My Neighbor Totoro Meaning and Ending 



My Neighbor Totoro Meaning and Ending 


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My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The film is about two young sisters, Satsuki and Mei, who move to the countryside with their father in order to escape from the pollution of the city.

However, they find that life in the country isn’t as idyllic as they had hoped, especially when they befriend a large talking cat and a mysterious forest spirit. Totoro means cat in Japanese. It is a reference to a real cat that lived in the protagonist’s neighborhood. This cat was often seen near a flower bed, and would pretend to be an imaginary friend of the children.

My Neighbor Totoro Meaning and Ending 

My Neighbor Totoro Movie Meaning

“Totoro” is the Japanese translation of Cat while also referencing how much Satsuki’s cat sitting with her as a child. Japanese name: Totoro Meaning: My Neighborhood Cat. The reason why this movie is remembered by the world today and has many kids like kids adoring it.

It took us characters known in one way or another but made them so much dearer to a generation of kids even now, 17 years later.  Within its short length there was an entire story about getting stronger together for two sisters and their father on the journey towards finding answers hidden in their own eyes.

The lessons learned from a family and friends who had to face many trials, but persevered through friendship and being tolerant of differences.  I thought this was one of the best animated films ever made as well as Hayao Miyazaki’s second greatest film all in all that I saw before watching it at least 10 times seeing its meaning within so many different ways.

During my blackberry days (old school) it got me into deeper messages than other animated films and to this day the lesson of these characters in spirit testifies to people all over the world that even though we aren’t physically related by blood but our questions about life and death thrown against each other is a band for us all.

Magical Vibes

This movie can be best described using words as magical, jampacked with good vibes, mystical, colorful (atmosphere), mysterious etc… such an out of body feeling like walking through a wonderland, the characters are so real you feel like you have traveled with them through this movie.

Director Gore Taniguchi’s work on Bambi, My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away was passionate as well as detailed in lenses, use of color (red: Matsuo Takeya from Studio Ghibli), dance celebration scenes etc. …. many bad words could best explain what Miyazaki went for when he was recording the film in his mic so he would have better comments on other animated projects and what it felt like to make this movie.

Speaking of which, Hayao Miyazaki Monogastric could feel that even if you were listening to him while creating or editing a film it was hilarious at times to see some animation teams became worried when they knew something special might be happening around them as if spooked by their own creativity although they were making a TV series for kids.

More to know

We can also see the madness (ha ha) of people in this animation team coming from many years experienced on other works but including no doubt some who were unfamiliar by themselves with how to make movies such as Kenji Otsuka and Yuri nor stein. Many names I heard about others behind the scenes or not and personally praised but never seen again because virtually each scene seems like you are witnessing master.

We could even see a master work in this movie hardly is made as simple game but used to make you feel alive during every scene: The 100 voice actors with each one trying they best part of themselves because usually only some few managed to be memorable and there are many characters so well played by them.

Once again, we must realize that if they would have had more time the scope over adding details may have been bigger than these characters have, their backgrounds more diverse and the music better. Moreover, they are not dressed as in other movies along time work of Miyazaki animated which is like a velvet touch that moves you and fill your emotions.

But this movie was made clearly with comical values but also has some subtle moments we never see each other’s show before about humanity being serious for good or evil; sometimes it’s hard to understand what is really happening but at least we can trust from the gentle sincerity of our characters.

Miyazaki’s latest movie is simply fun and beautifully animated full of beautiful colors. It has great storytelling, mystery, emotions and humor not to mention those 2 live-action children actors playing their parts well with a good impression for little future directors in the field or other movies wanting to make something different from regular hackwork.

I personally recommend you to see this movie as I would do it whatever your age or interest, because let yourself here a fresh surprise from the genius artist who is exactly moving away his point of view thanks for all those years made us admire him so much!

My Neighbor Totoro Ending explanation

My Neighbor Totoro Ending explanation

Douglas says this movie is a fantasy, and tells us: “You know how they put two of everything in Manhattan to make it appear that there’s someone living at every corner?” This is meant to be funny. It implies something completely different from what the book itself advices us so honestly; Miyazaki films are always enjoyable but sometimes with sad ending or tragic end especially if you take the mood seriously!

