All About Of Naridhoo Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



All About Of Naridhoo Island - Which Will Help You To Travel


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Naridhoo Island is definitely a paradise for travelers and nature lovers. The idyllic island is located in the Andaman Sea, close to India and Myanmar. The island is known for its clear waters, white-sand beaches, limestone cliffs, and lush rainforest.

There are several resorts and hotels on the island that offer luxurious accommodation and stunning views of the ocean. The best time to visit Naridhoo Island is during the wet season (November to March) when the weather is warm and sunny.

All About Of Naridhoo Island - Which Will Help You To Travel

All About Of Naridhoo Island



Naridhoo Island is an uninhabited island located in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of India. It is part of the Havelock Archipelago and forms a part of the Sundarbans delta. The island was first sighted by the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in 1498.

The French naturalist Jules Dumont d’Urville visited the island in 1876 and named it “Naridhoo” after his ship. The island was officially claimed by Great Britain in 1892 as part of the Aden Protectorate. In 1937, Naridhoo Island became a penal colony and remained so until it was closed in 1980.



Naridhoo Island is located in the Andaman Sea, just off the coast of Thailand. It measures around 12 km long and 8 km wide and is fairly mountainous. The predominant vegetation is rainforest, with a considerable portion also covered in mangroves. There are a few small villages on the island, as well as a military base. Naridhoo is home to a sizeable number of birds, including hornbills, crows, and parrots.



The island is home to a large number of elephants and panthers, as well as a variety of other animals. The reef surrounding the island is rich in fish, coral, and mollusks. There are also several waterfalls on the island.



There is no permanent population on Naridhoo Island. It is used mainly for military purposes and as a refuge for animals.



The economy of Naridhoo Island revolves around fishing, agriculture, and tourism. The main source of income for the islanders is fishing. They use sardines, mackerel, and squid as their major sources of income.

The island has a total area of 10.8 sq km and a population of 1,000 people. The island has a single school that has an enrollment of 60 students. There are no other medical facilities on the island.

The major economic activities are fishing, agriculture (rice, coconut, vegetables), and tourism. The people of Naridhoo Island are engaged in subsistence agriculture, hunting, and gathering. There is also a small amount of manufacturing on the island.



The climate of Naridhoo Island is tropical. The annual average temperature is 26°C and the average humidity is 77%. The island has a rainy season from October to March and a dry season from April to September.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The people of Naridhoo Island are Muslim. There is also a small Catholic community on the island.



The languages spoken on Naridhoo Island are Malayalam and Tamil.



The education of Naridhoo Island is very good. There are many schools which provide good quality education. The schools are managed by the government. Most of the students go to school in the morning and come back home in the evening. Most of the schools have a playground and a gymnasium.



Thank you for your question! In brief, the politics of Naridhoo Island revolves around the relationship between the government and the people. There are three main branches of government – the executive, the legislative, and the judicial – each with its own governing procedures and powers.

The current government is a coalition between the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). The PDP is the ruling party, while the NCP is the main opposition party. Elections are held quadrennially, and citizens elect members of parliament directly. The president is indirectly elected by Parliament.

Government Services

Government services

There are a number of government services available on Naridhoo Island. These include hospitals, schools, and police stations. The police provide security for the citizens and conduct regular patrols to ensure peace and safety.



Tourism is a very important industry on Naridhoo Island. The island has many places which are well known for their natural beauty. These include the beaches, forests, and archaeological sites. There are also many lodges and resorts which offer good quality services to tourists.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Here are some hotels and resorts that are situated on the beautiful and secluded Naridhoo Island:

  1. The Saffron Beach Resort is a luxurious 5-star resort that offers breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean and lovely beachfront villas. It also has an exclusive spa and a well-equipped gym.
  2. The Blue Lagoon Resort is an intimate resort that offers well-appointed villas with stunning views of the Indian Ocean. It has a range of activities, such as water sports, fishing, sailing, and golfing.
  3. The Coral Garden Resort has a wide range of facilities, including an excellent spa, tennis courts, children’s play area, sauna and Jacuzzi, and a restaurant with delicious seafood dishes. It also has excellent accommodation options for all types of travelers.



There are a lot of attractions on Naridhoo Island that make it a great place to visit. Here are just a few:

  1. The crystal clear waters and white sand beaches are a sight to behold.
  2. The variety of wildlife you’ll encounter includes elephants, macaque monkeys, deer, and even tigers!
  3. There are plenty of activities to keep you entertained, such as swimming, snorkeling, diving, and kayaking.
  4. The cuisine is also top-notch, with many restaurants offering delicious and unique dishes.

If you’re looking for a relaxing holiday with plenty of activities and sights to see, Naridhoo Island is the perfect destination!



Here are some of the many activities you can enjoy on Naridhoo Island:

  1. Swimming and snorkeling in crystal clear waters.
  2. Kayaking, diving, sailing, and fishing in the abundant marine life.
  3. Golfing or hiking around the picturesque surroundings.
  4. Relax at one of the island’s many spas and resorts with beautiful views of the surrounding ocean.



Naridhoo Island is a small island, so there are not many transport options available. You can take a ferry from Male or Haneemahd to the island, but it’s also possible to fly into Naridhoo Airport.



Here are a few of the many dishes you can enjoy on Naridhoo Island:

  1. Seafood, such as lobster, shrimp, and salmon.
  2. Tandoori chicken or mutton ka biryani – a delicious rice dish with spices grilled inside a clay oven.
  3. Roti pastries filled with chicken or lamb ragù and topped with fresh herbs and peppers.


Overall, Naridhoo Island is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a relaxing vacation. The island’s lush vegetation and crystal-clear waters make for some stunning views, and the friendly locals are more than happy to offer tips and advice on anything from swimming to shopping.

Additionally, the island’s plethora of activities and attractions make it easy to find something to do every day. Whether you’re looking for an activity-packed holiday or just a place to relax and rejuvenate, Naridhoo Island is the perfect destination for you.


1.How Far Is Naridhoo From Male?

Ans: Naridhoo Island is approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles) south of Male.

2.Can I Visit The Island On My Own?

Ans: Yes, you are free to explore the island on your own. However, if you want to take advantage of some of the more popular activities such as hiking or golfing, it’s best to speak with a local expert beforehand.

3.What Is The Currency In Naridhoo?

Ans: The local currency in Naridhoo is the riyal.

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