way of his early experiences at Disney, where he worked as an animator on short films including 1937’s Dumbo; 1953’s Cinderella; and 1961’s 101 Dalmatians. As a result, we again get ambitious sequences that are both energized by new technology but also have their own distinct pace.”

Far from universally panning Monsters Inc. some reviewers enjoyed the film and others didn’t; many agreed that it had a lot of heart with good themes: The idea of falling in love or friendship, even if you’re recognized as different…the bravery to take new chances while remaining human…

But overall, they seemed to agree Monsters. In is way too CGI heavy for its own good. It’s not that there isn’t anything a child can learn here:

  • The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported an 86% approval rating for the film, based on 212 reviews collected. The site’s consensus reads: “Monsters Inc. benefits from a genuinely charming script and fantastic animation that captures the humor of its source material while providing enough suspense and thrills to keep young moviegoers interested”. Metacritic gave it an average score of 72 out of 100, based on 39 critics’ reviews with mixed.
  • Despite its positive reception Monsters Inc. performed extremely well at the box office, earning a worldwide $349 million in revenue and making it one of Pixar’s most successful films to date. It ranks as the twelfth highest-grossing film of 2001 out of an estimated 100 released that year; behind Steven Spielberg’s “A.I.”, Gérard Depardieu, Renée Zellweger, et al.’s “Cider House.



“Monsters Inc.” received several nominations for various awards, including: Best Animated Feature Film of the Year at both and Scream fest; Best Original Song (“It’s About Time”) from Soundtrack at the 76th Academy Awards (though it did not win); “Monster’s University”, a prequel to this film that came out in 2013 grossed 489 million dollars compared to its predecessor 663 million Dollar sales (as of February 2015).

What People Like About Monsters, Inc?

What people like about Movie Monsters Inc. is the pleasant, charming and fun world it creates for children to live in. Children relate more with monsters than humans because no one knows their secrets but them (they share a special bond), so naturally they tend to spend time hiding away from other kids except Solley who was supposed of torturing Mike.

Parents find great love in the comedy and creativity of “Monsters University” The cleverness and sheer imagination that has gone into creating characters like Mike Danowski, Randall Boggs, Boo Ailette and even Solley the monster’s father James Sullivan. These characters complement each other well by giving these kids a sense of family in their world filled with scary monsters who are around every corner trying to scare them away from the door one more time.

What People Don’t Like Like About Monsters, Inc?

The slightly slow story at the start of this movie. In conclusion, what people don’t like about Monsters Inc is that it was a little boring for older kids such as 10–11 years old as well monotonous and repetitive at times since there were not many twists in the storyline however some younger children may love this because they can see themselves going to college just like Mike Wazowski. The movie’s marketing slogan was “Why do you wanna be a bad monster? You don’t!”. The tagline for the film is “Some monsters are scarier than others”.

Final Thought

Overall, people seem to like the humor in Monsters, Inc. and how it makes children feel comfortable and special. Younger kids may enjoy watching the movie because of its monotonous effects; however older children can see themselves going to college just like Mike Wazowski which gives them a little more hope for their future.

In the ending tagline of “”Monsters, Inc.””, it shows that “The end isn’t just a beginning”. The movie makes you go and think about what the real meaning of this tagline means after one watches the whole film. It is not shown exactly in which way Mike goes to college but somehow believes he himself has gone to college by remembering Lorax’s words such as.


1.What Is It Like To Work At A Theme Park?

Ans: So, you could be an Imagineer of “Monsters Inc.”. How did they make the monsters come to life?

How much money do movie and TV stars get paid? Also what are some things that we can look forward to in the next few years being with George Clooney; Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie among other celebrities whom have been together for over 10-year now which is unprecedented.[citation needed].

2.What Are The Benefits Of Going To A Theme Park?

Ans: There are many benefits to going to a theme park. Some of the benefits include:

  • It can be a fun and exciting experience for the whole family.
  • It can be a great way to spend time with friends.
  • It can be an excellent way to relax and destress.
  • It can help relieve stress and anxiety.

3.How Many Children Do Monsters Have In Real Life And How Many Do They Have In The Movie “Monsters, Inc.”?

There are thousands of children that have the same silliness and imagination just like those kids in “Monsters, Inc.”.

4.If You Could Be Any Character From Monsters, Inc., Who Would It Be And Why?

Ans: If I could be any character from Monsters, Inc., it would have to be Mike because all the other characters were simply exaggerated. On top of that, there are also new more unthinkable plush toys available as well as even a disneyland ride which is being developed called “Monsters Inc attraction“, and on top of that, not only does this movie inspire children but it motivates adults in their thought process opening up doors for excellent ways to incorporate.

5.What Is One Thing That Would Make Working At A Theme Park Better?

Ans: Other than incorporating the idea of being able to bring your children, one thing that would make working at a theme park better is allowing employees leave right after lunch or before dinner. This can be due to obtaining overtime pay because if you spend an hour more than 5 hours then they will just let you go without getting paid extra money even though it takes only twenty minutes until their break time which in fact people don’t get paid for taking breaks and meeting times.

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