As well every single work makes a parallelism with our daily lives and problems as people, in a real world we live day by day chasing things that make more sense to us rather than living balanced mentally. I want you enjoy this movie but also let yourself deep inside its magic.

In the end of my neighbor Totoro Douglas states “Daisies bloom on distant hillsides, here where no one is”. Douglass being so skeptical about the end of the movie will be totally brainwashed by the kids’ experience in this film but we all need to make a word at last with honesty. The ending reading like any other Miyazaki cartoon is beautiful and touching but could have more message since it fits perfectly not only for child’s psyche as said Douglas.

Happy Ending

The happy end of this adventure is full of meaning and message as every other Miyazaki’s film; when the two children reach their home, they find a little boy trying to protect his mom from cat. “What are you doing here?” The mother surprised answers. “I’m so glad to see that my Totoro has returned”.

As if in dreams we can feel the energy published on screen (iChat, Dace Agree!)  when the mother remark about Totoro’s return, we feel something this film has … waiting. If is true that Miyazaki tells his stories to children and it seems he wants us adults would never want these adventures to end by seeing so obvious a happy ending (Hege human no Zuni – Kindness of Humans, 1998) I can’t help but sighing in sorrow; this shows once again who knows better on what matters movie.

Why Should You Watch My Neighbor Totoro?

Inspired by the film formula of Spirited Away (2001). The director Hayao Miyazaki said that Totoro is his “spiritual successor”.  May it mean other movies related to Japan’s most famous animation feature. Douglas, our skeptic neighbor and critic about animated films, will end in tears calming himself with this happy scene but also had a role on making us enjoy this adventure. He gets used by children being moved so deeply.

Despite its petite size and childish art direction, My Neighbor Totoro is packed with interesting themes that may well be new for older audience. Has the saddest but also profound ending thematically from Miyazaki film: a mother happy to find her son alive or any other movie. The world has been daring these couple of years so why calm ourselves watching an old children tale? Chichi Dace Agree!

Final Thought

If you decide to watch My Neighbor Totoro, be ready for an adventure! Don’t expect a sophisticated film which talk about themselves but with plenty of action. It’s a precious memory for every single one of us. Chichi Dace Agree!! My Neighbor Totoro from IMDB What did you think of My Neighbor Totoro? Leave me a comment and share with your friends! Follow my blog if you want for more posts about animation, Japan and Manga.


1.What’s The Film All About?

Ans: Abuna Kesha (“Strange Beast”) is a compassionate and beautiful nature lover who works as an environmental engineer. He lives in Masahiro with his wife Satsuki, their daughter Mei and son Gore (called Totoro by the family). They live in peaceful condition until one day they are visited by 新 Nyanja – new neighbor woman Kimie Fujikawa. She asks them.

2.Lowest Rated Film To Reach 1 Billion Views Online. What Is The Quality Of This Film?

Ans: My Neighbor Totoro, a Japanese animated movie consists in 2 seasons and 26 full length episodes that contain 116 minutes long each with no less than one hour per episode.

3.Who Created My Neighbor Totoro?

Ans: The film is directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki. What’s the story behind this amazing animated family man? My Neighbor Totoro tells a bittersweet tale about loving, losing and searching for happiness in If one day you decide to watch My Neighbor Totoro, let me know if your impression.

4.How Old Was Hayao Miyazaki When He Wrote And Directed The First Movie About My Neighbor Totoro?

Ans: In September 18, 1941 Miyazaki was born as Hayao Miyazaki in Kamakura City which is located on the southwestern tip of Japan and also a distant western suburb to Tokyo. Hayao has been made his debut Movie at the age when he’s 21 years old, so My Neighbor Totoro was written and directed around than 77-year-old man by then after live long enough 3 decades or more age.

5.What Happened To The Characters In The Movies About My Neighbor Totoro?

Ans: Unlike in many other animated family man movies they live together Forever even if child died, except childhood crises like a little sister (meh) and the secret of the mole is gone forever after.

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